28. But I was Wrong

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My feet continued to pace back and forth in front of Lauren, who was biting her lip nervously, carefully eyeing my facial expressions and body language. My eyebrows furrowed in anger, progressing everything that had flew out of her mouth a few moments before. Shaking my head, I clenched my jaw, glaring at Lauren every once in a while.

"What do you mean she left?" I asked, my voice dripping with bitterness.

I knew I shouldn't have talk to her like that, she was only being honest and doing what I told her to do but Avery leaving out of the country had me pissed. I don't have time to make new arrangements.  

Lauren was sitting on the cold metal table that sat in the middle of the warehouse as her legs dangled back and forth repeatedly. 

"She left. She went to go visit Justin on tour." She repeated. "Didn't you see it coming?" Lauren spat out, in a tone that it was something I clearly should have known.

I shook my head causing her to roll her eyes and fold her arms. "How the hell was I supposed to know that? I can't see the fucking future."

"Language." She smirked, her cherry red lipstick becoming more noticable. Lauren knew she was getting under my skin but there was no way in hell I'd let her know that. That's just  what she wants.

"Well, I'll try to find out when she comes back," She sighed, getting up from her position and clutching her purse. "I'll call you later." With that, she swiftly turned around, her blonde waves moving with every step she took.

"Sorry I couldn't help earlier, man." A voice said behind me.

I turned to face him and shook my head yet again. "Lets not worry about that anymore. Once Lauren finds out when Avery's coming back, we'll be ready then. Plus, this will give us more time and more ideas."

He nodded. "Well, when you get the call, tell me what I can do."

"Will do, Brandon."

 - Avery -

"I wrote a song for you." Justin said softly, holding an acoustic guitar in his left hand while looking at me shyly. He was studying my facial expressions, which held a smile and eyes for only him.

Without a word being said, Justin's guitar strap flung around his shoulder and his fingers strummed a few notes before playing the actual chords. All I could pay attention to was his smile that was plastered on to his face and I let out a small laugh. 

"Ooh...ooh.." He began, his smile sat where it was and I felt my own smile widen.

"Across the ocean, across the sea.. Startin' to forget the way you look at me now.. Over the mountains, across the sky.. Need to see your face and need to look in your eyes.." He sang beautifully.

Not that I hadn't heard him sing before but the fact that this song was for me,  for us, I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach. It was my new favorite and I couldn't get over the fact how sweet and meaningful the lyrics were. Stepping aside from the lust in his voice, the song had a dejected tone to it in a way. It was most likely because this song was about loving someone who's a distance away.

He missed me.

And I missed him.

But we both commited we'd get through this.

"Through the storm and, through the clouds.. Bumps on the road and upside down now.. I know it's hard baby, to sleep at night.. Don't you worry 'cause everything's gonna be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight..Be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight.."

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