23. Strong Pair

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It's days like this that I wish lasted forever. No casts, no pain, no drama. Full recovery settled in last week, a huge weight was lifted then. My amazing boyfriend has made the best of these last few days too. He's going back on tour in 3 days, he'll be back in a month and half at most. It's not too long, we'll stick through it.

Sam actually flew down here a few days ago, hearing about my accident she came on the first flight to Georgia.

Samantha curled my hair to the ends and splashed a bit of hairspray onto the finishing look. I wore a red-carmine colored dress that wasn't too fancy nor too casual. The beautiful necklace Justin gave me wore around my neck and a few bracelets on my wrists. I slipped on my black heels and walked down the stairs slowly, holding on to the railing for support. Justin wasn't here yet: according to my clock he'd be in 10 minutes so Sam and I made small talk.

Last night Justin inquired we'd go out to dinner, just the two of us. We don't do this often and to be honest, it's a little degraded. We should go out more often because when we do, we have a great time and I love it. 

Just then, the doorbell rung and I quickly ran to answer it. "Justin!" I beamed.

His jaw dropped to the floor as he gazed over me. "You look beautiful." 

My cheeks grew pink as I awed over him. He wore a black leather jacket with black jeans and high tops, his hair was spiked up in the front. I love that he didn't wear a tuxedo, he sticks to his style. "Well look at you, handsome." 

His cheeks did the same and took my hand, leading me to the car. The car ride was full of chatter. Small things about the tour, our relationship, and how much we are going to miss eachother. It's best not to think of his departure and just cherish the time we have now. After 10 minutes of driving, we finally pulled up to a beach. On the water was a wide dock where a table and candles stood on top of it. If you looked at it, you'd think it'd be something in a romantic movie. It was surreal. "Oh my.." I gasped at the sight.

Justin chuckled at my awe, "I'll carry you there, no way you can walk on the sand in those things." He said, gesturing to my heels.

I laughed and nodded, he's right. I'd break an ankle with one step. My giggles fill the air as I held onto Justin's neck and he trudged to the dock. I closed my eyes and puckered my lips, waiting for a kiss. It was a minute later until Justin knew what I was doing and he brought his lips to mine. As our kiss seperated, he set me down onto the dock and we walked hand in hand to the table. 

"Justin, this is all so beautiful."

"Anything for my girl." Being the gentleman he is, he pulled the chair out for me. I sat down and glanced out to the ocean ahead of us. It was beautiful, the sunset was setting. It cannot be expressed how amazing the sight was. 

A waitor then appeared out of no where asking for our drinks and was off into a beach place I didn't notice. His accent was thick of French and a white cloth hung around his forearm. 

"How have you been, Avery?" Justin asked, breaking the silence. Thank God.

"Much better, glad I got those casts off." I laughed nervously, the Damian senerio at McDonalds has been sustained in my mind these past few days. Justin doesn't know and I really want to tell him. "What about you?"

"Life couldn't be better. An amazing career, my family and friends, my fans," His hand held mine. "And the most beautiful, supportive girlfriend I could ever have."

My cheeks reddened again, standing up to share a kiss with Justin. "You tell me everything and I love that about you, you're the first girlfriend that is totally honest with me." He added.

A pang of guilt stung my body, I have to tell him about Damian. "Well to be truthful, I haven't told you about one thing. . ."

He was taken back and slowly released his grip on my hands, "What?"

"It's not a big deal but I saw Damian the day I got into the accident.."

His eyes then widened. "What?!"

"When I bought our shakes, he was there and he told me to 'be careful'." Finally it was off my chest, I was relieved until I saw Justin's angry expression.

"He said that? Why didn't you tell me?"

My eyes suddenly teared up, that was unexpected. "I-I don't know, I'm sorry Justin."

He shook his head and avoided my gaze, his jaw clenched. "That asshole."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, I didn't know how you'd take it..." A single tear slipped but Justin quickly wiped it away.

"Don't cry baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. I won't let him do anything to you." With that, he swiftly got up from the seat to where I sat and hugged me tight. "I love you." He said, pulling away but only to plant his lips on mine.

"I love you too." I smiled.

Dinner was delicious, Justin set it all up. He ordered me pasta linguine with chicken (one of my favorite dishes) and ordered the classic spaghetti and meatballs for himself. For dessert we had a pastry called flan, very yummy. After our dinner arrangement, Justin had one more place to take me before the night ended. 

We drove in silence for another 10 minutes and jumped out of the car to see a hill, it was bare and vast. It was almost as if you could reach the stars from there. I decided to leave my heels in the car, no way I'm walking in those. As we reached the top, we sat down and looked up at the sky. There were hundreds of bright stars out tonight. "See that star? Justin asked, pointing to the biggest star with the brightest light. It's the one seen every night. 

"Yeah, why?"

"If you ever think about me while I'm on tour, just look up at it and know I'm at it looking too."

I smiled, immediately looking towards him. His head tilted up to the sky, eyes glimmering in the moonlight. I cupped his face, gently pulling his face to mine. "I love you Justin Drew, always."

He smiled and pecked my lips, "I love you Avery Danielle, forever."

"I couldn't ask for a boyfriend than you, Justin. You're my bestfriend, from the day I met you, when my books fell," Justin and I laughed at the memory. "To now, you've been there for me. There was never a moment you weren't."

He smiled too, "I'll always be there. You're my bestfriend, my love, my everything and that will never change."

My smiled widened as I crawled into Justin's lap and kissed those famous lips of his. His hands hugged my waist and mine rested on his neck. Not once did we break apart in our session of 15 minutes. This date was one of the best we've ever had. It really made us realize how important and serious our relationship is, not that we didn't notice before but we are more aware. Justin Bieber.. not once did I ever believe I'd even meet him and now he's one of the most important people in my life. 

- Justin -

As our lips moved in sync with eachother, I thought about how Avery's become so essential in my life. As many people say about their boyfriend or girlfriend: I don't know what I'd do without her and I mean it. Who cares what the doubters say, we're a strong pair. We've been through a lot and were still going strong. We're unbroken.


Hope you liked this chapter! (: Vote and fan! Also, comment what you think! <3

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