49. Line

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Aisha's POV

I cuddle with Kesha as she sobbed silently on her bed. Our giant dolls were tossed on the floor. I wanted to help her, I wanted to end whatever pain that was harboring her. But I knew she had to do this on her own. All I can do is be here through it all.

She ended her secret relationship with Alex since it was the only way to mend her friendship with Betty. Despite feeling sad for her, I am also proud of her. She put her friend before her own need and that is a big growth for her.

But that's not all, Sasha told us about her plans on studying mass communication at the University of Cape Town. And somehow that news affected Kesha more than the rest of us.

"You know, I just don't get it. I even promised not to be mean to her anymore and yet she still wants to leave. Why? What's the big deal in studying here anyway she acts like education is more important than family." she wept her nostril flaring. This is Kesha we are talking about. Brave and carefree Kesha. Never have I seen her this emotional.

"My life sucks Aisha. Everyone is just leaving me. Mama left, as much as I hated papa he left. Then Alex and now Sasha?" she bit her bottom lip as she forced the tears in.

"Hey, it's okay. Alex is not leaving, you are going to be seeing him a lot more than you know."

"He probably hates me now more than ever," she muttered sniffing.

"Believe me, Kesha, Alex would never hate you." I smiled my hand brushing through her afro hair.

"If there's one thing I believe in sis, is that when two people want to be together, the universe finds a way to bring them together," I added making her look up at me.

"This is not the end between you and Alex," I said my voice sounding promising. I knew for a fact that Betty loves Kesha equally and only felt jealous because her brother was taking her best friend from her. All Kesha needs to do is make her realize that dating her elder brother won't ruin her relationship with her. But ofcause I can't tell her that, she needs to see that herself and make Betty understand that what they both felt was real and it won't affect their friendship.

"I miss him, Aisha, so much it hurts."

"Shush it's okay" I hugged her wiping her messy face with my hand.

"It's going to be fine girlfriend. For now, focus on your hairstyling business okay?" I said and she nodded obediently before starting another round of tears the emotions showing on her face.

"Who will be saving my business money now? Who will I be provoking now? I don't want Sasha to leave." I blinked holding back the tears in the corner of my eyes. She was going to make me cry if she continue saying that.
I also wasn't happy about Sasha's decision to move to another country but what can I do, she has already made up her mind and she's old enough to make such her own choice.

Among all my sisters, I connect with her the most. Aside from her being very smart, her sarcastic comments and childish reactions are things I am already attached to.

"We are all young Kesha. We are growing, still finding our purposes. As much as I hate this, I saw this coming a long time ago. One day we will all be separated, we will all be living different lives and we will barely be able to see each other. But that won't change anything, we will always be sisters no matter where we find ourselves." I said.

"I am never leaving you though, anywhere you go I will follow," she grumbled and I chuckled nodding.

"And if we get married, our husbands won't get that privilege of separating us," I added.

"And we are going to be successful, we are gonna build a legacy, Aye Aye," she said mimicking lisha. I grinned as I lay my head on the pillow beside her.

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