18. Cheating?

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I caught a cab back to the hotel to retrieve my clothes and toiletries before going to the place I was loathing to go to: Home

I didn't want to see my dad, but I did want to see Dylan, April, and Drew. I miss my family and I wish we were a complete clan again. As I exited the cab, I left money in the driver's hand. My feet stood on the sidewalk. My sidewalk. It felt as if I haven't been here for years. Nothing changed to the house.

I walked up to the door - scared to see what i'll discover. Without a knock I stepped inside the unlocked house, hearing the TV play baby cartoons and someone cooking on the stove. 

"Hello?" I called quietly not wanting an answer even though I knew someone would respond. I mean, I missed my family but I didn't want them to see them like this. If they know what my dad did or not.

"Avery?" A deep voice called out from the kitchen. It was Drew.

"Drew!" I ran up to him and squeezed him in a tight hug. It seemed impossible to hold back tears at this point.

"Where  the hell have you been?" He questions and releases me.

I ignored his question and went straight to the point. "Where's April and Dylan?," I paused, "And dad?"

"Dylan's over there watching TV, April went.. I don't even now where that girl is, and Dad.. he either went out or he's upstairs."

I laughed at his response about April and headed over to where Dylan was. "Hey baby!" I beamed.

Dylan's eyes widened at the sight of me. "Avy!" He nicknamed. His small arms were wrapped around my neck after bending down to his level.

"I missed you." I whispered and kissed his petite lips.

He said the same and dragged me over to his toy leggos. This is what I wanted, was to be the normal family we used to be. But when my dad came home or out of his room - where ever he was, things would go downhill again. I didn't want that. 

"Dyl, I'm going to go talk to Drew. I'll be right back." I sat up and walked into the kitchen where Drew was silently eating by himself. "Hey, we need to talk."

"I know what happened." His jaw clenched within a second. "Our own dad too. How could he?" His voice shook: tears wanting to escape from his eyes. 

I took a seat besides him. "How'd you find out?"

"I woke up in the middle of the night the other day to find him and his 'women' laughing and watching a movie. I was pissed. I told April but not mom.." 

I rested my hand on top of his. "We need to leave. Now. Lets go, I called Grandma and she said we could stay there. Come with me." I rushed.

"I.." He hesitated. "No, Avery. I can't."

"What?" I asked, louder than I intended. "You're coming with me."

"No. I can't just leave.. I'm not letting Dad ruin my summer. April won't leave either, she's too caught up in her boyfriend. And Dylan, I want him here." He explained.

My face fell. "Alright... But let me at least take Dylan."

He looked down at his plate of food then up at me again. Deciding what to answer. "Alright." He smiled. I wrapped my arms around him tightly before running upstairs to pack more of my clothes and Dylan's clothes and toys.

* * * * *

"Thanks for the ride." I thanked the cab driver after giving him his pay. 

I was here. At my grandparent's house and to be honest, I felt safe here. More than at home. 

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