Chapter Nine

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Oh My God Elijah was the one who hurt my father, No way. Impossible. Elijah my child hood friend who I played with as a small little girl to my rock when I was in senior school. I slowly stood up and turned to meet those amber eyes, he looked so different from the last time I saw him. Elijah was black American and he had always had those beautiful amber eyes, he always had the accent that caused girls knees to go weak especially in senior but this Elijah well this Elijah had gotten taller and his body had definitely gotten more muscular to the point that he could bench press me easily. He has always been friendly and that always showed in those kind eyes, he has always been handsome with sculptured features right from his forehead all the way to his chin, everything about him screamed sexy. He was model materiel but he never saw himself like that and I never saw him like that,  like I said he was my rock. In school everything about him made it easy for him to gain friends from his sexy accent to how sweet he was and that showed when he stayed by my side even if people didn't really speak to me much. I mean he was the most amazing person I ever known which is why right now I was majorly confused and very much upset. "What the fuck Elijah" I shouted with so much venom in my voice, Elijah stood there just looking at me, he didn't answer but instead he slowly pulled down his hood showing the small curly black hair on top of his head, both sides of his hair was shaved that made him look even more breath-taking. "Ember" he whispered with that deep American accent, he definitely kept his roots from when he moved to England at the age of five with his mother but every year he always stayed with his dad in new York every holiday.  He slowly walked over to me and pulled me into the most heart felt hug, my temper flaring I pushed him off me with no such luck but he did let me go and stepped back. "I am sorry Ember but it has been so long" he said it so quietly, I could hear the hurt in his voice but that didn't stop me from shouting at him "How dare you. You hurt my father, Ava and you fucking think its ok to hug me your nothing but...." Before I could finish my angry ranting Elijah stops me "I didn't hurt them Em I would never hurt anyone you loved" he says quickly "Then why was they badly hurt and why could I hear you attacking them" I fold my arms giving him the most evilest of stares, I swear I could see him stir "As soon as I walked in they started attacking me, Your dad shot off a spell that hit everything in the house including Ava and himself. I swear I never hurt them I was just trying to get to you before Paul did. Ember You know me I wouldn't hurt anyone unless I needed to of course" Looking at him now I knew he was telling the truth, I slowly let out a breath and then the crying came. I broke down on the floor crying myself into a wreak, I could not stop the tears streaming down my cheek, it became so bad that I couldn't breathe. Elijah kneeled down and put a strong arm around me pulling me into his chest. This time I didn't push him away I wanted to feel his warmth, I wanted him there to comfort me, everything was getting to much, I had nowhere to go, I was being hunted by some kind of witch clan oh and I am also a witch destined to be with some kind of evil wizard or devil or whatever he is. Nothing made sense anymore I felt like I was on the verge of a breaking point "We need to go Ember, Its not safe Paul is on the hunt and he is one of the best" he stood me up and I wiped the tears away with my arms. "Who is Paul?" I ask as I try my best to gather my composure. "Paul is a hunter" He say as we walk through the forest, myself and I being careful to not cut my feet, stupid sandals "He hunts down witches or male witches when they turn bad or if there's a potential danger. He usually only deals with the worse cases that the clan gives him" I stopped him by grabbing his arm "Are you telling me the clan think I'm really dangerous, I never even punched someone" I say feeling the panic again rise "I wont let nothing happen to you its why I betrayed the clan" we continue to walk and that's when it hit me "You are a warlock too, how come I didn't know this" I say rubbing my face with my hands "I only knew when I left school. My dad told me when I went back to America. I kind of had a feeling something was going on especially when I blew up my car" a small smile starts showing on his face "You can blow things up?" I ask as we keep walking through the trees "Not really, I have the power of electricity, I can do small portal jumps too but it takes a lot out of me" He says stepping over a big branch "So that's how I ended up here" I say now struggling more with this walk. "That's right but I only bought you here because there's a small shack somewhere around here and its perfect to lay low for today, I have put a lot of protection spells around it to stop people from tracking you. Plus I have a few clothes and stuff in there you can change into" He says smiling down at me, and I'm sure he is observing my now ripped up and dirty clothing. "Then what the hell are we waiting for" I say really needing to change out of these.                                                                                                                                                                                   

Today was so much better then yesterday, I mean yes I am in some wooden shack but it is actually very cosy, there's a  brick fire place with a live fire in the back of the room roaring to life that Elijah sorted out with some wood and a lighter. There was a small sofa  in front of the fireplace that me and him was snuggled on, with a old checked blanket. In the back of the room there was a small kitchen but one I never seen before everything was made with light wood, I couldn't see a oven but I mean that's what a fire is for I suppose. "Where did you find this place?" I asked him my head on his shoulder. We had just eaten some sort of stew Elijah made with potatoes and meat and I must admit was very nice. He used some old metal pot and then that was all I knew I remember a lot of chopping and boiling of water over the fire place but that's about it, I have no idea how he made it taste so good. I was dressed in some warm poker dotted pyjamas and some cosy black sleeping socks my hair was plaited down my back and my god I felt great.. I did ask him how he got these clothes and he just shrugged and said he got them for me. I mean pft thanks, vague and not answering my question but I mean I can't really complain. "I made it" He says causing me to shoot up from his shoulder looking right at him "You made this shack" I say causing him to laugh "Shack huh, Well I would call it a beautiful wooden home" He says his nose slightly going up "Its a homely shack" I say causing a giggle to escape me. Instead of answering me Elijah leans in and all of sudden the tension changes "Ember is it true that Ashton is after you?" he asks causing me to lean back on the sofa so my back hits the end "He been in my dreams" I say as he leans in closer his hand resting by the side of my face "Are you fighting him off?" he asks as his nose touches mine, I am pretty sure he was going to kiss me and I'm pretty sure my heart nearly spilled out my chest "I.I.I" I'm about to tell him yes but its getting harder but instead he leans back and exhales "Look its getting late I'm sorry I just want to make sure your safe" he says before standing up and walking outside. I was about to follow but then I hear him call "Just going to get some fire wood. Get some rest I will keep watch" I close my eyes trying to get my heart to slow down, after a few deep breaths I lay myself down on the sofa and start to drift knowing exactly who is waiting for me. 

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