33. No shame

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Kesha's POV

Like the day isn't long enough, I have to face my worst enemy who happens to be my sister as well. Linda.

I watched her create a scene by calling me a thief.

Ah, it was life-shattering, to just stand there with my sisters as Linda made a farce at me. The normal me would have beat the shit out of her but I have already caused a lot of trouble already so I watched her instead, unwavered by her mockery.

"Listen, you cynical clown. It has been a long day and if think you can choose this of all days to mess with me I will squeeze the living hell out of you. Now you have five seconds to shove your ass up somewhere else or so help me God I will kill you and celebrate in prison." Aisha said her hands clenched into fists and, her eyes so cold and devoid of any emotion, making a hassle Linda waddled away.

"Come on in," Aisha urge us inside our room.

"Whoa that was scary Aye Aye." lisha simpered.

"Serves her right," said Sasha.

"Oh Kesha, I am so glad you are okay....how did she get out?" Sasha asked Aisha.

"I called mother's lawyer and he got her released," she said.

"oh wow, and here I thought it's only papa that could help." lisha shrugged.

"Me too, I didn't think lawyers can quickly get you released in this country if you are not powerful. When I saw you walk in with Kesha, I actually thought it was Micheal that helped..." Sasha said.

"She was only caught stealing not murdering, and besides Kesha has no record of any sort of thefts...our lawyer will handle everything from now on," Aisha answered. I knew she was still upset with me even though she pretended to be okay.

"I'm so sorry sisters please forgive me. I know what I did was stupid and I know I have disappointed you all.." I sobbed.

Deep down I felt no regrets at all. That sulking old man got lucky I didn't think about the surveillance in his office. But I had to gain my sisters' sympathy and that could only happen by pretending to feel remorseful.

"Please don't hate me, I have no excuse." I wept glimpsing at Aisha to see her facial expression. Good lord, why is she so cold?

"Aw don't cry...I'm gonna cry." lisha hugged me. Now isn't she my favorite sister?

"Mama is going to be so disappointed in me, how do I face anyone after this.." I wept even more.

"Don't be so hard on yourself Kesha, you know we will never hate you....hush now, you are okay." Sasha smiled wiping my tears, my heart flutters as I watch her face fill with worry.

"Because of me you almost ended up being raped." I shivered at the thought of that incident. I would have never forgiven myself if that would have happened.

"But she wasn't raped... she's okay and you are okay. What's important is that we are all back here together. Go clean yourself up Kesha." watching Aisha, I nodded obediently. Is she still angry at me or didn't she buy my pretense? Well, I am sorry I got them worried but I'm not sorry for trying to steal from papa.

"Lisha please tell lady Mariama to make us breakfast." She added and lisha nodded.

I left my sisters in the room and took a 30-minute warm bath feeling the soothing fragrance of different soap lotions on my skin.

10hours behind a prison bar makes you appreciate the little things around you. Prisoners are given no privileges at all. And base on my half-day experience, I could tell that most of their days were spent sitting around doing nothing. I was locked in a confined room with five other women with iron bars everywhere. The place was filled with damp smells and dirt.

I wish the government would be concerned about the poor conditions of prisons and give attention to human rights in that field as well. If there's anything I learned from prison is that it humbles you nevertheless.

I remember walking out and feeling so grateful. I had walked toward Aisha and the lawyer like a child being collected from school by her parents. Aisha had hugged me and kissed my forehead, asking if I was okay and if they hurt me in there. I had reassured her that nothing like that happened. On our way home, she had called Alex telling him that everything was okay and I was released. That was so humiliating and I hate the fact that Alex and Aisha are friends. I wanted to scold her for calling Alex instead of calling Betty but I knew better than pissing Aisha off. Because of me, her trip got ruined and Sasha got hurt.

But still, I wish they would stop giving updates about me like I'm a little girl. And Alex doesn't even care that much and it annoys me that Aisha doesn't know that. She doesn't even know that her so-called friend has made out with me twice and he thinks I'm a whore.


I relaxed into the steamy bubble bath water exhaling. My fingers somehow find their way down my bikini area and I moan as I softly touch the head on my clitoris. Betty must be having a lot of fun with that gym guy. Desire swept through me as I pictured Alex making out with me. I held my breath craving for more, yearning for more, My legs trembled as I gently pushed and robbed myself in a circular motion, the tip of my fingers were magically increasing the blood flow down there and igniting arousal deep within me, I released a vast amount of pleasure mouth gasping for air.

I lazily lean my head on the wall and smiled feeling stress-free. Why the fuck was I picturing Alex of all people? Ugh...

I got off the tube leaving all the guilt, embarrassment, and humiliation of the past 13hours behind, and stood under the shower before reaching for my towel and walking out.


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