48. Baddies

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Sasha's POV

So many things have been going on. School, home, overall life itself. Now papa is gone. How do I even digest that so suddenly? Within a month I have become an orphan, right when I'm stepping into adulthood. What now?

Today is a great day, I just graduated from high school. A week from now? I'll receive letters from all the universities I have applied in. I still haven't spoken with my sisters yet about the university I want to forge my studies in. I feel nervous just picturing their faces as I tell them that I plan on moving miles away from them.
But of course, that's not the only reason why I haven't mentioned anything yet. They have been so distracted about finding out who killed papa. And call me evil but I don't feel anything, to be honest.
I am the last person to even think about finding justice for papa but well, I love my sisters so I helped.

Thanks to lisha's suspicion, we were able to search the dustbin right before the dirt truck came to collect it and like winning a gamble out of luck we picked up all the chemicals and tablets cups. Long story short, we found the chemicals that were used to kill him and traced them to the pharmacy where it was bought.

We went there and with Kesha's sweet and threatening talks we got access to their Cctv camera and we saw Linda buying it a week before papa died.
Aisha contacted the inspector and shared all the info and evidence we have gathered with him. He promised to delve into it deeper, also strictly warning us to be careful and let him take care of this. Ofcause stubborn Kesha didn't hesitate to give him a piece of her mind threatening to spray pepper water on his face if he doesn't arrest the real culprit this time.

Today is African child's day, June 16 and we just got back from my graduation ceremony in school. And guess what? Tomorrow is prom night. You can imagine the excitement I was already feeling and while I climbed the stairs with my sisters behind, the police entered asking for everyone's presence. we were positive they were going to arrest Linda but then they did not. Instead, they asked everyone to bring out the clothes they were wearing when papa died.

"The poison used to kill late Mr. Malik was a dusted harsh chemical, some of the particles can easily remain on the clothes even after laundry. Now that will help us easily trace the murderer." inspector Sherrif said and we all looked at each other confused.

"But you have already arrested the killer, why search again?" Linda asked. I watched her in pure disgust and shook my head.

"New evidence has been found," he answered.

"Do I also need to bring mine?" Auntie Fatou asked and the inspector nodded.

A few minutes later, we all came back with the clothes we wore on the ninth of June. And the police officers kept looking at the pictures they were holding and the clothes we were clutching.

"Mrs. Binta Malik, you are under arrest for the murder of your husband." he quickly walked do her and placed her hands in cuffs.

Holy shit, Lisha was right! Auntie Binta was the beginning. Apart from mom, she is the eldest wife.

"What!" Linda cried.

"Excuse me? Officer what the hell!" Sammy cried.

"This is absurd...mom!" Stella cried.

"You lied inspector..." Auntie Binta said looking calm.

"There were no particles," she added making everyone freeze their tongues.

"Exactly, I knew the murder would switch clothes and she did." he points to her.

"Lisha and her sisters suspected Linda and were able to find proof against her, but I knew she didn't kill him. You sent her to buy you meds and added the poison into it claiming to be sick. You knew Zainab was the only one having access to your husband's food so you waited until she went to the bathroom to ease herself, her cousin was in the kitchen ofcause, waiting for her but then you called her out, mimicking Zainab's voice and she left, thinking Zainab called her in the bathroom for help and before she could return, you poured the poison into the already prepared dish and walked out." I was shocked as I looked at Auntie Binta. It all made sense now. After mom, she was officially the first wife and also the first woman to be abused and betrayed by papa. More than anyone, she wanted papa gone and now that I'm thinking about it, she's the one gaining more than anyone after her husband died. Kudos detective lisha!

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