30. Fears

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Lisha's POV

Some say sadness is a kind of defense and some say it is a wall between two gardens. What I feel right now is a sickening feeling down the pit of my tummy and a turmoil in my head.

Shaking, I sat on the ground at the carpark and screamed. My voice was so loud I wanted to cover my ears and screamed even harder. Out of panic I had called Sasha and told her that Kesha has been arrested, only to receive a call from the hospital that's she has been attacked? By rapists?

How? Why?

Terror cling to my skull as I watched Alex with shivering eyes. I had called him and Betty earlier today when papa himself took Kesha to the nearest police station. We had just gotten here when I found out about Sasha.

"We need to go to the hospital now!" Alex said helping me to my feet. He had snatched the phone from my ears and spoke with harry who had just called.

"Betty, you wait here okay?" he said to Betty.

"Okay, please let me know what happened when you get there. Lisha stop crying please... everything will be fine I promise you." Betty hugged me.

"Have you called Aisha?" she looked at Alex.

"Yes, Micheal said they are on their way to the hospital now," Alex answered.

"Okay, go on then," she said.

Sobbing, I followed Alex back into his car and we left for the hospital. How can life be this cruel, why of all people must it be Sasha? Was my sister raped? Who did this? Were they plenty?

A pile of scenarios took place in my head as I wondered what had exactly happened. My headache was caused by too much reflection of me calling Sasha over and over; poor Sasha had scooted harry's party out of panic, at midnight all by herself, and then got attacked by dangerous slum boys who have a record of ambushing young girls at nights like this.

I felt gag...

Sniffling, I wiped my red nose with the back of my hand and gazed straight ahead. the road felt long and distanced even though there was no traffic.

Kesha was locked away by her own father who had surprisingly caught her walking out of his home office with a bag filled with cash. He had called us all out and exposed her throwing horrific words at her. Kesha had boldly denied the accusation only to be surprised that Zainab had inserted CCTV cameras in some parts of the house including his office.

We all watched her through the gray footage as she went through papa's stuff searching for the password which she found in his journal and then quickly unlocked his safe. I looked at Kesha in disbelief but she avoided my gaze as she panics. Papa held her top on the collar the entire time as if she was not his daughter but a criminal. A look of guilt settled down on her beautiful face. What was she thinking? Even after all our discussion she still went on and tried to steal papa's money How could she be so stupid? And what went wrong? She was doing so well with her business why will she stoop so low and make a mockery of herself in front of the entire family?

Zainab had stood robbing her palms together, her face drawing lines as she looked at Kesha like a kitten in a cage. Oh, she did look like a kitten right now. A very wild one to be precise and she just fell into a waiting trap purposely set for her.

Fear and shame swept through me as I had watched papa call the commissioner and even volunteered to take her in. I had rushed to his side and begged him to calm down and allow us to settle this matter as family. But of course with Zainab there to make matters worst, the old man's furry was at the extreme and he had jerked his arm away and shoved me to the floor.

"Kesha, please tell papa you are sorry, say it was a mistake...please papa have mercy she's your daughter." I wept. Lady Mariama came to my side and helped me beg papa.

"I will make sure she spends a few days in jail and gets the worst treatment."

"Do not worry lisha, I'm not afraid," Kesha said stubbornly.

"Oh so help me God, Kesha I will make sure I do everything in my power for you to be stuck in there. You disgusting trash." he had spit before grabbing her by her hair and pulling her to the door.

"Kesha!!.....papa!" like an unleashed mad dog, I ran after them. Screaming and begging papa. Lady Mariama had held on to me as they left.

The first person I thought of was Aisha. Racing back inside and stumbling as I climb the stairs, I flung my room door open and picked up my phone. With hands trembling, I had dial her line but it was unreachable. I then called Sasha who had then reacted by leaving the party.

Still anxious and restless, I had called Betty who had shown up minutes later at our house with her brother Alex. Weeping, I had rushed to them and unraveled the most embarrassing event that had just taken place, beseeching them to help release my sister.

I didn't know how Alex was able to reach the captain of the boat who had sailed Aisha and her friends to Buju island, but it was only a minute after we had gotten out of his car, and walked towards the police station that I had received a call from harry at the hospital saying that Sasha was just attacked by rapists on her way home.

Stupid stupid me.

What exactly would Sasha have been able to do? Why did I call her?

"Hey...get it together swedy, everything is going to be fine I promise you." Alex squeezed my hand with his right hand that wasn't on the wheel.

"She was raped Alex, how's that going to be okay?" my voice revealed raw emotions as unfamiliar pain swept through me. It was all my fault and knowing that I was the reason for Sasha ending up at a hospital, stung.

"We don't know that lisha, please calm down." his hoarse voice was a bit soothing but his words weren't convincing.

I wanted to tell him to increase the speed and get me to my sister instead, I turned and looked at the dark buildings showing and disappearing at the speed of his car.

The road was slow and my anxiety was elevating as my drilling mind kept on pondering what happened to Sasha and how torn apart Sasha must be right now, without her family beside her.

My green shorts looked black and even though I was wearing a hoodie on top, I could still feel chilly to the bone. My rough hair was gathered in a knot on the top of my head like the spike short tree on top of a pineapple.

The air felt dry and I was feeling so thirsty. Suddenly my mind went back to Kesha. Is she really going to spend the night in a cell? Is she thirsty like me? She hasn't even eaten.....

"We are here" Alex's voice alerted me.

Minutes later, we were rushing to the second floor. The smell of mixed chemicals and fragrances of different soaps filled the air.

"Lisha!" I stared at the disembodied voice calling my name. It was harry and he was ushering us to the door he was leaning on.

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