34. Mind game

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Aisha POV

Standing by the window side, I stared at the beautiful garden with colorful flowers. This house was built by my grandfather and it was filled with nature. Gardens, animals, fountains, and beautiful status. He use to call my mother his princess and told her that one day, she will bring into this world royalties and they will live in this beautiful mansion.

I smiled as I recall my childhood days roaming around the garden with Sammy the golden son. I never met my grandfather but all the stories I've heard about him are incredible. He was a great man and a fighter. Mother used to say that Kesha got her bravery from him and Sasha's intelligence as well.

I heard the twist of the door handle as someone entered. I didn't have to turn to know who it was.

"Are you still mad at me?"

"What do you think Kesha?" I asked reciprocally. Was she kidding me?

"But I already apologize, what else do you want from me."

"Sorry for going behind our backs and stealing or sorry for being caught." I faced her.

"Well, I was only being brave if I'm being totally honest. And yes I am sorry." she shrugged.

"There's a difference between being brave and being reckless Kesha" I frowned.

"I know. And again, I'm sorry for..."

"You know what? stop apologizing, we both know you don't mean." I held my hand towards my face, with my palms facing Kesha.

Signing, I picked up my jacket and my phone before looking back at her. She stood awkwardly biting her lower lips and roughing her eyebrows.

"Kesha because of you, Sasha almost got raped. So next time you plan on robbing papa again, at least think of your sisters and how your actions might affect us." I said before walking out.

I have been avoiding Raheem since that night and even though he's been trying to reach me, I was too busy worrying about Kesha. Or perhaps I realized I didn't even know this guy very much and it scares me to realize that he might be capable of getting physical. Fuck what are you thinking Aisha?

I took a taxi and headed to Mercy's. Normally days like this, I will be running to Micheal but with everything happening, things feel different now. I still can't believe he confessed his feelings for me in front of Jane. Doesn't he care about her feelings? He had tried helping out at the station this morning, but I told him to back off and that we needed some time apart. He should be trying to mend things with Jane instead of focusing on me.

I miss those days when we were just two best friends. I use to be so comfortable around him and we could spend all day having fun. Whenever I feel sad or don't wanna be home, all I need to do was call him and he will leave his office and we will spend the day hanging out, or in his house watching movies, playing games, baking, gosh Micheal is terrible at anything involving kitchen. So it's both fun and annoying when working with him in the kitchen.

I smiled as I looked out of the window, reflecting on a time when Micheal decided to teach me how to dance since I was a poor dancer and we ended up with quite a show as we laugh our asses off. It was one of my funniest moments with him and I remember trying to twerk and Micheal had frowned at how terrible I was. I had laughed so hard and he helplessly stood and watch me.

"I pity your future husband." he had said, "dancing with you on your wedding day will be a happy disaster."

Everything was so easy then. I was happy and I didn't feel obliged to anyone. It hurts to realize that we won't be able to share all those moments again. Despite Raheem being a jerk yesterday, I still love him. And now that Raheem knows about Micheal's feelings? Of cause, he wouldn't want me to be that close to him anymore.

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