15. One call away

21 7 2

Aisha's POV

I sat on the grass glancing off at the fountain in our garden as the rays of the sun warm my skin. They say the best place to relieve one from any stress is a garden filled with colorful flowers.

Stupid, stupid Kesha. All she does is get on people's nerves. My phone rang and Siri announced that it was an incoming call from Micheal. I tapped on my iPod and I heard his familiar voice.

"Beautiful girl."

"Hey, Micheal." I said.

"What's wrong, you sound sad," he said.

"No no I am not sad, I am angry," I said frustrated.

"Is it Zainab or your stepsisters?" he asked.

"No, it's Kesha. We got into a fight." I said, my fingers sliding through the grasses. We have different sections of gardens in our house but this part was my favorite. It always smells fresh here and the sweet scent of roses and lilies filled the air combined with the smell of grasses.

"Do you need me to come over?" He asked.

"No, it's fine." Kesha's words really got to me and I feel so guilty right now.

"Okay, what's wrong." He asked.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you think I am using you?" It came out before I could stop myself.

"What? No." Micheal chuckled.

"Why would you even say that," he asked.

"Kesha wants us to steal papa's money and run away and when I disagreed we got into a conflict. I told her I can take care of us and she said it's because I have you as my friend, she accused me of also using you claiming that I am also not a saint. Her words really disturbed me." I confessed feeling really bad.

"You know that isn't true, you shouldn't let her words disturb you, Aisha." I could hear noises at his end, he was probably walking on the roadside.

"But she is right. I am using you and you don't need to act nice or argue about that, you always help me when I need money, and honestly, that is why I am more determined to leave papa's house because deep down, I know you will have my back. I take advantage of you and that is wrong. How can I even be a good example to them?" I felt really disappointed in myself.

"Hey, listen to me okay? Aisha?" He asked when I went silent on him. This is so embarrassing.

"Yes, I'm here."

"You have known me for three years and you really think you can use me? Now I know you lack common sense" he teased making me frown.

"Micheal that's is no fun...." I was saying when he cut me off.

"I care about you because you are my friend. I give you money because I want to and I had do the same to any friend out there. It is who I am as a person and you of all people should know that." He said.

"But still Micheal, it's wrong. And I'm gonna stop accepting money from you" I said.


"you have done a lot for me and I'm really grateful. You have helped me get a job that is more than enough."

"Stop acting like I have given you that much, and we are not strangers Aisha, you would have done the same thing for me if you were in my shoes" he argued.

"Yes but that ends now, I need to be a good example for my sisters" I said.

"And please stop trying to convince me I have already made up my mind" I added quickly.

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