Chapter Thirty Three

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I am so sorry its been so long I have been doing other projects but now we back on track hope you enjoy. 

Me and Ava just stared at Ashton who's hand is now firmly gripped on the bars his eyes not leaving mine "Your wrong princess, the clan they are the ones destroying this world and your dad his the one in charge" A single tear dripped down on my cheek "My dads not like that" I whispered but Ashton just bangs his fist against the bar causing me to jump "Ember don't be a fool just stop and think. Use that pretty head of yours and think" I could not respond I just stood there and began to sob as Ashton stared at me his beautiful dark eyes eating away at my soul "Ember your dad is evil he wants to steal your power and become completely in control of Demonae" My anger was building I could feel my powers come to the surface as my black light enveloped me, Ava just stood there her mouth open wide as she watched me storm over to the cell and grab the bars looking the man I think I have fallen for directly in his beautiful onyx eyes "My dad bought me up when my parents died you know nothing, he has protected me from everything this world throwed at me even hiding me from what he thought was a devil trying to steal my powers, his not evil" I snarl at him but Ashton did not say anything he just grabs my arm and pulls me close before kissing me deeply. Slowly the black light that consumes me was disappearing with my anger, he pulled back and places his hand back on the bars leaning in "Trust me princess" I couldn't say anything instead a soft voice came from behind me and delicate hands grabbed my shoulders  "Come on Ember" Ava turned me away from Ashton and started walking away but not before Ashton shouts from behind us "My love you are still so sexy when you are angry" I bit my lip as my brain struggled to fight what the truth was. Who was I to trust the man who bought me up as a child or the man I have fallen in love with, I never thought I would say it but I was utterly in love with that stupid devil.  We walked past Elijah who just stood there confused "What the fuck happened then?" I just shook my head and walked with Ava who was leading me back to my room but something caught my attention, I don't know what it was but it was telling me to walk down the stairs of a small hallway "No Ember we not allowed down there" I turned and wiped my cheeks looking at her "Why not?" I asked her but she just looked at me for a while before whispering "I don't know but Lockland said we never allowed down only the highest guards have permission" I bite my thumb nail before turning and quietly stepping on the first step before Ava grabs my arm tightly "No please Em I am already going to be in trouble for letting you see Ashton" I shrug out of her grip before slowly and quietly descended the steps hoping to find the truth. 

Voices could be heard from the big metal doors that was slightly open, the first was from my dad speaking low and aggressive, the next was from Sasha her seductive voice flowing out the door "Ashton killed Paul Lockland he deserves death" She snapped, I peeked through the door hoping both of them would not see me and luckily they didn't. The pair of them was to busy staring each other down that they did not notice my presence, I was not sure what was happening but it seemed they was in a disagreement. My father was glowing a white light that suddenly made Sasha squirm and take a step back "Ashton will die but first I need to do the ceremony and then he can be killed but I need him alive" The gentle man I had known all my life was no where to be seen, in his place was a cruel man whose voice echoed through the building, his eyes was no longer holding a warmth in them, they was cold and calculated. Sasha stared at him and bowed her head "I am sorry Lockland but Paul was my friend, I just want to see some justice" Lockland lifted her head up with his finger on her chin and to my disgust leaned down and kissed Sasha squarely on the lips, then after a few seconds he parted her lips and started  smiling but not a smile he ever gave me when I was young that was filled with warmth, this one was evil and sent shivers down my spine "Once I drain Embers and Ashtons power you can do what you want with Ashton as Vincent can do what he wants with Ember. I wont need them anymore once I'm the God of Demonae and have claimed both there powers" I put my hand quickly to my mouth as a gasp of hurt came out, I could not contain the tears flowing down my cheek as my father continued to speak "Make sure to let everyone know that the ceremony will happen tomorrow at midnight" before I could risk myself and Ava being found out I quietly walked back up the stairs and straight to my room as Ava shut the door. We both sat in silence and quiet tears streamed down my face staining my cheek "I cant believe it. Lockland been lying to us our whole lives. I thought I was protecting you but instead I was stopping you from becoming the goddess" I lift my head up and wipe my tears from my eyes before looking at Ava "What the hell do you mean?" I demanded but Ava just breathes out and looks at me "If Ashton not the devil and it is clearly Lockland as he has the power to drain powers then Ashton is the god of Demonae but its always a Goddess who rules Demonae so well I think its you. Its why you and Ashton need to bond your both suppose to bring Demonae back" I shake my head "No you said the prophecy stated that Ashton was trying to make himself more powerful" Ava looks down and then back at me "I was wrong I was listening to Lockland who clearly lied. I think the prophecy foretold you and Ashton saving Demonae it all makes sense now. Why Lockland held your powers back, why he blocked Ashton from you, its why you and Ashton are so powerful because together your the God and Goddess of Demonae" I couldn't get my head round it, I was the goddess of Demonae, impossible I didn't even know I had powers less then a month ago, hell I can't even use them unless I get angry or Ashton touching me but now I'm a bloody goddess. "That's why we need to get you both out of here" Me and Ava look to see Elijah standing at the door "And how we going to do that" Elijah smiled and then walked over to us "I have a plan." Please wait for me Ashton we going to get you out of here. 

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