32. Relief

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Sasha's POV

"Can you just stop talking?" I snapped at Zainab. Annoyed of her unzipped mouth pestering about her being the hero of last night and framing Kesha as the villain.

"And why should I huh? Your Sister's despicable demeanor last night was uncalled for..." she smirked leaning on the soft couch as I sat with lisha opposite her and her cousin. We were waiting for papa who had ordered us to wait in the family room. Zainab has been rambling about Kesha's attempt to steal from papa like it's the most intriguing news out there.

"Ah, yesterday was extraordinary like Zee World. Tell me about it." I grunted at her. Is she pregnant? She looks so fat and ugly.

"Aw poor Sasha, your sister was so scared like a shivering chicken when your papa drag her out of the house..." she chuckled. Her words felt excruciating by the ear, I wanted to claw my fingers at her face and ruin it. Her dumb cousin grinned nodding at every comment that Zainab makes.

"How indulging must you be feeling after all...what did you gain out of it again? Ah, nothing." I fake smiled.

"Hurting Aisha is enough for me my darling. No hard feelings." she stood up and walked out.

"You witch, after everything you have done you still have the temerity to say that?" lisha spit.

"Tell Aisha and Kesha that their stepmother is praying for their safe return." she mocked vanishing behind the door.

"Bitch!" lisha said nose flaring.

"It's not worth it." I grabbed her shoulder. It amazes me how quickly your friend can become your enemy. What did Aisha ever do to Zainab that could devoid her of any empathy? Is money really capable of changing one's soul? Who am I kidding, that's absurd. But Fine, you married our dad, but why still be hostile to people who were nothing but kind to you?

I guess I will never know.

"You see a person's true colors when you are no longer beneficial in their lives. They change completely." I muttered.

"People never change, it's the mask that falls off." lisha said. I looked at her and nodded.

We spent another hour waiting for papa. Even though Aisha had stubbornly refused to beg papa to release Kesha, I had insisted on staying and talking to him. Hoping he will show some empathy towards us.

My body was clenched in fear after I had received a call that papa was locking Kesha up for trying to steal from him. The thugs that approached me out of nowhere after ten minutes of walking from harry's house still felt raw and alarming. Their stinky breath and rough hands gripped me and tossed me to the ground. Was this what my life is going to be like? Will I be stained with this trauma for the rest of my life? No. I haven't even had sex yet! I won't let this happen, I will fight like my life depends on it. Well, my life definitely depends on it...

I had screamed helplessly and struggled, using my knee to kick one of the men's trunk areas and also bite the hand that was trying to cover my mouth. It was a battle I fought with all my strength against five men as they stripped me off my blouse. It would have been easy for them had they been sober but they were drunk and clumsy. Panicked, terrified, and shocked, I prayed to God as I fought drastically with hot tears running down my eyes.

"Help me!" I had screamed for the hundred times before I finally heard a disembodied voice calling 911. Three of the guys ran out of panic while the remaining two stubbornly tried to finish what they started, grinning at my exposed nipples with greed and desires in their evil eyes, I spit on the other one's face as harry attacked the guy who stubbornly pulled at my jeans...

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