Chapter Fifteen

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We was walking what seemed like hours Ashtons hand still gripped firmly in my hand, Elijah was walking behind us a grimace on his face. The forest we was walking through was not like the lake, it had a much darker atmosphere, we was surrounded by trees all towering above us covering the sun causing it to be gloomy. We could hear sounds of the wildlife around us Ashtons eyes focused Infront his other hand glowing red, this is what caused me to worry the most. My feet was aching from walking and stepping over logs "How far till the end?" I complained trying to pull my hand from his "Don't" He says gripping my hand tighter  "there are beasts in this forest you have never seen before and before you ask there dangerous" he continues to walk pulling me with him Elijah still close behind us. The further we went in the more eerie it looked, the trees seemed to of been more twisted, the sky was covered so everything seemed darker apart from the small light that did come in, "Ashton how long now?" I was getting tired and damn I was getting hungry but apparently to Ashton normal human needs didn't bother him, he just walked with his eyes looking forward. Elijah quickly walks on the other side of me touching my arm "Don't worry Em it won't be long" I was about to respond but a growl from Ashton startles me "Don't touch her" He snaps, I was just about to argue until I hear the rustling in the tree, we all stop and immediately look up "What was that?" I whisper not hiding the panic in my voice. Neither guy answers me but stares into the trees, "Maybe it was a bird" I say not seeing anything but those creepy ass trees "That was not a bird" Elijah answers his hands now glowing. I again try and pull my hand out of Ashtons but he seemed to have a vice grip on it right now "Stay by me" He says pulling me in right beside him, I am surprised Elijah wasn't complaining but he too seemed to be in high alert. Another rustle has our heads snapping back in front and by the sound of it, whatever or whoever it was were close, "lets keep moving" I say quietly moving forward but as soon as I take a step I am thrown behind Ashton as Elijah blasts a electric shot through the trees in front, "Elijah you know better then to attack me" the voice was not what I expected, it was a woman and by the sounds of it a beautiful woman. A voice that would easily drive men wild over a phone if you know what I mean, "I had a feeling it was you Sasha" he spits stepping in front of me and Ashton "Gonna hide in the trees all day or come out" We hear a laugh right before the most beautiful woman I have ever seen jumps out the trees in front of us her hands glowing green. She had the sexiest leather suit on  that complimented her beige skin perfectly. She looked  like some kind of sexy superhero, her long light brown hair was plaited down her back but her golden brown eyes was only focused on one person and that was Elijah. He stood there his own hands glowing blue as she slowly walked towards him, soon they was face to face, she slowly reached out but before she could touch him he grabs her wrist "What are you doing here Sasha?" She looks up at him glowering as she finally looked at me "You know why I am here, she is coming with me" She snaps wrenching her arm from his grasp "Not happening" Elijah spits but continues "I am giving you a chance to leave with your life Sasha" If he said that to me I would of ran as far from him as I could but this Sasha doesn't instead she laughs before vines come out the floor grabbing all three of us "What the hell" I shout as I am restrained, my wrists stinging from the vines cutting into me "I have no idea what you see in this bitch Elijah but the clan wants her" She walks towards me grabbing my chin in her hand "Hah powerful my ass" She smiles, I was about to say something back but before I could a laugh causes us both to stop and look. Ashton was laughing so hard that his head was dipped forward, Sasha looses her grip before walking towards him, her glowing hands causing another vine to grab him around the neck lifting his face to hers "Oh well aren't you a handsome one, you must be Ashton, I have heard so much about you" She smirks stroking his cheek with her finger, "If you know so much about me then you know these vines wont work with me" He says "Is that right" She says sarcastically as she leans in close her face close to his, those full lips turning into a smile "Tell me then handsome why is that" He didn't need to say anything because next thing we know Ashtons hand is round her throat "Because they can burn" I thought Ashton would kill her but instead he is hit back by one of the tree branches sending him searing across the ground. I try and turn my head to see his ok but its impossible "That's all you got flower" Ashtons spit, I cant see him but I do see Sasha and her whole being is now glowing green even her eyes are sparkling like emeralds but before I got to see anything else a huge hiss comes behind us. All Sasha does is smile before a branch throws her up in a tree "Until the next time I will let that beast have its fun. Elijah I expect a warm welcome next time" Me and Elijah drop to the floor with a thud as Ashton runs towards us. "Run" he screams grabbing my hand once again and heading forwards.        

"What is after us?" I ask breathlessly but both men ignore me. I stumble a little but Elijah quickly grabs my free hand and runs with me too, I might as well let them carry me because right now that how it feels. "Answer me" I shout, as I turn round Ashton pulls me "Don't look" He says as he turns a corner pulling me down a bunk, all three of us covered in mud. I go to say something else or just complain that I am not some damsel in distress but Asthon put his hand round my mouth pulling me on his lap his lips by my ear and whispers "Listen my dark princess if you say anything that's going to bring that beast to us then we are all dead so be quiet" he kisses my cheek before letting me go. Again I thought Elijah was gonna explode but it looked like he didn't see anything because his to busy staring at the biggest fucking snake I have ever seen. Right above us slithering its huge green scaled body was a huge snake that was at least fifty foot long and at least fifteen foot wide. I couldn't stop my jaw dropping, its glowing orange eyes scanned every bit of land searching for us and we was right underneath it. I have never been so scared in all my life, my heart was racing, my body completely frozen as I watched the snake shoot its tongue out licking the air probably trying to trace the source of food which was us. After a few minutes the reptile slithered further away from us and slowly we got up watching it retreat, I was about sigh in relief as it was nearly out of sight until it turned round its orange gaze straight at us, I couldn't help but scream as it came towards us a little faster then before. Both Ashton and Elijah was glowing there colours, power radiating them, I didn't know what to do, I couldn't control my power, didn't know how yet it only came when I got really angry and right now I was terrified. As the creature came closer Ashton blasted it with a fireball causing it to stop but it didn't seem to kill it, all it did was bounce off whatever armoured scales it had. The snake started to get close again slithering faster and faster causing all three of us to dive out of its way when its deadly fangs snapped at us. Ashton and Elijah continued to fight, blast of electric and fire combined hitting the snake in its face, but it didn't seem to do anything but bounce off. I was about to give up and let the men handle the fight that I knew they would lose, all I was doing was crouching down back under the bunk until something occurred to me. My power grew when Ashton touched me, the power inside reacts to my anger but it also reacted to Ashton. I jumped up, climbed back out of the bunk "Elijah stall it" I shouted running towards where Asthon was which was behind the creature back ready to shoot it with another fire ball but before he could I grabbed his hand and pulled him behind a tree. All he did was look at me sweat dripping from his perfect skin "This means nothing" I tell him before grabbing his face and pulling his lips to mine. I knew he would respond but I didn't think he would attack my lips with such ferocity, he was craving this, craving my touch and my god he showed it. He lips danced with mine in a dangerous game, his tongue playing with mine as his hands grabbed my hair pulling me in closer so he could have every bit of me. Already I could feel my power grow to the surface and once it did I was glowing black but it wasn't just me as me and Ashton became more passionate our powers became stronger. I pulled back and breathed as did Ashton his black eyes glowing with red, both of us stepped from behind the tree where Elijah fought courageously with the snake dodging it every time it snapped at him as he sent a electing bolt. The power inside me glowed bright, the snake must of smell the power in the air because it turned round quickly and came at me but it didn't know that I was a force to be reckoned with me. With a lift of my hand the snake froze in place trying its hardest to fight against my power, Ashton came next to me holding my hand in his "Lets show this abomination what real power looks like" he says raising his own hand as his red light  mixed with my black burning the snake to a pile of ashes. Elijah didn't say nothing but drop to the floor breathing heavily, once my powers went back to there hiding place I let go of Ashton hand and ran towards Elijah. "Are you ok?" I ask him but he just smiled and nods. "Come on princess and pup, I think we all had enough of this forest" he says walking towards us helping me up then Elijah. "The exit not to far" He points past me and when I turn around hoping it would be in front of me but nope couldn't see anything but trees. "Don't worry Ember not even a ten minute walk" Ashton smirks, but that was not what I was worrying about.  What shit do we have to deal with next? Guess only one way to find out. 

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