37. Big Brown Eyes

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"What happened?" Avery's mom asked once the doctor stepped outside of the hospital room.

He sighed, taking off his prescription glasses. "It seems that Miss Valantine applied too much pressure on her broken rib. You have to be very careful with these types of cases, the rib has to heal itself for two months - Some people go through these episodes so it's not abnormal." He smiled assuringly.

"So the pressure caused her to pass out?" I asked, looking down at the name tag on his white coat.

Doctor Joseph nodded. "Breathing alone hurts because of the broken rib and that pain mixed with the pressure doesn't make the best result. She was probably just overwhelmed at the moment. I actually have to check up on another patient - There's an ice pack on Miss Valantine's rib and it's very light so it shouldn't hurt her but if it does please let the nurse know. I also gave her a few medications to reduce pain." He smilled again before excusing himself away from us and to another room.

I opened the door that led to Avery's room and allowed her family to walk inside before me.

Once it was my turn to walk inside, I immediately put a smile on my face for Avery. I wanted her to know she was going to be okay and I mostly didn't want her to think the bruises and cuts on her face changed her beauty in any way. And it was true. Nothing could change the way I look at her.

Catching hold of her big brown eyes, she smiled in return.

"Hey." She said softly.

Everytime she inhaled and exhaled, she winced a little.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Avery's dad spoke up. "I thought the doctor gave you medicine for the pain?"

"I just took them a few minutes ago, dad." She breathed softly. "They haven't kicked in."

Hearing a loud sigh in the corner of the room, everyone looked at April sitting in a chair. "I'm sorry, Avery. I was being stupid, I didn't mean for all of this to happen."

Avery nodded, her smile get warmer. "It's okay."

Neither Drew and I hadn't spoke up yet so I took the lead in that. "Hey." I breathed, walking over to the side of her bed. "How're you feeling?"

She took her closest arm to me and grabbed my hand. "I'm okay." She shrugged softly.

I looked down at our hands. "I was worried about you."

6 months later

Everything seemed to be settling down now that the tour was over and Avery was completely heeled. The only problem standing in the way to a perfect picture was the Damian Hills murder case including Brandon's injuries.

Two days after Avery's hospital release, she was contacted by Atlanta's Police department for questioning about the situation. I had already been interviewed during her hospital stay and we both compromised to convince the police that we were clueless as to who shot Damian at Lullwater Park.

Lauren never mentioned what would happen if we snitched but Avery and I were terrified of the revenge we'd get if we did. We couldn't take that chance.

"Can you take a guess at who shot Mr. Hill?" The Sheriff grunted, his eyes squinted at the sight of me.

My heart quickened. "No clue," I replied, not showing any sign of nervousness. "He was shot right in front her - it was dark. She didn't see anyone and when I reached her, I didn't see anyone either."

He nodded slowly, looking down at the scattered paper in front of him. "Okay Mr. Bieber, I believe you. However if we find out you've been giving us false information, you and Miss Valantine will be in big trouble."

The mere memory of the interview made my nerves tense. I couldn't stand lying like this. I couldn't keep thinking of what Avery and I were doing (lying to the Police) but the thought fought it's way through my mind almost constantly.

"Justin," Avery spoke. Her eyes sparkled under the worried expression she wore. "What if we get caught? What if they found out we lied to them?" Her voice shook.

I shook my head, looking for words. "We'll be in big trouble - I don't know.."

"Justin," She repeated, leaning up from the couch. "We should really tell them, they are the police. They can watch over us until they arrest her."

Not a word left my lips after her response. My mind only raced about all of the things that could go wrong if we actually did confess the truth. Lauren did save Avery but not out of sympathy or alarm, she only kill Damian because she wanted him dead.

It would have counted as self defense if Avery pulled the trigger on him but Lauren struck him at long shot. She was nowhere near him.

But Avery made a point bring up the idea that the police team could secure us until they've found Lauren.

We couldn't keep this lie hanging over our shoulders. 

"Let's tell them then, it'd be better on the both of us." I looked at Avery's clear, unscathed face for the first time in what felt like eternity. She still looked as beautiful as she did the first day I met her; maybe even more exquisite. 

A bare smile crept across my lips as she slumped in relief, adding a smile onto her lips too. No more running from our problems. This is the only thing we need to get over.

Nothing else can hurt us now.

For a while anyway.


Hey guys, I'm honestly not sure if this is a long chapter because it's the first time I've written on my phone so it's different from the computer.

But I hope you all liked this chapter, I know it was boring but I have great ideas for the rest of the story so stay tuned!

And like I said before, I'm so sorry for updating so late. Love y'all!

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