Chapter Six

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I woke up shouting Ava's name, I darted from bed and began pulling at the door knob, I hope she is ok, there was a dread surrounding me, something bad was happening I could hear the screams, the banging and then a thud on the floor above me. I need to get out of here I thought scanning every part of the room but there was nothing, no windows just wall and my bed. I closed my eyes feeling the tears streaming down as I thought of the worst. "Dad" I finally whispered as everything went quiet except for the footsteps walking around the home. I breathed in and let my brain do its thing. There's got to be something I can do "My power" I told my self but then again it only ever appeared when I was with him, that devil asshole who appears in my dreams, I mean yes as a child strange things happened but I never wanted them to not like I do now. After a few seconds I thought of many things I could try and do, Beat down the door? No whoever was up there would hear me, Pick the lock?, No I have nothing to pick the lock with and don't know how to do it anyway. I was all out of options until I heard the sounds of footsteps coming down the stairs "Fuck" I whispered looking around the empty room that's when I saw the plate next to my bed, I quickly grabbed it and then stood by the door. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it would escape my chest, I was shaking all over, I was terrified waiting for whoever it was that was here to kill me. I knew exactly that was what was going on. The so called witches clan was here to finish me off without even giving me a chance. The knob of the door suddenly began to move and then the door started rattling as whoever it was tried to break it down which did not take long. Everything happened in a flash the door came flying off its hinges as whoever it was stepped in and I smashed the plate over his head. I didn't even get to see what he looked like all I saw was the long hood covering his face. I ran as fast I could up the stairs but when I reached the top he grabbed my foot causing a involuntarily scream to escape my mouth, I kicked him so hard that he released a painful moan, so I kicked him again and again until finally he let go tumbling down the small flight of stairs hitting the wall behind him. I didn't even stop to look I carried on with my escape. I winced as I saw ava lying on the floor blood seeping from her head. "Dad" I shouted as he slumped against a wall. "Run" he whispered his voice sounding weak as he form was slouched against the wall. Everything was smashed, the living room that I once loved was in shambles but I couldn't think about that. After a whispered sorry I reached the front door and darted out of it running down the street not caring that I was still in my Pjs with no shoes on my feet. 

 An hour later I was hiding in a shed of someone's back garden I didn't even know. I was curled up in a ball in the corner rubbing my arms trying my hardest to warm myself up, I was so cold that I trembled, my feet was cut up and so cold I worried they might drop off. Looking around there was not much of use, just some old toys that was either broken or rusting, some tools hanging on a wall, the shed had little holes in the walls and boxes were scattered around, it did come to me to look through them but I didn't really want to make much noise encase someone came and phoned the police for trespassing. All I could do was sit here and freeze worrying that Ava and my Father were still alive. "Yes sweetie I know I know" Came a sweet voice from outside, It was still very dark outside I had no idea what time it was but it had to be very late, it never occurred to me anyone would be awake. I put my hand over my mouth and prayed they didn't come in here but my luck must of been at its worse because the old woman opened the door and saw me. To my surprise she didn't scream instead she kneeled down "We saw you come in here, we nearly phoned the authorities but when you didn't leave or steal anything I knew you was in trouble" She must of been at least over seventy, her eyes was a pale green but held a strong kindness, her face were full of wrinkles but still held a youthful beauty. She reached out and put a hand on my shoulder "Are you here to hurt us?" She asked as those gentle eyes scanned my shaken form "N.N.No" I stuttered my jaws clattering "Then come on inside the husband already put on a pot of tea" She said helping me stand as I continued to wrap my arms around my body. A few minutes had passed, I was holding a hot cup of tea with a warm red blanket round me as I sat in the small house on a green sofa by the fire, the elderly woman cleaned my feet, cleaned the cuts and then bandaged them up, she also gave me some woollen socks to help warm them up. The couple was sat on arm chairs looking at me with nothing but concern. The house was what I expected full of ornaments but a feeling of warmth. They had pictures on the walls of what I could expect to be there grandson, the wallpaper was also what I expected, full of flowers that was full of colour but not to the stage where it was to much. "What happened sweetie do you need us to phone the police?" The old man said as he leaned in, like his wife he too had green eyes that filled with concern, the little hair he had was completely grey underneath his worn grey cap, for an old man he still had a lot of muscle underneath his red stripy jumper, you could tell he was very handsome when he was younger as it still showed in his features. I shook my head no, I mean what could I tell the police, a witches clan is trying to kill me. They would send me to the funny farm, instead I just said "I just need somewhere to sleep for tonight, the shed is ok" they both didn't say nothing straight away just looking at me with sorry looks on there face, the wife smiled "We have a spare room you can stay in" She said standing up "Follow me" She said as I too stood and walked with her, I followed her up the stairs and into a small room that was full of children's toys and a small bed, the walls were a pale blue with pictures of different superhero's on the walls. "Its our grandsons room" She said, "Thankyou so much" I sat down really needing to sleep. "Your welcome please get some rest, I have some of my daughters clothes for you tomorrow" She said sitting next to me on the bed "Do you need any food bringing up?" She asked still observing me with those eyes "No thankyou I'm just really tired" She let out a breath and stood up walking towards the door "Ok I will speak to you tomorrow about where I am going to take you" She shut the door and I heard her go back down the stairs probably having a serious conversation about me to her husband. The truth was I had a plan, I lied down  abandoning my tea and closed my eyes I didn't really want to talk to Ashton but he was the last person I could think of to help me and the only one not wanting me dead. He owed me big time and he was the one who was going to help me use my powers.

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