38. Ketching up

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Aisha's POV

"Well, hello dear," said Kesha cheerfully as I entered our room. As usual, my side of the room was neat and hers, messy.

"Hi, Kesha." I smiled taking my shoes off. I spotted her on the floor holding a tiny mirror frame in her left hand, and busy doing her makeup.

"How's work?" she asked all friendly. Too friendly.

"Fine," I answered. Why do I get the feeling something was going on. Does she need money or what? Shrugging off, I sat on my comfy bed. Nothing feels good after a long day than relaxing on your cozy bed.

"You have been avoiding me."

"You have been busy," I answered resting my head on the pillow. So much has been happening and so fast, there's work, there's Raheem suddenly traveling out of the blue on the very day I kissed my best friend, there's Micheal and I texting 24/7 and pretending like I never even kissed him. Or maybe I am the one trying to skip that conversation. I am confused as hell. And one might think I am so scared about confronting and confessing this to Raheem, but what scares me, even more, was that I liked the kiss. I can't stop thinking about it and I want more. It was mindblowing and I have never felt that way before, ever in my 22years of living. at this point, I can't even keep up with the pace.

"Well, we need to catch up," Kesha said. I raised my eyebrow at her and sigh as she hastily crawled towards me and climbed onto my bed. I smiled as I watch her exquisite face.

"You start, how was Alex's birthday?" I asked. Alex had invited me but he knew I'm not much into clubs and I had instead, visited him earlier that day and gave him a Rolex watch as his gift. He is a wonderful friend and I have always had that brotherly bond with him ever since Kesha and Betty became friends.

Betty had asked Kesha to surprise her brother by dancing for him on his birthday and Lisha our social media butterfly had to gist me about it all when we were with mother at the hospital yesterday.
"her badass moves had made her popular on Instagram AyeAye" she had said.

Looking at Kesha now, I noticed her squeezing a smile as she looked at me.

"It was fun." She blushed and I nodded, grinning. Of cause, I know my sister likes Alex but she's been reluctant about it so far, so her glowing expression was really surprising.

"Okay...so what happened? How did Alex react?" I asked pretending not to be suspicious.

"He liked it. And then, the party ended, he dropped me at his parent's house, and then, the end."

"Oh, so he dropped you," I said.

"Yes Aisha, that's not new he always drops me, he wouldn't leave me alone especially when Betty was busy with her gym guy," she said sounding a bit cliche.

"Oh, so Betty wasn't with you? Wow, it was just the two of you in his car." I politely held my mouth and smiled.

"Well yeah, so what?" she frowned at me.

"Mm mm, nothing." I shook my head.

"Aisha!" she cried.

"What" I giggled amused at her reaction.

"Okay lisha showed me some live clips that were trending on social media and I saw you grinding on Alex," she opened her mouth and then like a lid, shut it.

"Was that part of the plan? To seduce him?" I asked dragging the last two words. She bite her lower lip and looked away. Was she blushing? Oh my God, I was right.

"Fine. I'm not gonna lie, I wanted to seduce him." I grinned amused at my diva of a sister, based on the clips I watched, her performance was ravishing, she had an exquisite dress on that was sparkling, and her dances were so good, it was envy just watching. My little sister has many hidden talents beneath that stubbornness.

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