36. Black and Blue

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The rising and falling of her chest was pacing at it's calm and natural state. Her body, blackened and wounded, looked almost pale in my eyes. Her closed eyes revealed the single bruise around her right eye and cheek bone. The blue stitches that were sewed into the skin below her eye were clearly visible. And in my head, I could almost visualize when the doctors mentioned that one of her ribs was fractured because she was kicked so hard.

I sighed, taking a deep breath.

I thought watching Avery sleeping at ease would have calmed me down, but I was far from that. Everything was my fault. There wasn't anything I hated more than to see her in the condition she was in. I went insane seeing her in a coma and I'm about to go insane just to see her bruised.

She was bruised.

Her heart was bruised.

A slight knock sounded through my ear and Avery's mother came in. She smiled at me genuinely, "Hey."

The corner of my lip lifted up, giving her a half smile. "Hey, how're you feeling?"

She walked over to the corner of Avery's bed and sat down. "I should be asking you that," I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Justin, Avery is fine. She's a little black and blue but you have to understand that, that boy wanted to do so much more to her. To kill her. She's blessed that she only left that situation with bruises and a cut. I want you to know that, she will be okay. She will heal in time."

Nodding my head, "That's true, I understand but-"

"Don't blame yourself for this, don't. Justin, you mean the world to her. It would kill her knowing you think it's your fault. Damian wasn't normal in the mind, Justin, you didn't know any of this would have happened. No one did."

I nodded once more, noting every word she said. "Thank you, Alicia."

Her smile returned and a warmness filled her eyes. "Anytime," She stood up. "Now dinner is almost ready, I'll call you two when it's done."

"Thank you, again." I laughed lightly.

She nodded before leaving the room.

Fumbling with my fingers, I realized a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. Alicia was right, no one knew that this would have happened.

Hearing a quiet moan coming from the bed, my head shot up in alarm. Avery's eyes fluttered open as she gently stretched her arms. She turned her head towards me and gave me a weak smile, as her right eye closed because of the swelling of the bruise.

My smile lifted into a warm position and I got up to walk over to her side. "Hey," I said lowly. "How're you feeling?"

"Mm," She thought. "I'm okay, how about you?"

I laughed, shaking my head. "You're 'okay?'"

Her smile grew as big as it could, "Yeah, I just got punched in the face and kicked in the ribs. No big deal."

I shook my head. "That's not funny, Avery."

"I'm seriously fine though, Justin."

My face snuck beside hers as I kissed her jaw gently. "I just hate seeing you in pain of any cirmcumstances. You shouldn't be in the position you're in, you don't deserve that."

Avery's palm softly moved my face so that it was directly in front of hers. "I will be okay, Justin. I love you and I don't want you worrying about things that will eventually go away. These marks aren't permanent."

My face softened in defeat. "You're right, I'm not going to stress over this. But I will always be here for you, baby. I love you."


As Justin helped me down the stairs, I felt constant shocks of pain throughout my whole body. I winced a few times but it's not like that would stop the pain.

When we reached the dinner table, I saw that everyone was already sitting down. Walking over to my seat, I sat down haltingly. Not only was everyone staring in my direction, but no one was talking besides Justin who was greeting individual people. It was only my family and Pattie eating at the table, Justin's crew couldn't make it.

I looked down at my plate, closing my eyes. I hated how everyone studied every black and blue speck on my face. The redness of it. The stitches. I hated it.

"Can we please just eat?" I blurted, without opening my eyes.

"What?" Everyone said simultaneously.

My eyes shot open. "All you guys have been doing is look at my face. Look at your food, not me. Please."

"Avery," Justin took my hand in his. "You're beautiful to everyone in this room. No cut or bruise changes that."

I sighed, "Just please don't stare at it, okay?"

Everyone nodded, looking at one another.

"Listen to what Justin said." April sneered. "You think you're the ugliest person in the world just because of one bruise on your face."

My dad's eyes widened. "April, don't start-"

"I never said I was the ugliest person in the world. But I'm sure if you had this huge cut on your face, you'd feel a bit self conscious too."

"All I'm saying is, you're acting ungrateful."

I coughed in amusement. "Ungrateful? Do you even know what the hell that means?"

"Aver-" Justin started.

I cut him off. "I'm more than grateful, April. I'm thankful for everything I have in this world. You barely even know me and that's sad considering I'm your sister. Stop being a bi-"

"Avery!" My mom shrieked. "Stop it! Both of you!"

Pushing the plate in front of me. "I'm going to sleep, I'm not hungry anymore."

Right when I slide my chair back, Justin stopped me. "You're going to eat." He growled. His voice sounded so monstrous, so vicious suddenly. "You have to get something in your stomach. Just eat a little bit."

"Yeah Avery, just eat a little bit." April mocked, laughing in the process.

"April!" My dad yelled.

"I'm just helping out my sister." She fake smiled.

My eyes quickly filled up with tears. "God, I hate you April!"

Without thinking, I shot my body up in a swift motion to leave but my limbs gave out and I fell on the solid, tile floor. A pang of torment hit my ribs immediately. I waved a hand over my already fractured rib and cried hysterically.

Right after I fell, everyone gasped and promptly jumped from their seats and over to me.

"Avery!" I heard Justin cry, "Someone get the car started, we need to take her to the hospital!"

My parents screamed the same words and I saw Pattie - in the blurry vision I had - run out the door. I then looked up at Justin, feeling my cries wear down and my eye lids get heavier. I was blacking out, I knew this feeling all too familiar.

Everyone's cries became distant in my ears and darkness was all I saw.


I FINALLY updated, I know! I'm sorry guys, I love you all so much though. Thank you for all of the comments, votes, and reads. But most importantly for your patience. <3 Love you!

Please comment & let me know what you all thought of this chapter! <3

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