43. A day in my life

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Sasha's POV

Aisha and Kesha leaving the mansion was so unexpected. How stupid of me to think that papa felt bad for us. I hate him so much I wish it was him that left instead of mom.

It's been hard for lisha and me but we both try to be strong for each other. My teachers have been worried about my performance since my mom passed away and I have promised to do better.

My friends Clark and Raman have been so supportive throughout this hell of a week. They cheer me up in school and do silly things just to make me laugh.

Today was our last Saturday in school before our wassce exams start. That was the only thing I found exciting. For a change, I dressed very cool and even did some make-up on, and guess what? I didn't wear my lens as well.

I knew mom won't be happy with me all sad and sour. I knew she was in a better place and even though I feel like I could never heal from the pain of losing her, it doesn't hurt to start at least a healing process. I have always wanted this year to be my best year in school and if you ask me? I think it was not so bad. So to end high school, why not dress like you are the prettiest girl in school for one day?

I could feel students gasping as I passed each of them in my heels, my confidence bolted up as I hotly moved my hips. Guys were drooling over me and it was kind of a good feeling. Even though I don't do boyfriends.

"Well, well, well..." Raman grinned as he saw me. He was neatly shaved and he was well dressed as well. I smiled at him pacing towards him.

"Who are you and what have you done to my friend?" Clark gasped. I tilted my head and saw her. She was wearing a milky-colored v-neck blouse on her jeans. Her yellow skin glowing as usual. She was the only one looking normal.

"Ah, thank you, Clark." Raman blushed.

"Well I didn't mean but you are good too," she said a bit harsh but Raman being Raman still grinned sheepishly.

"Thanks, Clark," I smiled at her.

"Damn you smell so good," she added.

"Ha, this one is new." I bragged before leaning close to her and whispered.

"Aisha's perfume."

We laughed and headed for our last class. I saw Harry and he wave at me, I waved right back smiling. He's also been a really good friend even though I have been avoiding him a little bit. My friends still believe the lie I told them about Harry and they think that's why he was being too friendly with me.

Our class teacher came in and after giving us hints on what to expect during our exam, he also advised us to study well.

"I wish you all the best and have a nice day." He said before leaving. I felt emotional as I watched him walk out. Even though I will be visiting the library any time I want, knowing this was my last lecture in this class felt heavy. Not in a bad way though.

"I am going to be waking up every midnight to study until the exam ends," Clark said as we walk out of the class. I hugged my pamphlet to my chest while I listen to them.

"I can't wait to go to college," Raman said. It's funny how our colleagues are busy worrying about the exams and we are excited.

"Hey guys" Harry called out to us urging us to stop walking while he quickly walked towards us. His dashing appearance was even more eye-catching as he came closer to us.

"Harry." Clark blushed her voice changing.

"Hi." The word came out from Raman's throat like a giggle. I looked at Harry and made a nod before fake smiling.

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