21. The villain in my life

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Kesha's POV

Right then, right there, my hand reached for my T-shirt that says in big letter words 'The villain in my life is my dad', I quickly wore it on top of the blouse I was already wearing before papa could even tilt his head towards me. My hands dove through the crimson red wig on my head as I pretended not to have even noticed him. Ugly old man.

"Papa," Lisha said and Aisha looked at him confused. My two sisters were seating on a pile of clothes on Aisha's bed. He pulled the armchair facing Aisha's desk and sat down facing us. What does he even want, it's not like him to barge in unwelcome and sits down. Well, he did knock but who fucking cares.

"Where's Sasha." He asked after noticing that I'm the only one on my bed. Our eyes met and I acted like he didn't just ask a question.

"Sleeping. She spent the night studying." Lisha said, why is she sounding so humble.

"Well then, looks like you three would do then." He sighed. I cleared my throat and started making some movements with my shirt as if someone splashed water on it and I'm trying to shake it off before it gets soaked. Papa looked at my shirt and frowned. Good.

"What is it, papa?" Aisha asked making him shift his attention from me.

"It's about your mother." He said in his rough and unpleasant voice. I hate when he utters my mama's name not to mention a whole conversation about her, but right now, watching his pale face and calm demeanor, I couldn't help but listen to what he wants to say.

"The doctor said she's having pressure injuries." He said. Confused, I looked at my sisters searching their faces to get a clue on how bad that is.

"You mean bedsores," Aisha said and papa nodded. What does that even mean?

"Her involuntary movements have caused that and if not treated may lead to sepsis." He said.

"What is sepsis?" I asked. And why is he sounding like a doctor right now? I know he studied medicine but he never went far in it. Just like me, he was a dropout.

"It's the consequences of a widespread swelling in the body. Sepsis can reduce blood flow to her vital organs which may lead to organ failure. Her body needs to respond to the infection or it will be life-threatening." I nervously looked at Aisha, confused and scared at how the conversation was going.

"Papa what are you saying." I couldn't help asking. None of this makes sense. I knew mama had partial paralysis because of a stroke she had 15months ago. Even though she can eat and eventually began smiling, both her legs and arms were numb. Something like her body no longer communicating with her brain. She also has diabetes which I think has slowed her progress.

"The doctor said she needs to be diagnosed to start her treatment." He said.

"We can't help her from here." He added.

"Aisha tells Sasha, I have already arranged for her transfer to the hospital." He said staring at his shoes.

My emotions were in piles shifting and drifting in motions. Angry, scared, hurt, helpless, I wanted to scream and cry. Trying so hard to control my rapid breathing, I closed tears rolling down from my eyelids.
It all came back.

Auntie Fatou attacked auntie Binta, mama trying to separate them, they had tossed her in the heat of the fight and she had slipped and fell on the stairs. The fall injured her really badly. We were on our way with her to the hospital when she had a heart attack.

"Umm, I will take my leave now." He said standing up.

"Is she going to be okay...." Lisha asked her voice brittle.

"I don't know." He said.

"I bet you are so happy. You are finally getting rid of her. Of cause you cannot be sure if she'll get better, that is exactly what you want!" I spat feeling my heart boiling. What a devious being acting all sad around us.

"This is not a day for us to fight Kesha." He said.

"You are acting like she's dying, she's not dying." My throat felt tight as the words come out. I hate the way he was making me feel. Scared.

"Of cause not. It's just an infection, she will be okay." Aisha said. Her soothing voice somehow calm my nerves as I stood watching papa.

"Then why is he sounding like there's no hope. Your 14years old daughter is asking you if her mama will be okay and you stand here saying you don't know." I was mad and I hated the man in front of me.

"I am not, and you better drop that tone with me!! I have had enough of your rebellious manners." I laughed at his outburst. The devil has finally unmasked himself.

"There he is, my papa," I said like I'm bragging.

"Do not pretend to be pitiful, because I see right through you. But hear this, my mama will get better, she will walk back here and you will see. And when she does, you will miss the boat." He watched me with glaring eyes.

"You are an embarrassment! A big disappointment. Keep on being optimistic but I am not going to say what I am not sure of!" He said.

"Ha! There he is, as clear as daytime. the apple doesn't fall far from the tree so duh I am my father's daughter." I said sharply, my words mocking him.

"I, know you, papa!" I said making sure he knows that. He's happy about mama's condition and he wants to walk in here and pretend to care.

"You better pray your mama gets well because I will gladly kick you out of this house. So you better pray." He said gruesomely.

"Papa please leave us." Aisha suddenly said and he looked at them and then walked to the door.

"You are my worst nightmare!" He said to me.

"And you are the villain in my life!" I yelled right before he closed the door.

Aisha and lisha watched me, bewildered by my behavior. Do they still believe one day that man will accept them? Scoffing at the thought, I took the shirt off and jumped right back into my bed hugging my cat. Nothing makes me feel better upsetting papa. Nothing.

Minutes later, Sasha came in. Her hair was all messy, her nose looked bigger, her eyes all bumpy because of too much sleep, she looked even skinnier in her pajamas and she smells so good. She looked at us twitching her eyes and nose like she was struggling to pinpoint everything she just missed. Looks like she came across papa in the hallway.
"What happened." She asked.

Two chapters in one day😊🥳🥳


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