Chapter Twenty Nine

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 As soon as the hideous beings came running towards us me and Elijah went into action, neither of us friends but ally's, we would never like each other not while he was in love with my dark queen but right now he was the closet thing I had to a partner and I needed that. Our powers mixed and both of us knew how to protect the other as we fought through the skeleton each kill easier then the last but soon they all disappeared in a purple smoke as Vincent walked out of a building his hand over Ember mouth her eyes pleading me to save her. "What the fuck are you doing?" Elijah askes but by the way his body was tense he too was feeling the anger boil "Let...Her... Go" I say trying my best not to run at him and waste his useless life but instead of him becoming intimidated he just stands there a small smile on his lips. He looses his grip on her arm and instead wraps it around her her front just below her breasts. He was pushing me closer to the edge I was about break "Vincent stop it man your going to get yourself killed" Elijah tells him walking a little closer but instead of stopping Vincent laughs "Oh really by who Elijah?" Vincent mocks "What the hell Vincent what you even playing at? Just let her go so we can get moving before those things come back" Elijah says again getting more frustrated "How stupid are you pup? Those were Vincent's monsters" I say through gritted teeth "What?" Elijah asks turning his head to me then back to Vincent, confusion written all of over his face. Vincent laughs before speaking again "What you thought my only power was stupid teleportation? Oh Elijah my true power is illusions" He bends his head closer to Embers neck making her shiver in disgust, his lips get closer to her neck, he lifts his eyes to mine "And seduction I am quite good at that one, playing with a persons mind to make them want me" I start to growl feeling the unstoppable destruction swell inside me "No need to get angry Ashton for some reason it stopped working on Ember I guess she realised what I was doing but when we are alone at the castle I will show her she doesn't need me. I know my boss wont say no" His voice becomes more seductive as he licks up her neck and this time I could no longer hold it in and neither could Elijah. Both of us run at Vincent our power at full force but as soon as we did he disappears in purple smoke with Ember with him making everything in me burst into an unstoppable rage causing me to scream into the fog of purple.

 It was now just me and that stupid fucking puppy, everything in me was enraged nothing could calm my rage now until my queen was next to me again, Elijah was standing next to me his own rage at breaking point "I promised to protect her" He whispers to himself guilt filling those eyes of his. I turn round to face him and punch him right in the jaw causing him to fall on the floor "This is your fucking fault letting that fucking traitor join us. I knew he was goddamn dangerous" Elijah looks down at the floor "I know. You should beat me to a pulp" He whispers putting me into shock as I stood there narrowing my eyes "What did you just say?" I ask him looking down at him "Its my fault and I want to help you get Ember back" He looks up at me and continues when I don't answer him "The last thing he said was the castle I know where there going" He says to me "Where?" I ask him reaching my hand out in what maybe was a truce. He grips it and stands up facing me "His taking her to the head of the clan. No one know what the head looks like but that's where they are going to. The head of the clan" I nod my head and turn around about to walk away but I stop when a tight grasp grabs my shoulder "Look Ashton I still don't like you but I know one thing now. You are not evil like the clan has been saying and I am sorry I misunderstood you. I can see you love Ember as much as I do. Let me help you get her back. Please" I look down for a few seconds thinking hard on what was best and fuck I did need the support. I turn around his hand dropping off my shoulder "I don't like you either pup but we both care for Ember so yes I want your help" I reach my hand out and Elijah nods taking it in a firm grasp, shaking it slowly "Lets get our girl" He says walking off with a smile "My girl she's fucking my girl" I shout after him. Hold on Ember we are coming for you. 

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