41. Alarmed

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Lisha's POV

Two things I have learned; one, the future is not ours to know. Two, you will never truly know the value of someone until you lose them. It's been two weeks now since my mama passed away. We have all been grieving in our own way. Our friends and families have been so supportive, they have been there through it all and that's a blessing.

Aisha has started working again and I can't stop worrying about her. Imagine losing your mama on the same day you found out your boyfriend was married? That's a lot. For some unknown reason, she's also been avoiding Micheal as well. He was the first to arrive at our house when mama passed away that night before Alex, Betty, and the others came. And I remember him being with Aisha all night as she mourned. I really pray they solve their problem because Micheal is a good man and I know how much my sister means to him.

Kesha is hardly around and she hasn't resumed her hairstyling business yet. She's now very hard on herself and everyone close to her. Probably her way of dealing with grief. She gets upset easily and quickly throws a punch if you mess with her. Yesterday, Linda had laughed evilly when Kesha was passing by and a fight took place. She had ended up breaking poor Linda's nose before leaving the house. This morning, papa tried beating her but Aisha defended her and even paid for Linda's treatment.

Sasha, my tall beautiful sister has lost weight drastically Since mama past away, she's been sleeping in mama's room, and sometimes when I check up on her, I hear her crying under her covers at night. She misses mama, we all miss her. Her exams are getting so close and I'm really worried about her. I tried cheering her up a few days ago but she ended up begging me to leave her alone, that she wanted to be alone.

If there's anyone whose life seems normal, then it's me. I do not isolate myself from others, neither do I lose my temper easily nor do I avoid my friends. See? Pretty normal.

I was proceeding to the kitchen, casting a glance at the beautiful art frame on the wall. The picture was representing a black woman carrying a water pot on her head while she carries her baby on her back. A clothe was wrapped and tied to her breast to support the infant like a backpack.

Paintings to me are one of the most beautiful things on earth. One frame carrying a whole story. A beautiful piece with a deep meaning and strong emotions. A powerful masterpiece that leaves the beholder's mind wondering on what was going on in the eyes of the crafty figure. Shallow noises made my legs reel back as I looked in the direction it was coming from. Papa's private sitting room.

Lumbering, I reached the door and lean on it.

I heard papa's weird laughs as Zainab tease him. It was uncomfortable and I wasn't interested in whatever the hell that woman was doing to him. Gross...

I was about to back off when I heard something that interested me.

"Baby, you don't have to wait for the lawyer, their mother is already dead so what is the point of keeping them in the house?" Zainab was saying. Was she referring to us? My God! she wants us out of the house because mama is no more?

"Don't worry, sweetheart, I told you I will kick them all out so trust me, okay?" He grinned his voice sounding so rough and ugly.

"Baby me I don't like this, you have to get rid of them, especially that Kesha, who knows? she might attack me next and I don't want anything to happen to my unborn son." She grumbled. I don't know what was more upsetting, Zainab speaking seductively or her evil words.

"Never! I will kill her before she tries it, don't worry, you know I will do anything for you, my baby, Hmm?" I heard the sound of kisses and Zainab's fake mourning and I wanted to gag.

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