7. Everything is just... Ugly

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 Avery's POV

I walked in my house with a tear-stained face, "Im home." I grumbled.

"You're back!" Sam exclaimed, then looking at my excpression. "What happened?"

"He broke up with me." I ran to hug her and broke down in tears.

"What? Why?" She asked. 

I wiped my tears and pulled away. "He said our relationship wouldn't work with him being gone.."

"Well he is leaving for a long time. Can you really blame him? It would be hard to keep a relationship with someone like Justin. " Sam explained and I knew she was right.

"Sam-" Before I could say anything else, she interrupted me.

She looked me straight in the eye, "Avery, don't make the same mistake again." 

Samantha was referring to my old boyfriend, Aaron, that passed away about 4 months ago. He came to my house and we had an arguement so I told him to leave and before he reached his car I shouted "I hate you!" to him. But that night, when he drove home a drunk driver sped up at a red light and crashed into Aaron. Of course, the drunk driver lived and the innocent one didn't. I cried every day and night for a month, maybe even longer but I still cry every now and then. And I'll never forget those last 3 words I said to Aaron, I'll always regret them.

But I can't let that happen to me and Justin, who knows when I'll see him again.

"You're right." I said through tears. "I can't let him leave with us in this position."

"So you're going to talk to him now?" She asked.


* *

When I arrived at the park's entrance, the first thing that caught my eye was Justin sitting on the same bench. As I walked closer and closer, I noticed he was crying, but not hard, a few tears ran down his cheek as he just stared at the lake. He was obviously thinking about what happened. I sprinted over to him but he didn't look at me. I took a seat beside him and looked at the lake, along with him.

He looked my way. "Avery," He started. I knew he was going to pour out crying any minute now, the look in his face said it all.

"I can't let you leave with us like this, Justin."

Justin embraced me and sniffled in my shoulder. "I'm so sorry." He stuttered.

"None of this is your fault." I assured him.

"I regret everything. I lost the girl I love and I am so sorry. I love you, Avery. I love you." He pulled out of the hug and looked at me, with a serious expression.

I smiled weakly, "I love you too, Justin." I hugged him. "And Justin?"

"Yeah?" He pulled out of the hug.

"You never lost me."

His eyes softened and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Can we pretend like nothing happened?"

"Yes." My smile widened.

"I shouldn't have raised my voice at you either. I didn't mean it-"

"Justin, it's okay. Nothing happened, remember?" I grinned as a smile spread across his own lips.

He leaned in, giving me a long-passionate kiss. "I love you, Avery." He repeated.

I giggled. "I love you too."

He brought his lips back to mine once more. "I'll never get over how beautiful you are."

I shyly averted my gaze from his. "I'm not beautiful.."

Honestly, I felt that I was the most insecure person in the world. I don't like a single thing about my physical features. Everything is just... ugly.

"Hey, look at me." He whispered, while his hand gently moved my chin so I'd meet his eyes. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen. Those big brown eyes, cute little nose, perfect pink lips. You're perfect yourself."

I blushed furiously. "You really think that?"

He nodded. "Every word." 

I closed my eyes and kissed his lips softly. "You're amazing, you know that?"

He chuckled and his own cheeks became a little pink.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated. It was a text message from Samantha. "Damn it." I mumbled. 


"I forgot about Sam." I laughed shortly. "Do you want to meet her?" 

"Sure, lets go." He took my hand in his.


"Sam!" I called as we walked through the door. 

She flew down the stairs.

"Aver- Oh my god. Justin Bieber." She gasped.

Justin laughed, "Nice to meet you." He held his hand out.

Sam  shook his hand, "Yeah..." She was blown away. "I love your music and your movie. It was a-amazing."

"Thank you." Justin flashed her a smile.

"Want to do something?" I suggested.

"How about a movie?" Justin chimed.

Me and Sam agreed, so we all looked through the cabinet where all my movies were. 

"Hmm," Sam scattered through them slowly. "How about this one! How The Grinch Stole Christmas. This one has Jim Carrey in it."

"My favorite movie!" I shouted.

Justin laughed. "Got to love this classic movie."

..3 days later..

Today was the day Justin was leaving.. My mom picked me up from school early to go with him to the airport.

"I'll miss you." Justin said, getting out of car. I cried watching him take his luggage out of the car and carrying it in the airport. Him and Pattie went to the counter and got their tickets and I walked them all the way to security.

"Well this is it." I whispered.

"We'll see you soon!" Pattie tried lightening up the mood and pulled me into a hug.

Right after, Justin pulled me into a tight hug as well, "I love you, Avery." 

I teared up on his shoulder, "I love you, Justin."

He pulled away, lifting up my chin and kissed me gently. I could see tears in his eyes too. "I'm going to call you every day, ok?"

I nodded, kissing his cheek. "I'll see you soon, call me when you get to LA so I know you guys landed okay." 

Justin rested his hands on my waist, "I will. Bye baby." 

"Bye." I smiled.

I cupped his face and kissed him again then he was off. I'm going to miss him so much.

How were we going to get through this?

I had no answer but to say our love is strong and that's all we need..

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