13. Square in the Jaw

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Avery's POV.  Then he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. We both smiled due to the fact, we both have been waiting so long to do this. 

I pulled away. "Your such an amazing..." Friend? Boyfriend? What do I call him..

He leaned in again. "Boyfriend." He whispered on my lips and kissed me, once again.

I blushed like an idiot. Things are getting better already. Nothing can ruin this.

Next day

"Avery! Wake up!" Drew yelled. "What?" I grumbled.

"Get up! Were going to the lake today, member? With Justin's family and all of us." He explained. 

I shot up in a split second. "Okay! I'll get ready!" And with that, he was out the door. Me? Forgetting about seeing Justin? I feel ashamed of myself.

Quicker than I thought, I was heading down the stairs all dressed. "Woah there. Who are you dressing up so nicely for, missy?" My mom joked while the rest of the family replied in laughter. 

"HA HA HA mom. You are too funny, seriously, Im dying over here." I said sarcastically.

Soon after we drove to this huge park, meeting up with the Bieber family. Along with Justin's crew. I spotted them all sitting under a pavillion. Then I saw Justin. As soon as the car stopped, I jumped out and ran right towards him and yelled

"Justin!" He embraced me, lifting me off my feet and spinning me around. I loved this.

He finally loosened his grip and leaned in to kiss me.  "Today's going to be fun!" Justin smiled. 

"What do they have here?" I asked. 

"They have canoeing, a small water park, and jet ski's!" 

My eyes grew wide. "Jet ski's!" I beamed.

He laughed. "Okay! But let's go eat- wait hold on."

He walked behind me towards my family, while I just stood where I was. "Hey!" I heard him greet them. He's so sweet. I can't believe how I have him... I teared up seeing how lucky I was to have it but wiped them away so no one saw.

Justin ran back to me. "Okay baby, let's go." He took my hand in his, intertwining our fingers. 

"Hi everyone!" I grinned at everyone.

Then all replied in "Hey Avery!" or "Hey!"

After lunch, Justin & I headed to where the jet ski's were. But I heard strange noises coming from the bushes. "Justin, what is that?" I questioned.

"Probably just the wind." He replied.

"No, It's like a person is in there." 

"Don't worry about it, come on Avery." He took my hand. Something's not quite right..  

We walked further, towards the enormous lake about to hop on the jet ski's. I'm assuming Justin must of paid earlier so we could use them. "Oh crap where do I put this?" He took out his wallet. I grabbed it.  

"I'll hold it in here." Before I threw in my bag, I opened it which revealed a small picture of me and him. This was the cutest thing ever.

"Avery!" He blushed. 

"This is so cute!" I exclaimed while putting it away and giving him a sweet kiss on his lips.

I hopped on one jet ski while Justin sat behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek repeatedly. Such a 'lovey-dovey' day with us today. 

The day went on and we headed back to the pavillion, where everyone was. It was such an amazing day, just with us two. Me and Justin. No one else. 

Then. . . I saw a familiar face. A face I absolutely hated.                      


Why is it such a coincidence that he just happens to be at this park when I am. To make it even worse, he was walking over here....with his previous girlfriend.

Justin nudged my arm, "It's okay baby. I got this." With that, he walked towards Damian.

I ran after him, "Wait! Im coming!" Justin and I caught up to Damian.

"You should leave." Justin scowled.

Before I could say anything, Damian cut in, "Shut the hell up. Im not here to see you."

"Woah. You don't talk to him that way and if you came here to see me? You need to get the hell out of here because you're not wanted." I blurted.

"You know what? I came to apologize, face to face, for what I did. But now forget it, you're such a bitch." He yelled in my face. 

It only took a second to see Justin's next movement. He punched Damian square in the jaw. "You don't call my girl a bitch." 

"Justin!" I squealed, from shock. Damian held his cheek in pain. "You'll be fine." I scowled at Damian and took Justin back to the pavillion. 

He stopped and turned to face me, "I'm sorry." 

"Don't be, I just don't want you to get in trouble.." 

"I won't." He smirked. "I got him good though."  We both laughed.

I can't believe Justin actually punched him. Totally unexpected.  I looked back to see Damian and his girlfriend walking back to the parking lot. Thank god.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated.

-From Damian:                                                                                                                                                            I can't wait until I tell Justins fans and publicty what he has done to me. I even have the mark to prove it (:   

I gasped out loud, causing everyone to stare. "What is it?" Justin questioned. I showed him the text message. I focused in on his face seeing a shot of anger hit Justin. He opened his mouth and said. . .

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