Chapter Twenty Two

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I could feel the power inside me, it was incredible but also draining, after killing Amanda I felt the black light disappear and I was back to me. I put my hands to my mouth and saw what I did, I mean it was me who did this, I felt every bit of anger, every bit of hate towards her and this was what I did, I was in complete shock how can I someone who always wanted to do good in the world kill someone, the silent tears flowed down my cheeks and quietly I sobbed "Ember" Ashtons voice again echoed and I turned to face him and as soon as I saw him, all the guilt disappeared. I ran towards him and touched his chest with my hands "Oh my god what did she do to you" I look up at him and saw how bad he looked, he was covered in sweat his usually handsome face looked tired and defeated "Nothing I cannot handle. Do me a favour my dark princess get these things off me" He says a crooked smile on his lips, I guess even when his tortured he still has that same flirty smile. I look at the handcuffs and see there locked in place "How do I even get these off?" I ask hearing Elijah still battling, I needed to hurry up and help him "Should be a key somewhere" He tells me, I quickly turn away and start looking everywhere it wasn't on Amanda she only, well she was only wearing a robe so I look in the only other place which was a small wooden table in the corner of the room and sure enough it was right there. I grab the small white key and quickly unlock the handcuffs off Ashton who falls hard on the floor "Here lean on me" I say to him, he puts his arm round my shoulder and with a lot of struggle I walk him out the room where we just see Elijah on top of Jake punching him hard in the face while his electric current hand was swimming in blue "Elijah come on we need to get out of here" I tell him while Jake blooded face can be seen "I am coming but first" Elijah stands over Jake and with a quick motion he blasts Jake in the heart with his electric killing him on the spot. Ashton leans off me and walks to Elijah and taps him on the shoulder "You did good pup and thankyou" this was the first time I ever seen Ashton say anything kind to Elijah but with no surprise Elijah walks away from him "I did it for her not you" He scoffs walking past me to the door. I walk back to Ashton who was already looking better "I am sorry" I say to him, he looks down at me with a smile and grabs my hand "Come on beautiful lets get out of here" we both walk quickly catching up to Elijah who was already out the front doors. 

We had been walking for a while until we found the empty village that Ashton said we had to be, we found a small building that was empty and where Ashton said was safe. The old house that we was staying in right now to be honest was kind of creepy and had hardly anything in it but at least it had sleeping bags and a fire, luckily it also had food which was the most important for us all. Elijah did his magic and cooked up some rice that was delicious. Right now it was just me and Elijah drinking a hot cup of tea while Ashton slept in one of the warm sleeping bags, he was completely exhausted and needed to restore his energy. Elijah was also staring at me with this weird look "Ok what is on your mind?" I ask lifting my legs up on the ratted sofa "I need to ask you something" He says standing up from the floor and walking towards me on the sofa lifting my legs up and stretching them out on his lap "Oh ok" I say my cheeks going slightly pink, for some reason I felt completely out of my comfort zone "You power went all out when I mentioned Ashton sleeping with that psycho" he says and already I know where this was going, I lift my eyebrow up and wait for him to ask the question I was not ready for "Are you falling for him?" he cocks his head to where Ashton slept and I couldn't help but look at him sleeping, his dark hair over his eyes as his breathing was slow, he was beyond handsome and now for some reason my heart ached for him. I don't know when it started but I started to trust him and even though deep down I still felt he was after my power I couldn't help but like him. When I didn't answer Elijah breathed out a sigh and leaned in cupping my chin "I didn't want to do this but I think you need to hear it" All of a sudden the whole atmosphere changed, his amber eyes was filled with adoration as he spoke softly "I love you Ember, I always have since the first day we met as kids, all through senior and even now, Your the only thing that I have thought of. Even in America you invaded my dreams. I will be honest the way you look at Ashton fills me with jealousy. I want to protect you, I want to be by your side but the selfish side of me wants you to be mine" I was completely speechless, Elijah the boy who was my rock, the man who was like my brother was in love with me. This cannot be happening, he didn't lean in to kiss me but instead he dropped my chin and caressed my cheek "I wont force you to love me back but I... well I wanted to tell you how I felt" I really wanted to comfort him but I couldn't, it was to big of a shock but everything soon changed when Ashton voice echoed through the building "Your turned brave pup" I jumped from the seat and Elijah just turned to face him but didn't say anything. Ashton stood from where he slept his eyes filled with red now, he was topless and completely tense where every muscle bulged out his arms and chest, his hands fisted by his sides, this was going to go bad I had to sort this out "Ok guys please don't fight" I say walking in between them "We are not going to Ember" Elijah says looking at me "We are not going to but Elijah hear what I am saying you touch Ember again you are going to be nothing but a crater in the fucking ground" Ashton was seething now and quickly grabs me and pulls me into his body, my back leaning against his hard chest "I wont fight with you Ashton because now Ember knows who truly loves her" Elijah now walks towards us looking down at me first then to Ashton "Ember most important now but when this is over with then we will see your true intentions" He then walks at the back of the room and lays down into the sleeping bag. Ashton by now was shaking and holding me close "Ashton we are not anything romantic you cannot be angry" I say trying hard to get out of his arms "You are mine" He says between clenched teeth "We are destined and that wont change" he lets me go "I am going to sleep" I say and head to my own sleeping bag "Ember" Ashton says his voice different from before, it was quiet and filled with something I never heard before. I am sure Elijah was still awake and listening "I love you and its nothing to do with your powers" Ashton says his voice echoing in the room. I laid down and closed my eyes, my face glowing red. What the hell just happened. 

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