6. Living high school

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Sasha's POV

"Thank you" I smiled at our Asian chef, who handed me my tray. I walked to my favourite spot and sat down. It was a new day at hill valley high, and I was having lunch. A minute later, Clark and Raman joined me at the table. They were my best friends. Actually, my only friends.

"Hey guys", I greeted first.

Today I didn't share any classes with them. None of us did, and that's because I'm an Arts student, Clark is a commercial student, and Raman is a science student.

"Hi, Sasha," said Clark. Clark is the only Philippine in the 12 grade, and she's the smartest girl I have ever met. Well, aside from me, though.

"I am so mad at myself", she grumbled as she dived into her sandwich.

"Why is that," said Raman. He was chewing on his vegetables. On his tray were noodles, some veggies, and sausages. I looked at mine, which had a burger, some fries with tomato sauce, and my water bottle.

"Instead of cash going out, which is decreasing by $3000, and inventory coming in, which values $3000, I did the exact opposite when recording the equation under assets. Can you believe that?" She complained. Making me look away from my food and watch her.

"Yep, that's bad", I agreed.

"So what happened," Raman asked before taking a long sip of his soda drink.

"I got the wrong solution, dammit", she snapped. The sandwich looks like it's been smashed between Clark's fingers. Poor sandwich.

"Your biggest problem is that your brain knows too much, so you write so fast, which is good but not when dealing with numbers. You should slow down and ensure you go through your calculations before submitting your answers." I advised her. That is why I always have the highest point in class and Clark second. Cause I am always careful when it comes to numbers, and I'm good at it, unlike my best friend.

"Ugh, not when your accounting teacher is mister P. That man treats us like robots. It's as if he doesn't want us to get As at all." She said.

"Aww", I looked at her apologetically.

"Sorry, Clark," said Raman, and she nodded.

"So guys, what now?" I asked.

"What now?" Clark asked.

"Yes, what now?"

"Umm, what do you mean?" Raman asked.

"Guys, we are now in 12grade! Our last year in high school," I chirped.

"Five months from now, we will be taking our WAEC." I went on.

"An exam I am not even ready for. There are just so many topics to cover." Raman shrieked.

Don't you wanna do anything this year?" I asked, ignoring Raman's complaint.

"All I wanna do, Sasha, is get As on all my subjects during WEAC", Clark declared.

"Listen, girl, once we finish high school, that's it. We will never return here again, and what will our memories of here be? Just studying! Let's try something new," I said. They both looked at each other and then looked back at me.

"What do you want us to do, Sasha," Clark asked.

"Let's live high school!" I said.

"But that's what we will be doing in five months, leaving Sasha", Raman babbled.

"Ugh, no! I meant living Raman, not leaving," I said frustratingly.

"She meant the L I V live, not the L E A V leave", Clark came rescuing a confused Raman.

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