24. Go!

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- Justin -

"I don't want to go home." Avery whispered against my lips.

I smiled, I couldn't blame her. This was by far the best date we've ever had.. I've ever had. The moment was perfect. Avery sitting in my lap as we looked up at the stars, just having her in my arms will be one thing I'll miss when I go back on tour. Everytime I leave something bad happens but I won't let that happen this time. "Me either." I said, kissing her once more. 

She pulled away first, a frown appearing on her innocent face. "Please don't do anything on tour, Justin. I love you and my heart would shatter if -"

"Never. My eyes are only for you, I promise. I love you and nothing, no one, will change that."

Avery nodded slowly, still unsure but with only small hope. It was upsetting to see the speck of hope because it meant distrust was clearly winning. The last two times I went on tour I had that 100 percent trust but lost it due to kissing Selena and the idiots who make me look like I'm doing things I'm not. Those times, she had more faith in me than ever. And now, she can only wish she won't relive those moments but I know, I won't let her go through that again. "Don't be scared, sweetheart." I assured Avery, placing my lips to her cheek. 

She took a deep breath in, keeping eyes locked to the stars above us. "I trust you." Avery said at last and she laid her eyes to mine. Her glistening brown eyes were twinkling and most of all, I could see the confidence in them. 

I hugged her warmly as she laid her head in the crook of my neck. "I can't imagine life with you." She  said, with every hint of love in her voice.

I closed my eyes, taking in her words. Other girls I dated in the past never say things like that, they're more like 'Buy me this, I love you.' or 'Give me fame, lets get married.' Avery is different, unique. She knows what love is, she doesn't care about my fame. She cares about me. And truth is,  I can't imagine life without her either.

As I was about to respond, I noticed Avery was staring at me. "What?" I laughed.

She joined in, "You're just so cute." She shrugged.

"Come here." I demanded playfully, kissing her lips full on. No one pulled away this time and I was happy, feeling the sparkling sensation of our kiss. Fireworks light up my body everytime. I pulled away only to whisper, "I can't imagine life without you either." and brought out lips together again, feeling Avery's smile through our kiss.                                                                                                               

* * * * * *                                                                                                                                                                     - Avery -

"Sam!" I laughed, being drenched in her splashes of water. 

She laughed along with me, "You started it!" She said, sticking her tongue out like a 5 year old. 

We decided to swim in the pool today, it being that it was scorching hot out today. It was almost 90 degrees. "Lets get out and eat." I smiled, splashing her once more before running for dear life. Her giggles were heard behind me when drying myself off. Mom came out with two bowls of her chicken noodle casserole (which is amazing) and handed them over. "Mmm." Sam and I awed.

As we sat down at the patio table, stuffing our faces, my phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hey baby." It was Justin.

"Hey Justin, what's up?" 

"I was wondering if my beautiful girlfriend would want to come over and watch movies?"

"Oh," I bit my lip decisively. "Me and Samantha are actually hanging out right now.."

Sam  whispered, "Don't worry about me!" but I ignored her, I'm tired of leaving her out of things. And if I do bring her, she's almost a third wheel and it's easy to tell she's not happy. "Avery, go with him!"

"Oh," His voice dropped, I instantly felt bad for turning him down. "I totally understand, I don't want to interrupt you girls. Talk to you later, love you." Justin hung up after that. 

"What happened? What'd he say?" Sam questioned, smacking me in the arm. Mostly for ignoring her.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "I think he's a little bit mad."

"Avery!" She whined. "Go to his house! I'm here for weeks and he leaves in two days! Go!"

- Justin -

Way to cherish the last two days before I leave. To be honest, I don't know why I'm upset. So what, Avery didn't want to hang out.. she has other friends. I think for the most part I'm mad because I leave in only 48 hours and she can't come over for at least an hour. "Justin," My mom interuppted my thoughts. "Why don't you go to Avery's? Or have her come here?"

"She's with her friend, didn't want to bother them." I shrugged, sinking down into the couch.

Her eyebrows furrowed as if she found the answer to my tone. "Justin, don't tell me you're jealous."

"I don't know mom. I leave in two short days and I though we'd spend time together."

"She-" Mom was cut off at the sound of the doorbell. I sprinted to the door to see who it was. 

"Package for.. Pattie Mallette?" The UPS worker addressed.

I nodded and took the package in my hands. "Thanks." 

Just as I was about to go inside a voice called my name, it came from the same direction the UPS guy was walking. "Justin!" Avery's voice rung my ears, almost like an alarm. "Justin, I'm so sorry." She panted, as if she ran a marathon to get here.

I set the package on the floor and flung my arms around her. "I'm sorry," She repeated. "I felt bad for leaving Sam alone, I never forgot about you. I was planning on coming later but Sam -"

She was cut off by my lips binding with hers. "You have nothing to be sorry about," I laughed. "You're here now."

Avery smiled, for the first time since she's been here. I felt bad, jealousy won the best over me and I hated the feeling. Not again will that happen. "What do you want to watch?" Avery's angelic voice asked, plopping onto the sofa. 

"You choose." I smirked. 

She rummaged through pay-per-view and came to a stop at one movie in particular. "The Vow?" She asked innocently. 

I groaned. "Not another chick flick, Avery. Do you know how many we've seen when your leg was broken? A LOT."

Avery pouted. "Justin, please! I heard this is a good movie." 

I rubbed my temples lightly, sometimes I wonder how she gets through to me. It's almost like a mind game, she gets in your brain and convinces you to do what ever she wants (not that she asks for things very often, rarely does she do that). Yes, I am the man who is in control of our relationship. No, I don't let her walk all over me. "Alright, lets pick a movie together." Her face suddenly dropped but added a fake smile to cover it up.

"No baby, lets just watch it." I said, trying to sound excited to see a movie I didn't want to watch. 

"Are you sure? We can pick one together?"

"The Vow is fine, I've heard some good reviews about it too." I agreed, Avery being happy makes me happy. Besides, this movie can't be that bad compared to the ones we've seen before.

Her synthetic smile quickly shuffled to a genuine smile. "You're the best boyfriend ever." She said, crawling into my lap and kissing my lips. 

I rolled my eyes playfully, kissing her back, and ordered the movie. 


Sorry for the slow update everyone. I've been so caught up in finals but please comment below and tell me what you think (: Be sure to vote as well! Thank you all for reading

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