12. Ice Cream Parlor

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Sorry for the late update. ENJOY (:


Avery's POV.

"Justin, you can't love me." I said.

His face fell. "What?"

I know I absolutely love Justin but I'm dating Damian. I'm the last person in the world to cheat on the person I'm dating. "I have a uh, b-boyfriend." I trembled.

Justin looked down at his shoes. "Oh." Was all he said.

I hugged him, catching him off-gaurd. "I'm sorry..... I should get going back to my seat, Sam's waiting for me." Before I could pull away from the hug, he tightened his grip. 

"Please..." He trailed off. I had to get away to prevent upcoming tears.

I pulled away, walking towards the door. "Good luck out there." I fake smiled and was off.

"Where the hell have you been!?" Sam yelled, as I approached our seats.

"Justin..." I whispered. 

"You know what, lets just enjoy the concert and we'll talk about it later." She confirmed and hugged me.

"Okay." I smiled. Sam is such an amazing friend.

Justin's POV.

"Good luck out there." Avery said and walked out the door.

It's official, she's over me. She has a new boyfriend that she must love....Great. I mean, I should be happy for her because she's happy right? But I can't. I want her to be mine.

"SHOWTIME!" Scooter came in and yelled.

I got pumped up, discarding my thoughts about Avery. "Yeaaah man!" I smiled.

This is for my fans. 


After the concert, I went out to the stage and stood in the one spotlight. The whole arena was emtpy expect for one or two security walking around. I looked at the seat Avery sat it, wishing she was there.

All of sudden I felt hands cover my eyes and the person whispering "Guess who it is!"

I turned around to reveal ... Avery. "The concert was absolutely amazing." She complimented.

I laughed. "Thanks, that means a lot to me."

"Come hang with me. You're only here for a few days." She grinned.

"Just me and you?"

She thought for a moment. "Well.... with me, you, Sam, and my.." She coughed. "boyfriend." 

Ugh. Her boyfriend. Great. "Uh, sure I'll go." I fake smiled.

"Really?" Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Well do you want to change first?"

"Yeah, stay here!" I ran off stage and changed my clothes, informing my mom and Scooter I was going out. I ran back to Avery and we headed out. 

"Where are we going?" I asked as I got in the passenger seat of her car.

"Were going to meet them at the park." She drove off.

Once we got to the park, I spotted Sam and a guy next to her, sitting at a pic-nik table. Avery got out and I followed right behind her, with my hoodie up. It's a very cold, windy night.

"Hey!" The guy said, running towards Avery kissing her cheek. My heart wasn't in the best condition after seeing that.

"Hey Damian." She smiled. 

"Hello man." He shook my hand. He seems cool though...

"Hey guys!" Sam beamed.

"Hey!" Me and Avery said in unison. We all laughed.


After a while we headed to a ice cream parlor near by. I got to say, Damian was texting 96% of the time...practically ignoring Avery. Everytime his little text message ringtone rang, his face lit up. We all sat at a table in the parlor, scooping our ice creams. 

"Damian, let me see your phone." Avery demanded, in a polite tone.

"Why?" Damian raised his voice.

Avery's face looked kind of sad at the tone of his voice. I wanted to yell at the guy but I kept it in.

"Let me see your phone!" Avery repeated and reached over to get the phone out of Damian's grip but he turned his body, facing his back towards her. Avery reached for the phone again but Damian elbowed her right in the ribs.

She fell straight to the ground, wincing in pain. "Avery!" I stood up and held her in my arms. "What the hell Damian?" I yelled. "Avery, what hurts?"

"I....I c-can't." She trembled. "Breathe."

"I'm calling 911!" Sam said as she brought her phone to her ear.

"Oh my god Avery." Damian crouched down next to her. "I didn't mean too.."

"Just go." She stuggled for air. 

"I'm sorry." Was all he said before he walked out of the door. What a jerk. Who does this to their own girlfriend? Let alone, just leave her.

I looked back at Avery. "You'll be okay." I assured her.

After about 20 minutes, the ambulance finally came and took her to the hospital to make sure she was okay. Of course, Sam and I were by her side the whole way. It turned out she just got the wind knocked out of her, thank god it wasn't a broken rib.

-Next Day-

Avery's POV.

I was at home, watching movies with Sam and Justin. Their eyes were glued to the T.V.

"I wonder who Damian was texting." I blurted.

They both turned their heads, very slowly, towards me.

"Me too." They both said. 

That when my phone rang. I pressed the answer button and put in on speaker.

"Hello?" I greeted.

"Hey Avery." It was Damian. 

"Oh hey." I said while I recieved dirty looks from Sam and Justin.

"I wanted to tell you something...about yesterday."

I raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"You're going to hate me...." He paused. "Well first, I am so sorry I did that to you, it was accident. And second... I had a girlfriend before you... that's who I was texting."

My. Face. Fell. I quickly hung up and ran to the bathroom. I slammed the door shut and slid down the door, crying. Why would Damian do this to me? I did nothing to deserve this... I was always such a good girlfriend to him.

I heard a light knock.

"Open up." Justin said on the other side of the door.

I stood up, opened it and fell in Justin's arms. 

"It's okay." Justin assured me as he ran a hand through my hair. "He's an asshole." 

"I just don't get why he did it." I sobbed.

"You'll always have me though." He pulled away and smiled.

Then he leaned in and..... 


CLIFFHANGER. lol. Sorry this chapter was short and boring.. Next one will be better. :)


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