31. Just Like the Rest

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Justin and I had just hung up as tears still rolled down my face. 

Damian was coming for me. I just didn't know when but I knew when he'd find me, it'd be violent. I didn't move from my bed, from my position, I didn't even move a muscle. Justin's reassuring words replayed in my mind.

Everything will be alright.

As much as I wanted to, I couldn't believe him.

Just then, my mom came in with the house phone. Her expression changed as she saw my tears but internally reminded herself why she came in. "Hun, someone's on the phone for you."


I just finished the interview with Oprah. I was back on the tour bus with Scooter, my mom, Kenny, and Fredo. Since I had 3 days before my next concert, I decided to ask Scooter if I could fly to Atlanta to see Avery.

"I don't know, Justin. We only have three days until the next show, you can't just fly there and come back." Scooter sighed.

I nodded my head furiously. "I need to, man, please."

He sat upright, as he thought. "It's too much, kid."

"Leaving for a day isn't too much." My voice grew loud. "Please let me do this."

"Why? So you can see one girl, Justin? She's probably just like the rest."

I was taken back and suddenly my mood switched in an instinct. "What'd you say?"

"Come on, Justin. She's an average girl and you're a huge entertainer. That doesn't balance out."

My jaw clenched. "Bro do you hear yourself?" I squinted my eyes at him in fury. "You don't know us. I'm going to ATL because you know what? My girlfriend's life is practically in danger because she has this sicko ass ex after her. And bro, she's not like the rest. I know you and Carin broke up but you don't have to bring your relationship problems into mine."

I swiftly got up, with Scooter frozen, and walked to the back of the bus where my room was. I grabbed one of my small traveling bags out of the closet and threw in some clothes and a few  toiletries.

"Where you going?" My mom came in, causing me to jump slightly.

"Going to see Avery." I scattered all over the room, grabbing things I needed to travel.

She walked over to where I stood and rested a hand on my shoulder. "Is everything okay?"

I shook my head. "I don't know anymore. Avery's ex boyfriend is after her, she's not safe in Atlanta right now. I'm going to go there and when I come back, I'm bringing her with me."

"What do you mean she's not safe?"

"What's with these questions, mom?" I said fustrated, keeping my tone appropriate. 

She nodded. "Okay, I'm sorry sweetie.. I'll go with you."

I hugged her. "I love you, mom. Thanks for sticking my side through everything. My relationship.. this whole career. I couldn't do it without you."

My mom's smile reached her ears. "I'll always be with you. I love you too."

With our arms still wrapped around eachother, a single tear rolled down my face. And it wasn't long until the rest of them poured out. I've never been in this situation before. Where my girlfriend is in danger of some dumbass who treated her badly. All I knew was that I had to leave immediately and make sure she was okay. 

No one realizes how important Avery is to me. Despite my mom. The whole tour crew has no idea. Scooter thinks she's just like every other girl that has used me or a fling.  And the rest of them, don't say much when I talk about her. I knew they will love her once I bring her back with me.

My mom pulled out of the hug and held my face in her hand. "Oh sweetie, she'll be okay."

I sniffled once. "I hope so."

God, I hope my mom is right. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to Avery. It felt like a knife going through my stomach just thinking about it.

Just then, my mom excused herself out of the room to schedule the flight in two hours. I was hoping it'd be less than two hours. I sighed and checked through my bag, making sure I had everything I needed. 

Please, Avery. Please be ok baby.


I'm  sorry for this short chapter, I just wanted to get this one posted so I could write more in the next chapter. I hope you like it <3

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