37. Lie expert

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Sasha POV

There is a saying that, 'The first day of school is always a fashion show. The rest of the school year? A pajama party.' exams were getting near and we the seniors looked like we were having a pajama party for real. Even the slay queens were exhausted from all the pressure and evening classes, they don't have time to put on heels or design their hair anymore.

"Lessons upon lessons." Raman groaned and got up beside me and left with his science colleagues, they had practicals to do in the lab. I waved goodbye at him before sulking into my seat. As much as I love school and getting good grades, I also can't wait for it all to end. We didn't have as much fun as we wanted especially this last semester because of the pressure from teachers. But ended up being noticed by almost everyone in school, especially the popular kids.

After the incident at harry's home area, I thought my name would have been tarnished in school by now. One of the reported cops told their daughter about the incident and that daughter happens to be in our school, and she had started the rumor that one of the girls at harry's party was raped by bandits.

Now, how convenient is that?

Fortunately, Harry never reveal what truly happened and so did my friends. It was like it never happened and everything went back to normal.

The last bell rang for the day and everyone rushed out of the classroom. I sat there tossing my pen and waited. I watched the funny-looking brown clock rotate to 4 pm before finally leaving my seat. By now all the popular kids are off the school grounds, leaving us the smarties behind. I walked towards the library where I plan on spending an hour doing my assignment before going over to mom. Climbing the stairs, I turned left and kept on walking only hearing the tum sound from my shoes. I was an inch away from the door when I suddenly felt a strong hand on my shoulder giving me the fright of my life. I jumped and turned thinking it was a monster but it was only Harry. Confused, I looked at him.

"Hey," he said in his usual charming aura.

"Whats up harry." He was wearing black jeans and a white top and a black jacket on top.

"Well I have been trying to reach you but you hardly pick up my calls," he said. Harry has a strong masculine face and beautiful brown eyes.

"Um but we spoke yesterday morning remember?" I said bluntly. I have thanked him over and over for saving me from those goons and we had put all of that to rest, so I felt a bit puzzled by this new familiarity.

"But you didn't today and I, um left you a couple of messages" he cleared his throat.

"Oh...I see, well, I will answer them as soon I'm done studying okay?" I said. He was acting really awkward. Do I need to reply to his every text?

"Cool, so um, I really wanna get to know you sasa, i..."

"Sasha." I frown cutting him off.

"What?" he asked

"My name is not sasa, it's Sasha." I corrected. Geez, he is such a slow person.

"I'm sorry, my bad." he chuckled nervously. Gosh, he is so cute. No wonder Clark is obsessed with him.

"So Sasha, do you mind having lunch with me this weekend? I mean, there's a new restaurant around the corner and I heard they prepare amazing dishes," he said. I didn't want to say yes but for someone who saved your life, you can't be that harsh right?

"Sounds great, I'm in." I smiled.

"Really! Cool, so um I will pick you up by 2 pm, Saturday?" he seemed so excited which was weird to me. Is the food that nice for him to be this thrilled?

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