4. Love?

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Avery's POV

I sat on the bed with my eyes full of lust. Butterlies flew throughout my stomach and I beamed at him warmly. He smiled back, gazing into my eyes -- probably waiting for my response while he studied my facial expression carefully. 

"I never thought you'd have these feelings but, I'm happy you do because I really like you too, Justin."

A big, wide smile formed his lips as to reply he loved what I just said.

* * * 

I finally recovered from surgery and went back home. It was Friday so I didn't go back to school and I had the rest of the weekend to feel better. Justin visited me most of the time in the hospital and was even the one to take me home.

I sat around the whole day watching my favorite Christmas movies. Then my mom came in the room, sitting next to me.

"Hey hun." She smiled.

I gave her a smile before turning my gaze back to the TV. She kept looking at me, hesitantly. I brought my eyes to her again and asked, "What's up?" 

"Justin Bieber?" She questioned in confusion. "How do you know him?"

"I met him the second day here," I started. "When I was walking home. He was walking on the streets, as if no body would recognize him." I chuckled.

She mouthed an "O." before nodding her head in understandment. "What a coincidence. Well keep it on the 'DL'." She quotation marked.

I laughed in response before nodding.

"What?" She darted. "I'm still young!"

I laughed again and hugged her. "I love you."

She pulled away and smiled. "I love you too, hun. I have to go cook." She stood up. "Please clean up your mess." Mom pointed to my empty glass cup and the few chips that fell on the floor.

As if on que, my phone rang. My mom jokingly coughed since she already had an idea who it was.

I laughed and answered it, "Hey Justin."

"Hey! I need to talk to you, meet me at the park?" He asked in one breath.

 "Uh sure, be there in 10 minutes." 

We hung up. 

I felt worry grow within me and my stomach started to become nauseous. It sounded important. We've only been going out for 3 days, was he going to break up with me already?

I informed my mom I was going out and started my walk to the park.

What did he want to talk about? Breaking up with me?

I finally reached the park and I saw Justin sitting on our usual blue bench. "Hey Mr. bieber!" I joked. He looked up at me and pulled me in for a hug. I sat next to him asking, "So what did you want to talk about?" 

He looked down.

His facial expression looked as if he wanted to cry but he didn't. He finally spoke, "I'm leaving out of town for a while."  

A piece of my heart sunk.

"What.." I held his hand.

"I need to go to LA to meet some producers for my next album and I still have to tour in Europe. I'll be gone for a while, I'm sorry."

I looked down, holding my tears. I figured if he was going to leave for a long time then there wouldn't be time for our relationship. We'd have to break up. "When do you leave?"

"Next friday."

That gave us a week left to be together. I stayed quiet without looking at him. I focused my eyes everywhere but Justin's eyes. "I'm sorry." He said weakly as he wrapped one arm around me and his other resting on my thigh.

"Do we have to break up?" I asked faintly.

I finally looked into his eyes and they widened. "No." he said quickly. "If you want to-"

"I don't." I cut him off and both of us wore smiles.

"Then we'll work it out, Avery."

I nodded still feeling uneasy. I just looked at the lake, taking my eyes off him. He laid on the bench, putting his head in my lap. "It'll be okay." he assured me. I stroked his hair softly and gave him a light kiss on his nose. 

Justin POV

On our way back to Avery's house, I asked her if she wanted to meet my mom. I was happy to know she accepted because usually people are shy meeting each other's families when your in a relationship. I love how she's so outgoing.

"Goodnight Justin." she said softly.

"Sweet dreams, baby." I felt a little timid saying that but her cheeks became red as cherries. I leaned in and kissed her lips softly. We said our last goodbyes and she went inside.


Finally, I reached my house and walked through the front door.

"Where have you been?" My mom asked, sitting on the loveseat in the living room. "You've been gone all this past week."

"I met someone new. She's really sweet." I answered vaguely.

She raised an eyebrow, "She? Justin-"

I interuppted her. "Mom.. please." I sighed. "She's become important to me."  I stared at my mom hoping she understood the words that just came out of my mouth.

"Just please make sure she's not using you or anything like that." she worried.

"Do you want to meet her?" I asked.

"That'll be good. What if you ask her to come to dinner tomorrow?" she smiled.

"Really? Thank you mom." I kissed her forehead and ran upstairs to call Avery.

Avery: Hello?

Justin: Hey Avery.

Avery: Hey! What's up?

Justin: I was just calling to ask if you would like to eat dinner at my house tomorrow night?

Avery: Sure, as long as it's okay with your parents.

Justin: Of course it's fine. I'll pick you up around noon, okay? I want to take you somewhere.

Avery: Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Can't wait!

Justin: Goodnight baby.

Avery: Goodnight, Justin.

She giggled before hanging up.

A grin plastered to my face. Tomorrow was going to be amazing.

God, I love Avery.

Wait.. love?

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