Chapter Seven

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This time I was not nervous or even bothered about what I was wearing, I could of been completely nude and this determination inside me would of still be stronger then any hurricane. I looked down and saw the black silk robe tied tightly against my body, back to normal  I suppose, what was with this pervy devil and me in nothing but lingerie. I looked around and saw that I was in the garden once again, the Incredible stone fountain still sprouting water into the basin in the bottom, the bed at the back of the garden, and those beautiful rose bushes surrounding the grounds, but right now my eyes was only focusing on the person opposite the grounds sitting on that huge bed. His eyes was scorching into mine immediately causing my body to react in all the wrong ways, well I guess it should of been wrong but my god it felt so right, never has a man made me feel this way, well I guess Ashton cheated as he is not a normal man.  Stop it body think, this is for father and Ava. "I need your help" I said walking towards the bed barefooted feeling the soft grass underneath my feet, "Do you now" He stood up meeting me when I got closer to the bed, cupping my chin strongly in his hand lifting my face to meet his lowering his voice and saying "What is it that I could do for you dark princess of mine" with a smile on his face "The clan has found me and I need to defend my family. I need to learn to use this power" There was no expression on his face instead he dropped his hands to his sides fisting them tightly, so tight that I noticed small blood droplets falling  onto the grass "Did they hurt you?" He asked in a tone that sent shivers down my arms. He definitely gave  off vibes of power and not the nice kind "No they didn't but my father and Ava is badly hurt" I couldn't help the stagger in my voice it was involuntary, they both meant so much to me and seeing them hurt like that made me not just heart broken but enraged. "That's good then" He said walking towards the bed and sitting on it, crossing his leg and leaning his hand against his cheek as he stared me down "What the hell do you mean that's good. Its the fucking opposite of good there hurt and I need to protect them" I shouted stomping my way to him so I could face him head on. He didn't respond instead a small smile strained on his face making my blood boil. "Are you going to help me or not?" I asked glaring at him with my arms folded "You know Ember your so sexy when your mad" He said grabbing me by the hips pulling me further into his body. My god it felt so right being this close to him, his body heat doing bad things to my own body, my heart hammered in my chest and to be honest I so wanted this but with how hurt my father and Ava there was no way it is going to happen, those two were the only thing I was thinking of. I slowly placed my hand on his chest and backed my self off but keeping my hands where they was, I looked into those dark depths of Ashton's and mustering the sweetest voice I could I said "Please Ashton help me" I hated begging, hated being nice to this devil but it had to be done. For a moment I thought he was going to refuse but instead he cupped my cheek in his hand and said "Anything for you" I breathed out and looked down. I don't know who the fucking clan is and what made them think they could hurt my family and try to kill me but they was about to regret it. "So how do I use my power?" I asked moving backwards so Ashton couldn't touch me "Its within you Ember, every witches power is inside them and connected to them. You must feel every emotion and use that. The reason you cannot use yours is because its been hidden but slowly its coming out and I know you can feel it. Your anger, your love even your lust its all connected. You need to find that hidden emotion that drives your power" He said now lying on the bed with his hand clasped under his chin. "That sounds complicated" I didn't understand any of this, if my power was inside me then how come I cant even use it. "Its not complicated at all. Your power is you" I looked down feeling completely useless, how was I supposed to protect the people I love when I couldn't even feel my own power. "Here I will show you" He was now standing up walking behind me slowly. "Close your eyes" I do as he says feeling his body pressed against my back, his hands slowly caressing my arms, a gentle touch that tickles me  "Feel my touch and listen to your heart, feel the missing piece inside you and use it" I do as he says trying to feel something but I couldn't. His hands now was wrapped around me slowly undoing my belt to my robe, I intake a breath "Shhh just feel" He says as the robe comes open exposing every intimate part of my body. I was beyond embarrassed but once I feel the wind on my bare skin the feelings of being shy escape me. I knew it was the same wind that gave me pleasure before, it was Ashton wind. I didn't know what came over me any other time I would stop him scream no but this time was different, this time I needed this. Ashtons hand now moved up my stomach sending shivers down my spine, I arched my back enjoying every sensation he gave me as his hands moved towards my breast cupping them in a intimate embrace causing a moan to escape my mouth. "Ashton this is.." But before I could say anything his lips was on my neck making me once again moan but this time something happened, a strange powerful feeling, a heat that drove me insane. I slowly opened my eyes and looked down and saw the black light surround us but this time it seemed different it had much more of a glow to it. "Our powers" Ashtons whispers into my ear. "Its our powers combining we are meant to be together Ember. Become one with me" He says his voice becoming more husky by the second and driving me insane. "I.I" But before I could answer the room started to blur. I was waking up. "Ember I will find you soon" Was the last words I heard before I woke up in a strangers room.

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