28. Pretty little ladies

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Kesha's POV

I do not know which one is more celebrating, Betty asking me to perform a special dance for Alex on his birthday next weekend or me winning the little bet I had with Sasha on who should win the debate at lisha's school. Certainly the latter. What better time to deal with Alex than on his birthday. Does he think he can play with my feelings and be
savage about it? Nobody has ever molested me like that and guess what Alex? Kesha is unequivocally going to pay back.

I looked at Sasha's defeating look and I grinned, Nothing feels good than winning a bet. I rejoiced as I entered our sitting room with Sasha and Lisha behind me. Surprisingly the house looked empty today. preceding, I climb the stairs heading to my sister's room.

"We will never hear the end of this." Sasha took a deep breath. We just came from Lisha's school and my God was it fun. Sasha walked past me holding the pizza boxes we bought at her favorite restaurant.

"I will go get us drinks." lisha said quietly heading to the kitchen. Aww, my poor little sister did not win her debate.

"Stop rejoicing will you? We need to make her feel good." Sasha suddenly said.

"Lisha knows I am only happy because I proved you wrong. So chillax she will be fine." I simpered.

"Ugh, you did not win! It's just because those kids didn't know how to defend themselves."

"Yeah keep telling yourself that smarty" I teased and she rolled her eyes at me. We entered their room and I jumped on her very tidy bed and grinned as I watch her frown. Lisha came in with the drinks and they both sat on the floor.

"Lisha does not worry, next time you will surely win," I said.

"Yeah she's right, don't let it bother you." Sasha smiled handing her a slice of pizza which she gently accepted.

"You girls are right. And I know I did extremely well, too bad my team members didn't put much effort as I did," she said staring miserably at the pizza in her hand.

"I know right." I sighed wanting to take the other box of pizza and eat it right here on Sasha's bed. I looked at her for permission and received a glare instead.

"Don't you even dare," she warned pushing the pizza away from my reach.

"See? that's why we don't get along." I accused.

"You mean because you are a mess and I am a beauty with brains?" she stifled a laugh.

"Wait, what do you mean beauty with brains? Is it the book brain or the common sense brain because my darling, you lack the latter." I snorted and lisha started cracking up.

"Haha very funny," Sasha said sarcastically frowning at Lisha.

"Sorry," she said holding her laugh in. Grinning, I joined them on the floor and took a bite of pizza savoring the taste.

After eating, I left the girls and returned to my room. I couldn't provoke Sasha the way I wanted without making lisha feel sad but I will save it for another day. book smarts are better than street smarts my foot. And why do they even come up with such stupid topics anyways? Sighing, I took my phone out of my pocket and started scrolling through my Instagram page.

My phone rang and betty's name with a heart emoji appeared on the screen. I slide onto the screen and pressed the phone on my right ear.

"Bitch." she said.

"Can't you get enough of me? Must you call me three-four times a day?" I asked.

"I am fucked!" she cried.

"Are you pregnant?" I asked.

"What the fuck? no!"

"Good, then you are not fucked." I sighed, I thought she was pregnant by the way she sound. Thank goodness she's not.

"Kesha my parents have registered me to sit wassce. Can you believe it? How can I prepare for an exam that is four months away?" she complained.

"Then say you not taking it," I suggested. I mean you can't force someone to do what they don't want right?

"If I don't, they are kicking me out of their house."

"They wouldn't." I chuckled nervously. There was a pause on her side as if she was waiting for me to rephrase that.

"Will they?" I asked again. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are the nicest people I have ever met but if there's one thing I have never seen them do is to give out a free threat.

"My friend you are screwed." I cried.

"What do I do Kesha?" she asked.

"Start studying, what else," I said and she growled at me.

"Listen, Betty, this is good for you so be optimistic about and do not worry you will surely pass. And you better pass because you will be homeless if you don't." I added.

"Fuck you, aaaaaa!"

"There is no compromise here girl, This is it. No more partying, no more spending hours at the gym, no more idleness it is time to focus on your studies and make mama proud." this is a good thing for her but ofcause she won't agree.

"How can you be amused at my misery?" she whined.

"Relax little one, relax, and do not forget the benefits of education." I said trying to sound like a French professor.

"You better shut the fuck up or so help me God, I will kill you," she said and I started laughing. Betty dropped the call and I texted her saying I love you
And she sent fuck you emoji instead, making me laugh even harder.

Sighing I looked up at the ceiling and closed my eyes.

Bang! bang! bang!
My eyes opened and I jumped and sat on my bed startled by the loud knock on my door. Was I sleeping? I quickly walked to the door and open it frightened at the consistent knocking. My emotions went from scared to furious as I saw Zainab standing like a queen in front of my door.

"How long have I been knocking? Don't you have manners?" she attacked enormously. I stood defensively and watched her. My brain trying to process what just happened.

"What do you want Zainab?" I asked.

"As your stepmom, you should...." I banged the door on her face and turned the key clockwise.

Bang bang bang!

"How dare you, Kesha! Open this door right now!" she shouted.

"You should know me by now Zainab, I don't fuck with hoes," I said putting on my speaker and scrolling on my music lists.

"Tell that to your big sis!"

"I can't hear you hoe," I said raising the volume.

"Do not underestimate me Kesha open this damn door." I laughed loudly for her to hear. I already have plans and arguing with Zainab won't do me any good. If she wants my fight, she should come get it another time. I dance around laughing at how quickly she gave up and walked away right after I increased the volume. She thought her loud banging will disturb and piss me off but what she doesn't know is that I can be noisier if I want to. The bitch is even lucky I don't have alcohol with me, I would have shown her the life of a party in a way she wouldn't like.

I reduced the volume and jumped back right on my bed with my doll Katie staring at me.

"What?" I raised my shoulders at her.


Hey lovelies, I cannot believe you all are still with me😩🥺🙏 it really feels good to know that you find this book interesting and I am really grateful.

Thanks for the support.
This chapter was for you to see what kesha did all day before what is about to happen......

Haha here's a hint; I smell trouble


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