Chapter Ten

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As soon as I landed into the now familiar dream I got used to, I noticed the bed, I also recognised the room, it was the same small room that I was in before with the Black carpets and red walls, The window that over saw the night sky was also still there, the only bit of the room that didn't make me feel uneasy, I wonder why? Maybe because it was beautiful or because I knew none of this was real even though deep inside I knew perfectly well it was.  My eyes travelled down and to my surprise I was in a pair of tight fitting jeans, some white trainers and a tight red crop top. Huh that was strange I gotten used to wearing stuff that revealed more of my skin then this. I walked towards the door and again I was surprised there was no wall but as I went to go outside the door, I did not get far, I was blown back onto the bed my back hitting the soft mattress. As soon as I got my breath back I went to get back up but strong hands pushed me back down, Ashton was on top of me "How did you..." before I could ask the question his grip tightened causing me to breathe in the pain.  I was not going to show him that he was hurting me. I looked up with the strongest hate expression I could give him but it soon faded to terror, he looked different, the amused, lust and cocky expression I was used to was not there right now, instead it was fury, his black eyes blazed anger, and to my dismay it made my heart pound, he was so sexy it literally struggled for me not to kiss him but looks did not matter, I knew who he was and more on what he wanted. He bent down so his face was mere inches from mine and in a strong voice he said "Who is that guy with you?" Wait what? this is jealousy like for real "What that got to do with you?" I snapped back, he growled and I mean growled, he gripped me harder and again I breathed in not giving him the satisfaction of hurting me "Answer me" he demanded "His a friend and helping me escape the trouble you caused me" this time he didn't say anything instead he kissed me but this time it was different it was a claim, and man it was amazing the best kiss so far, his tongue danced with mine, his heart pounded with mine, everything inside me ignited. I know this is wrong and damn I wanted it to stop but something burned within me that I could not stop. After a while he stopped, leaned in so his mouth was by my ear "He cannot have you as much as he wants you" He whispered huskily and my god it worked wonders. He let me go and even let me sit up, he didn't move far instead he sat up with me his eyes never leaving mine, "I told you he is helping me" I told him again this time my voice a little more breathless "Where are you?" He asked creeping forward again but this time he would not touch me. I stood from the bed and walked to the window sitting on the ledge. Thankfully he didn't follow me or grab me "I am not telling you and anyway I thought you was getting closer" I glared at him and that smile that I gotten used to reappeared on his features "That was before that man.." He snarled the last part "teleported you and hidden you" now he stood up and followed me to the ledge putting a hand on the wall leaning into it, my breathing began to quicken, I don't know how he does it but he gets my body going. "Well I wont be able to tell you because I don't know myself. All I do know is they got some guy named Paul to hunt me down and kill me" to my utter and disgusted surprise he bellowed out laughing, he dropped his arm covered his face with his palm and laughed like what the actual hell is this. "Oh I'm sorry is my upcoming murder amusing you" I snapped standing up and facing him pointing a finger into his chest, hah that shut him up "This is your fucking fault, just because you want my powers that I don't really know how to use or even knew I had them. You made me a target, you ruined my life and now a friend that I have not seen in years is in danger with me. Oh and lets not forget my father and Ava have gotten hurt because of you. I hate you and I will not become yours so you best stop this and stay the fuck out my dreams" I was seething so much so that I didn't realise I put myself so close to him that my chest was into his and my face was looking straight up at him he only had to bend down and his head would bump mine. He didn't smile or even get mad instead he wrapped an arm around my neck and bent down so his face was near mine, "You know your so sexy when your mad" I lost it, I slapped him so hard across the face my palm stung, whether the impact hurt him I don't know but I did step back just encase. He just stood there staring at me those eyes flaming once again "As much as you think you hate me you still belong to me. Paul is an idiot he thinks and the clan thinks he is powerful but he is nothing more then a nobody" He said walking towards me again, I walked back knowing my back was about to hit the wall "Don't" I demanded putting my palm up to make it clear but he ignored me and carried on striding and talking "The clan don't realise that I am much more of a threat, I will find you and bring you here in person and not just in a dream" My back finally hit the wall and his body was now keeping me against the wall. His hand came up and gripped my chin making me look him in those dark irises "Your mine and I will get what is mine Ember. Do me a favour when you see that friend of yours tell him something for me" He stopped for a second then said one word before I faded "Vesentie." When I awoke Elijah was already awake tending to the fire all I could think of was that last word I had to tell him it might of been important "Elijah" I say. He soon turns and faces me a huge handsome smile on his face "Good morning" He says but instead of being polite and saying it back I do the opposite "Ashtons gave me something to tell you. He said Vesentie" Elijah eyes grow wide with panic, he stands up so quick grabbing my arm and pulling me behind him. I was about to ask what the hell he is doing but I didn't have time when the guy from my dreams blows down the door. 

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thankyou so much guys you don't know how much this means to me 


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