Chapter Twenty Three

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I woke up and already Ashton was awake sitting in the corner drinking a cup of tea I think, I looked to the other sleeping bag where Elijah was and see he was not there, everything from last night came back to me and quickly I sat up hoping to god that nothing bad happened while I slept "His gone to get some food" Ashton speaks from the corner of the room but it was tense, I was guessing he too didn't forget about what happened last night by him being in a horrible mood. I stand up and head to the fire where a pot of tea was brewing, I pour myself a cup and add a bit of milk and sugar, thanks to Elijahs portals he used, he found some milk and sugar last night before the whole awkward uhm conversation knowing I didn't like tea without it. Once done and the warm cup was tightly in between my palms. I sit down next to Ashton on the floor, he was definitely mad just by the way he was clenching the cup tight where I thought he would accidently smash it any second between his tight grip "Ashton are you ok?" I ask taking a sip of my drink and feeling the sensation of heat run down my throat. Ashton didn't answer me he just continued to stare in the distance "Ashton look I know you think I am your destined partner or whatever but you don't love me its just because you think I am supposedly your soul mate and its just not true, I mean look at you compared to me I am just..."Before I could finish what I was saying Ashton throws his cup against the wall smashing it into small pieces, he then turns to me his eyes blazing black with those red swirls, he then gently grabs the back of my head and pulls me into his face, he doesn't say anything instead he just kisses me like he never kissed me before. Everything inside me burned in passion, every feeling he had for me was being shown in this kiss, his mouth moving in rhythm with mine, it was incredible, his hand went from my head to my bare shoulders, his touch leaving electric sparks. After a while we pulled apart leaving me completely breathless and very hot, "You more then my soul mate Ember" he whispers, "You,, I mean I.." oh my god I sounded like a fool I don't even know what to say, he strokes my cheek with his fingers, a gentle touch that was making me more and more confused, before he could make me feel any more I stand up and take a step back his eyes following my movement "Look I do trust you but I don't know what this whole prophecy is about. For all I know you could be evil and I don't want to be involved with someone who wants to control the world, remember that's what you said to me that we would rule the world" I talk so fast that I am not even sure he heard me, it sure sounded like I was rambling but when he stands up and faces me I am sure he heard everything I said "We will rule the world but not because I want to destroy it but because its our destiny to bring back Demonae the way its supposed to be not tainted by this evil" I stood there in shock staring at him with the most puzzled look. I thought father told me he was evil but right now with how he stood there saying all these most heroic things, the way he stared at me with those dark eyes filled with something that was beyond good, I didn't know what to think so I did the one thing that came natural to me when I felt confused, "I am going to see where Elijah is" I turn away leaving him standing there calling after me as I ran out the building. 

I walked for a while on my own in the empty village that had nothing but old derelict buildings and shops, the pavements was full of cracks but for some reason I found it fascinating. It was like going back to the past or going to an old museum. The sun was out bringing everything to light but still I was alone and it was stupid, I didn't know where I was but right now I didn't care. I ended up having two men give me there love confessions one of them being someone who was like family to me who I loved dearly, the other one being someone that made me feel all these unwanted feelings, from my heart aching to me wanting to rip off his clothes every time he kissed me or even touched me but again Ashton was an anomaly someone I could not work out. My father told me specifically that he was a devil and evil warlock but why is his actions different to what everyone saying, he saved me countless of times, he could of took me with force, he was so powerful but he hasn't, he even saved Elijah knowing if he died it would hurt me. I kept on walking until I saw a figure standing down the street, It wasn't Elijah he was to small but the way a hood covered his face I knew my foolishness was about to get me killed. He slowly walked towards me and I was walking back "Who are you?" I shout and with that the unknown male stopped "The name Vincent I am not here to hurt you Ember" He was an American, an accent I did not recognise but even so it was nothing like Elijah's. Slowly he removes his hood revealing a young charming face, he had a scruff of blonde hair on his head, dark green eyes that complimented his youthful look, "What is it you want?" I ask him not giving him any satisfaction of trust yet "I am Elijah's friend. Once I heard he ran from the clan I too escaped its the least I could do to help him out" I still didn't trust him but if he wanted to kill me he would of done it by now. I was about to shout something back when Vincent screamed at me "Run" I turned to see a skeletal figure running towards me at the opposite side of the street, it was a ugly sight, a corpse with nothing but its skeleton and bit of flesh hanging off its bones holding a small sword screaming in a hollowed voice that made me duck down and cover my ears but before I felt anything sharp hit me Vincent was holding me into his chest, it was something you see in a romantic movie where the hero protecting the one he loves, I couldn't help but be in awe. He held his own sword in his hand, he blocked the skeleton creatures attack and pushed it away before slicing it down the middle causing it to disappear in a purple smoke. I looked up at him and could see him up close he was even more dreamy, he was young maybe even my age, he held strong cheekbones with a amazing jaw line "Thankyou" I say in a breathless whisper. What the hell was happening to me, he turned to face me with a smile "Elijah was right you really are beautiful" He tells me those dark green eyes burning into my own. I don't know why but I ended up smiling back until I see Ashton standing at the top of the street his red light illuminating him in nothing but terrifying rage. 

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