19. Have Faith in Me

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Ring.. ring.. ring. My phone rang, waking me up from my nap. I checked the time, it was only 8:30pm. I walked over to where I threw it and clicked the 'answer', not caring who it was but annoyed they woke me up. "Hello?" I answered in a sleepy, raspy tone.

"Avery, I've been calling you for like two hours." Justin's angry voice chimed. "I was worried."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't have time for this right now." I groaned, still irritated. 

"What? You don't have 'time for this right now'?" He mocked. "I haven't talk to you in days and that's what I get?"

His voice filled up more anger as he spoke. It's not like he actually cared about what I'm doing or who I'm with. 

"Oh really?" I sarcastically laughed. "I haven't talked to you in days and you go off with some other girl, and you're yelling at me?" 

"What are you tal-"

"I'm just done, Justin." I cried, tears suddenly running like rapid fire. "I love you but I guess I'm not the one for you. I get it, Selena is talented, beautiful and every guy's dream. It's no wonder you chose her over me. It was nice knowing you, Justin Bieber." 

I heard Justin begin to respond but I clicked the 'end call' button before I could hear his excuse. Tears dripped from chin and into my hands that now covered my face. 

I love Justin, so much. But now.. he's gone. He's moved on and I need to get over him and start fresh. Throughout our whole relationship, I was living a big fantasy thinking that the teen heart-throb, Justin Bieber, would actually have feelings for me. It was bound for me to wake me up from this dream. Like all celebrity senerios, Justin and Selena Gomez would obviously be the ones to date. Not Justin and an average girl like me, Avery Valantine. I'm no teen idol.

"Avy! Avy!" Dylan bursted the door open.

I quickly sniffled and wiped my tears away. "Hey Dylan." 

"Are you 'kay?" Dylan asked, in that little soothing voice of his.

"Of course." I smiled weakly. "Did you have fun today? Catch any fish?"

"Yeah!" He beamed. "Grandpa said we caught Nemo!" 

I laughed genuinely at this remark. "Oh really? Tell me more."


That night, Dylan told me all about his day. How he went to a small fishing store to get bait and how he got to steer Grandpa's boat. He was practically yelling it all out so from that I assumed this was one of the best days of his life. I thank Drew for allowing me to bring him with me, I don't know how I would survive without him. He makes me forget about my worries and troubles in life and I love him for that.

* * * * * *

The next morning, I was awoken by a small figure jumping on the bed. "Avy! Get up!" Dylan squealed. 

"No." I groaned.

Dylan's response was chucking a pillow at my head. "Dylan!" I yelled and tackled him into a tickling session. He was laughing uncontrollably, me doing the same. 

After 5 minutes, I got up to get ready. Dylan was already dressed and ready to take on a day. Today, Brandon wanted to show me around the boardwalk. It has stores, restaurants, boats you can rent, and the beach of course. 

It was almost 1:00 now and Brandon was already parked out front. I said goodbyes to my Grandparents and Dylan and headed out.

"Hey." I smiled as I slid in the passenger seat.

He returned the smile. "Hey Avery." 

 * * * * * *

An hour and a half later, Brandon and I were sitting on the dock, enjoying our ice cream cones. 

We were in silence, for once out of the whole day. This made my mind flash back to Justin.. I miss him and honestly, I wish he was in Brandon's place right now. Sitting with me and spending time together.

"You alright, Avery?" Brandon spoke. "You seem... out of yourself today."

"Justin." I sighed. "We broke up last night." 

Brandon's eyes widened. "What? Why?"

"Him and Selena Gomez are a 'thing' now, so I called it off.."

"Sorry." He said softly and embraced me. I hugged him back, single tears sliding down to my jaw.

"I'll be fine." I pulled out of his arms. "But thanks for listening to my problems." 

Brandon laughed a little. "Anytime." 

The rest of the day we walked around and shopped. Brandon wanted me to help him pick out some shirts, so I did. He bought a few guy tank tops. Brandon was kind of a beach boy so they fit him perfectly. And at one point, Brandon took my hand in his..  It felt aberrant. 

"Thanks for taking me out. It was fun." I smiled warmly as we stood on my Grandparent's porch. 

"No problem." His cheeks turned red and he turned away. "I'll see you tomorrow."


He looked back into my eyes and leaned in towards my face and kissed my lips softly. I closed my eyes and to my surprise, I didn't flinch.

"What are you doing!?" A familar voice shouted behind Brandon.

I pulled back quickly to see who's voice it was....

"Justin! What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, I was just leaving." He spat.

"I'm sorry Brandon, please leave." I whispered and ran after Justin. "Why did you come? I thought you were too busy in Paris with your girlfriend."

Justin looked at his watch and back up at me. "Last time I checked, you never came to Paris with me."

"Oh plea-"

"Avery, why do you think I cheated on you? Because I honestly didn't. Where'd you hear that? In magazines? On TV? Online?"

"There were pictures, Justin. You. Selena. Kissing. I saw it!" I implied.

"Those are fake, Avery! How do you believe in that crap but not your own boyfriend? I thought you trusted me, but I guess not. It's just like last year when you thought I cheated. Like always."

"Can you blame me? What do you think goes through my mind when I see pictures of you kissing another girl?! It hurts, and to see it on T.V made me believe it even more. Sorry I'm not the smartest girlfriend, sorry I don't want to see my self get hurt, sorry I'm not perfect." I cried. 

"I understand but you need to have faith in me, baby. I love you, you're the best girlfriend I could ever ask for. You're perfect in my eyes and I love seeing how much you care about me and know, I care about you, too. A lot. But why would you go off, kissing another guy.. ?" He whispered the last part, softly.

"You really think that?" I smiled weakly and he nodded, a small smile forming on his lips. "And I don't know, I'm so sorry Justin. Please don't leave me."

"Never." And with that, he crashed his lips into mine. Both of his hands resting on my neck and mine tousling through his hair. Sparks flowed throughout my body. One feeling I've been missing these past few weeks. "I love you." He whispered against my lips.

"I love you, too." I replied and kissed him once more.


I was so freaking excited to write this chapter for some reason, lol. Hope you guys liked it :)

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