3. Teen Sensation

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Avery POV

I woke up with a smile on my face knowing Justin would be waiting for me after school. He so damn caring last night, I didn't think he was like that. I knew he was sweet but not beyond the standards. His beautiful-caramel eyes, perfectly spiked hair - I stopped myself- There's no way Justin and I would ever have a "thing." I'm normal, he's a musical legend. Those two don't combine.

There was only a small part of me that had that "Never say never" attitude. But could a person like me really have a chance with the Justin Bieber? 

Hell no.


School goes by so slow when your waiting for something. 

On the brightside, I made new friends. Aside from Daniella (who was the most humorous), I met Halle, Eric and Damian who were also in some of my classes. Halle was one of those nice girls who made funny remarks when necessary. Eric is the guy in the class who always has headphones in his ears and Damian was the one who got along with everyone. They were all pretty nice.

After school, a huge smile was plastered on my face as I started to walk home. I walked for five minutes, reaching the place where Justin and I have previously met at but there was no Justin. My smile faded away and I mentally shrugged it off, and continued to walk home solemnly. I really, really wanted to see him.

I looked down at my phone to text Sam when I suddenly heard footsteps running behind me. I turned around and my smile returned in an instinct. Justin smiled too and sprinted faster as I stood there waiting for him.

"I didn't forget about you," He joked, attemping to catch his breath. "I had some work to do." Justin then pulled me into a big hug.

I giggled. "It's okay." We started to walk again. "Justin, can I ask you something?"

"Sure." He smiled.

I hesitated for a minute. "Why do you walk me home everyday?"

Justin POV

I averted my gaze from Avery's and looked ahead of us.

To be honest, I didn't even know the answer to her question. I liked her but it didn't seem right that I did after knowing her for two days. Avery seemed so calm when she was with me, almost as if I wasn't even famous. I've met calm fans but Avery was different. "I guess I just like you.." I said straight foward, adding a shy smile. "I know we don't know a lot about each other but there's still time to get to know each other."

Avery's cheeks grew furiously red. "Really?" She asked and I nodded. "I like you too." She admitted, smiling.

We kept walking but no one spoke. It wasn't awkward or anything. Avery and I reached her house and she told me to wait in the driveway while she set her things down in the house. She came back, walking past me and looked back at me with a smile. "What're you waiting for?"

I laughed and shook my head. "Nothing." I ran over to her side.

At the park, we sat at the same blue bench as yesterday. I got to know her more and she got to know me more. She was so funny and extremely beautiful. We were so caught up in our conversation, we didn't notice how close we were to each other. Our bodies were practically glued together. 

"So you like me huh?" She smirked. 

I smiled. "Yes."

She looked down for a moment then back up at me. "Why me?" She asked quietly. "There are so many other better girls than me." She put her head down.

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