20. I'm Tired of Fighting

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- Avery - 

"Want to meet my Grandparents?"  Justin smiled and took my hand in his. "Sure."

I opened the front door to smell the aroma of Spanish food my Grandma prepared. We walked into the kitchen where my Grandma was cooking and Grandpa was at the table reading the newspaper. I assumed Dylan was taking a nap and didn't want to wake him.

"Grandma, Grandpa, I want you guys to meet someone very special." I smiled at Justin and down at our intertwined hands.

- - - - - -

"So Justin, what's it like touring?" Grandma asked. And let me tell you, this isn't the first question she's thrown out there. . .

We were all eating dinner at the table discussing Justin's career. It was great seeing my extended family so interested in Justin. . . I feel like they appreciate him more than my parents. "It's an amazing experience. All the support, it's incredible." He said and took a bite of Grandma's famous yellow rice. 

"You must be so busy, what are you doing here!" Grandpa laughed.

"I missed Avery." His eyes were full of lust and love as he looked at me.

I blushed and looked down at my plate. My Grandparents really saw the connection between us.. "So you're dating?" One of them asked.

"Yes." I responded happily as Justin grinned. 

"Well, you two seem like you'll go very far." Grandma smirked. "You're welcome here anytime, Justin."

Justin said his thanks and we soon finished eating our meals. I headed up to my room, him following behind me. "I really missed you, Justin." I admitted, closing the door.

"Oh baby," He rested his hands on my waist. "I missed you too." And brought his lips to mine but this time neither of us pulled away. Without breaking the kiss, I gentally pushed him towards the bed where he sat down and he pulled me in his lap. One hand rested on his shoulder and the other cupped his jawline. His were slow tracing the small of my back. Justin moaned softly and licked my bottom lip for an entrance. I accepted and leaned into him to lay down for more comfort. After 5 minutes or so, I felt Justin slide his hands up my shirt.

I jumped slightly at his touch and felt my nerves tense up. This might be the farthest Justin and I have gone. It's amazing but I just don't feel prepared. "Justin." I sighed, breaking away from the kiss. 

His lust expression changed into a disappointment. "Did I do something wrong. . .?"

"No! No, it's just..." I choked on words. "I'm not ready."

He sat up, bringing me with him. "I know, Avery. I wasn't going to try anything."

"I'm sorry.. I just tensed up." I said and kissed his lips once more.

He broke away from the kiss faster than usual and picked me up and set me on the bed. "Let's just go to bed." He announced and went to the bathroom to wash up. 

He shouldn't be upset that I didn't want to do anything I'm not ready for. I'll do it when I'm ready. At the right time at the right place. 

After he came back, he stripped out of his clothes and threw on a shirt but left his boxers free. I washed up too, changing into pajamas and sliding into the bed next to him. He shifted his body so his back was facing me. 

Ugh, Justin. Why can't things be normal anymore? Justin and I always have something to fight about. Is he tired of me? Does he not want to be with me.. "Justin."

"Hm?" He hummed, still physically ignoring me. 

"Look at me." I demanded softly. But his body sustained in the same place. I took control and sat on top of him to get his attention. "Look at me." He finally gave in and sighed, landing his eyes on mine. "I'm sorry for pushing y-"

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