29. Never have I ever

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Aisha's POV

It was a pleasant gloaming night and we all sat under the open skies facing the firewood that was brightly burning and absorbing the warmth from the flame.
My belly was in turmoil because of the too many laughs as I watched Romeo dance while Raheem play the guitar. He confidently made fast pacing movements to the rhythm of the music which was so ridiculous.

"Please stop." Gina said between laughs as she held me for balance which made us both fall on our backs. Tears dropped from my eyes as I continued watching Romeo show his talents.

"That's an amazing dance Romeo keep it up." I said cheering him up and pausing for a breath. He turned his back towards us and started twerking. His lower hips looked like it's about to bounce off, he was totally straying away from the rhythm. We laughed so hard and then clapped when he finally stopped, cheering him up for such a dance.

"Amazing man amazing." Micheal grinned. Romeo politely deep bow and held his hand out towards me.

"Can I have this dance my lady?" he asked me with his chest puffed out and his legs looking croaked by his standing posture. Laughing, I shook my head.

"I insist," he said walking towards me.

"No thank you" I laughed quickly getting on my feet and running away from him. He stumbled after me as we round in circles with me screaming at Gina to tell him to stop bothering me.

"Oh lord this girl can run." He suddenly stopped, catching his breath.

"I, I can't, I give up." he sighed.

Laughing, I hugged Raheem from behind as I watch my friends. Jane sat eating blueberries with Michel beside her.

"You guys are so cute together." Gina said staring at them. Jane flushed and tried feeding Micheal who kept refusing to take a bite.

"He doesn't eat blueberries." I said grinning. My hands wrapped around Raheem's neck.

"Oh really?" Jane asked surprised.

"No babe." Said Micheal.

"But why?"

"He gets a disturbed tummy every time he eats one," I said even though it was obvious that I wasn't the one she asked. I noticed how everyone looked at me and mercy smiled that annoying smile. Ops.

"I, I mean I have seen him once, Right Micheal? You spent hours in your bathroom." I chuckled nervously.

"His bathroom? Wow, you two are pretty close then" Gina said acting all suspicious. I noticed how stiff Raheem went.

"Oh come on they are best friends of cause she has been to his house." Mercy said pinching Gina on the arm.

"Hey how about we play truth or dare." Romeo suddenly said. He probably sensed the awkwardness that was about to take place.

"Aaaaaaa yes," Micheal said.

"Yes yes." Gina grinned.

We formed a circle and Romeo brought out some hard liquors and the rule was to drink a cup if you can't answer a truth or do a dare.

"But Aisha doesn't drink." Mercy mention.

"Damn girl, you are no fun," Jane said irritatingly.

"I will drink for her." Raheem volunteered and they all disagreed.

"Oh come on, that's not fair." Mercy said.

"I'm sorry Aisha, you need to stay out on this one. But you can...." I took a cup of liquor and gulp it down as everyone watched me. They were stunned.

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