32. She's Gone

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"Hun, someone's on the phone for you." My mom informed me.

I grabbed a tissue off the nightstand and wiped the hot tears away. "Are you okay?" She asked quietly. Handing me the phone, she brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear while her expression remained concerned.

"Yeah." I answered back, keeping my eyes away from hers. This lie ached, it was far from true. I rose the phone up, indicating I was going to talk to the unknown caller. She nodded slowly and began to walk out of the room, only to turn around.

"You can tell me anything." Her voice sounded so compassionate, I almost wanted to break down. A few more tears escaped down my dry cheeks.

With that being said and adding a caring smile, she left. I sniffled once and looked at the unknown caller ID. My eyebrows furrowed in agitation. My heart suddenly picked up it's pace and nerves took over my mental state of mind. I was scared and I had nothing to be scared about.

I knew it was Damian. It couldn't anyone else. I knew he was coming for me. And it wouldn't be easy to flee this situation, he'd just chase me down until he reaches his goal. It made me wonder why he would still want me. Why not just drop it? All because Justin punched him in the face. But I don't blame him, Damian should never call a girl a bitch. Or elbow them in the ribs. He was the first one to start all of us this yet he feels the need to blame us.

I sighed and closed my eyes. "Hello?"

I heard snickering on the other side of the phone. "Been trying to reach you, Avery."

My hands started to sweat and I gulped. "Why?"

"Just for the fun of it." Damian laughed obnoxiously as a girl joined in with him. 

"Why do you keep instigating this situation? Leave us alone already." I finally snapped.

He stopped laughing and his voice abruptly became apathetic. "Maybe if your little flop popstar of yours didn't punch me, things would of been different."

"He's not a flop," I flared. "Maybe if you weren't such a sicko bitch, things would be different. If you really think about it you're just being hostile for no damn reason. Because it's fun? You know you hate the fact I'm with Justin. Stop being envious and go the hell away."

As the last few words left my mouth, I hung up. There was no way he'd break me down, I stood my grounds. Maybe I made this situation worse or and if I did, I'd only find out in the end.

* *

I yawned, making my way down the stairs. It was one o'clock in the morning and I had just woken up. April and Drew were on the couch watching a movie. I walked past them to the kitchen and grabbed the milk out of the fridge. Walking over to one of the cabinents, I pulled out a bowl and yawned for the second time. All of a sudden I heard noise. It sounded like something hit the kitchen window. I knew it wasn't loud because I was the only one that heard it.

I furrowed my eyebrows and threw the milk back in the fridge and ran to where April and Drew were. They both glanced my way noticing my expression. "What happened?" April laughed lightly.

"Just a heard a weird noise."

Drew stood up. "Where?"

I shook my head. "It's probably just me," I chuckled nervously. "I'm just going to go back to bed. Night." I gave them a meagar smile and ran back up the stairs.

My heart pounded again and just like before, my hands began to sweat. My breathing became heavy, I was scaring myself. Tears cascaded down my face. I didn't know what was going on. How could something so small scare me so much?

Again, I heard the noise. But this time, it was from my window.

My breathing became more short and I slowly ambled towards the window. There was nothing there.. I looked everywhere out the window, it was blank. No sign of any harm or commotion. 

I sighed and smiled in relief. 

I closed the window blinds and turned back around to see a figure in front of my face. Before I could scream, they covered my mouth instantly and held me down. 

"Ready to have fun?" Damian's cold voice rang through my ears.

My eyebrows rose up in alarm and tears escaped rapidly. I desperately and wildly jerked myself to escape his sturdy grasp. With that being no use, I screamed as best as I could as he covered my mouth.

All of a sudden, he punched me square in the jaw. Just like Justin punched him. 

I cried out in pain and my vision became blurry. I looked at Damian with my hazy eyesight, it wasn't clear but it was clear enough to see his fist raising up again. 

"P-please.." I trailed off, as his fist striked my face again.

Then, my world became black.

Alicia (Avery's mom POV)

"Mommy, I'm hungwy." Dylan pouted.

I laughed, "Your pancakes are almost ready, baby."

He moped again and sat at the table with David (dad), April and Drew. I flipped the pancakes over. 

"Hey," I called. "Can one of you guys go wake Avery up?" 

"Sure." Drew answered.

He then ran upstairs.

I took the pancakes out of the pan and stacked them on a plate. I made my way over to the table and set the plate in front of Dylan.

"She was acting weird lastnight." April stated quietly.

David took another bite. "How?"

"She's just having a hard time," I interuppted. "I think she just misses Justin."

Drew abruptly barged into the room with a horrified expression. "Avery isn't in her room. I even checked in the bathroom." He paniced. "But I saw blood on her carpet." He cried.

"Please tell me you're joking, Drew." I said hopelessly.

Drew's empty, lifeless eyes looked at me sadly as he nodded his head slowly. I broke down crying, as the rest of the family did. 

My baby. 

Where are you Avery? Please be safe..


The black SUV pulled up in front of my beautiful Avery's house, I hastily slid out after Kenny and ran to the door step. I knocked and waited for an answer. My mom smiled beside me and I gave her one in return. 

The door opened up to reveal Avery's mom. Her eyes were red and puffy. She was taken back in surprise at the sight of me and rubbed her eyes. "Justin." She breathed.

"Hey," I smiled sympathetically. "Is everything okay?"

She shook her head immediately. "Avery is missing," She stuttered. "She's gone."

Right as those words left her lips, my heart deteriorated into pieces. My smile instantly disappeared, my whole content expression was gone and was replaced by a solemn expression. Tears stung my eyes and my jaw clenched. My stomach dropped. I felt mentally broken within seconds. I was about to black out right then and there.

That son of a bitch took her.

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