16. Don't Promise Me Anything

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We stepped into the huge, fancy hotel. I sat down in the lobby while I waited for Justin to check in and get our hotel keys. 

We took the elevator up to our room and set our things on the bed. 

"So.." I broke the silence. "It's still early."

"Wait- Avery, if Dylan wasn't home... who was he with?" Justin questioned.

That reminded me! I needed to call April! "Oh!" Was all I said, while I quickly dialed her number.

"Hello?" April's voice said, on the other side of the phone.

"Hey, is Dylan with you?"

"Yeah he's right here," I could hear Dylan laughing in the background. "Me and Joseph took him out for the day, you know, so he could get his mind off mom." Joseph was her boyfriend of 6 months.

I started to tear up when she said the word 'mom'. I missed her so much. "Okay... I need to talk to you later. I have to go, bye." I hung up before she hear me burst out crying. I fell onto the hotel bed and sobbed aloud. Justin laid down right next to me, stroking my back softly.

"Look at me." He lifted my chin gently so I'd be staring into his beautiful brown eyes. "Everything is going to get better, I promise you."

"Justin, please don't promise me anything."

"Alright, I won't but you need to get all this drama out of your head." He kissed the tip of my nose and got up. "Lets go out." He smiled.

I raised an eyebrow and sat up, "Where?"

"Out to dinner." He walked over to me and kissed my lips.

"Lets go!" 


 "I'm so full, oh my god." I whined. "This food was amazing, thank you Justin."

He chuckled. "Your very welcome."                                                                                                                                         He smiled. "Lets get going."

"Okay." We both got up and made an exit for the door.




There were millions -or so it seemed like-  cameras flashing before my eyes. I covered my eyes but spaced my fingers out so I could see where I was going. I felt like I was going to be sick. As if on que, Justin wrapped his arm around my waist tightly, pulling me by his side while we made a run for the car. 

"I'm sorry." Justin muttered, as he ran around to the other side of the car. 

I didn't pay too much attention on his words, my eyes were glued to the, now 20, people who surrounded our vehicle. Paparazzi. Before I knew it, we arrived to the hotel and quickly dashed inside. 

"Oh my god." I panted. Who knew I could run this fast. 

Justin laughed. "Hurry up, the elevators open!"


"I'm so tired." I yawned and laid on the bed, next to Justin.

"Me too." He agreed and turned off the tv. I cuddled into his chest as he spoke again, "Just curious but, you do know what's happening now... right?" 

I looked up at him, furrowing my eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"I mean like, the paparazzi. In the morning, were going to be the 'big headline' in news and in the papers."

I laughed as his expression. "Stop worrying. I think I know what I was getting into when we started dating."

He looked as if he was relieved, and kissed my cheek. I softly turned his head to my lips and kissed him gently. A quiet, low moan escaped his lips as he deepend the kiss. His lips were so soft and tasted so sweet. "I love you, Avery." He whispered against my lips as he settled his head down into the pillow.

"I love you too Justin." I replied and snuggled close to him before falling a deep, deep sleep. 

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