Chapter Three

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Everything was bright, the soft warm breeze that tickled my bare legs sent shivers up my spine. I was in a garden the sky dark but beautiful, stars twinkling above with a red moon that made my breath hitch. It was stunning I had never seen a red moon and even though none of this was real everything seemed unnatural. As I walked onwards my feet tickled under soft grass and that's when I looked down and saw I was now in a red silk robe. I stopped and peeked inside and saw that was all I was wearing. My face immediately grew hot, my hands quickly latching on to the robe keeping it from opening. I was hoping that the man from before would not be here today. So far I couldn't see him, my head whipped in every direction my hair that was loose down my back whipping me in the face. So far it was just me but wow wherever I was it was breathtakingly beautiful. There was a huge stone fountain in the middle, water sprouting from the top and landing softly at the bottom, there were rose bushes everywhere of every colour which gave off that lovely floral scent. I walked further up keeping my hand tightly on the robe. It was silent I could hear nothing but the soft grass crunching under my bare feet. My eyes widened as I got further, right at the end of the garden was that wall again but this time it was circled all around the garden and next to it was that same red bed layered with black rose petals. "What do you think lover do you like my rose garden?" That voice, I spun round and to my dismay he was there standing a few feet away wearing that same red suit with the black shirt a few buttons undone. "You again" I whispered holding my robe even more tightly. "Have you not missed me?" His smirk wide across his face those dark eyes traveling every inch of me "I must say when I was thinking of what to put you in next, I am so glad I chose that, it makes you look even more delectable then before" My body again was betraying me, my legs was becoming weak, my breathing speeding with every word he said. Thank goodness I had a brain "Look I don't know what is going on but this needs to stop. I am not yours, you have the wrong woman" I told him walking back until my legs hit the bed. He started to walk towards me, removing his suit jacket as he did and oh my goodness someone save me. His body was irresistible, the tight shirt showing every bit of muscle, he cant be human was all I could think. He threw his jacket across the floor as he approached nearer. "You think I would make a mistake Ember. Oh no your definitely mine, our magic is meant for one another. I can feel the power surging through you, can taste your soul, and its as dark as mine" What the hell was he talking about. I shook my head as he stood right in front of me, he didn't touch me but just looked down into my eyes as he continued to speak. "The way your body betrays you when you see me is our powers needing to combine. You are mine in every way" His hand touched the top of my head "From how your mind works" slowly he traced it down to my cheeks "the power inside your heart" his hand then started to move to my lips parting it with his thumb "even your body, it all belongs to me" my heart was pounding hard inside my chest, his eyes causing me to be a complete mess, its like he could see right down to my very being. "We will rule this world" he whispered bending his lips to mine but those last few words did the trick I didn't want to rule the world I wanted to make it better. I pushed him hard and to my astonishment throwing him to the floor where he hit with a loud thud. My body was searing with electricity, everything inside me screamed with a sensation I never had before, I was glowing. WHAT THE HELL? I was sparkling, a black light illuminating around me. A laugh interrupted my panicked thoughts, the stranger was now lying on his stomach his hands clasped together under his chin with a huge smile etched across his face. "Your power is coming through already" I stood there rooted to the spot words escaped me. Nothing made sense anymore, now I knew this was not a normal dream? Ava face came back into my mind her worried eyes, phoning my dad in a panic, injecting me.... she sent me here, gave me something to make me go to sleep "Ava caused this" I whispered "She sent me to you. Why?" I asked him as he slowly stood up walking towards me once again but this time with fire in his eyes "don't come near me" I told him but it was useless he already grabbed me pushing me on the bed with him on top of me holding my hands above my head. He lowered his face to mine his warm breath tickling my skin "The witch sent you here so she could see if it was true" He spoke low and huskily "What are you talking about?" I turned my head away from him, I couldn't look at him, he had some sort of sex power he did. "She needs to see if its true that I have actually found a way to find you and guess what lover" he pushed my one hand into his other now holding me with one and grabbed my chin with the other forcing me to look at him.   "I am getting close, soon I wont need to enter your dreams". He then kissed me forcing my mouth to dance with his and honestly I couldn't help but oblige, a low moan escaped my mouth, I was completely entranced. Never has a man made me feel this feelings, His mouth fitted mine so perfectly, his tongue playing a dangerous game with mine, it felt powerful, felt like everything in me was glowing a blaze of fire, but as his hands now traced down my arms reaching for my robe, my mind came out of the sexual haze. "NO" I shouted pushing him off again but he didn't move instead he just released me putting his forehead to mine, both of us breathing heavily our chest rising and falling. "We don't have time any way, you will wake up soon but when I find you in real life be ready for me Ember. I will take you as mine and then the prophecy will come true" then everything went light my fathers eyes staring into mine. 

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