35. Hurt, Bruised, Damaged

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Justin's POV.

Reaching the shady park, my eyes studied everything around me, making sure not to overlook anything. It was night, so almost everything was dark except for a few dim yellow lit light poles.

Suddenly, there was a loud gunshot. 

My heart broke. My feet stopped moving, my lungs froze, and tears ran down my face instantly. I dropped to my knees and broke down. "No," I yelled. My cries were only growing louder and louder. The first girl I have ever been in love with disappeared. All of the secrets we shared, the memories we made, the love we gave to each other. Our partnership. It was all gone. 

She was gone. . .

I wiped my eyes, pulling myself up to my feet. A feeling came over me, causing me to continue walking. I hoped to see anyone else's body laying cold on that ground, though there wasn't any other person who could have replaced her.

Speeding up my pace, I saw two figures on the ground. Their bodies were illuminated from the yellow light poles, on the side of the path. I held my breath as I studied the two from afar. One was dropped to their knees and other was lying flat on the small gray rocks of the pathway, the distinct shadow of blood around them. I gulped anxiously, praying to God my girl was still breathing.

It was an instinct to immediately run as I saw them, curiousity and fear taking over me.

As I drew closer, I heard sobs from the one who still had a heart beat. I stiffened, slowing down and walking up to them. The cries got louder. And familiar. 

And there she was, situtated in front of the lifeless body. 

"Avery," I inhaled shakily, as she turned back in alarm.

"Please don't hurt me!" She cried out, cringing and covering her face in fright.

My stomach churned at the thought of her being of afraid of me but I shook it off and slowly ambled  towards her. "Baby, I would never hurt you." 

Her arms suddenly dropped from her face and her eyes widened. "J-J-Justin?" She yelped, looking up bringing her eyes to mine.

"I'm here, baby." I cried, a few tears pouring out of my eyes. I kneeled beside her, examining her bloody, bruised face and rubbing it softly with the tips of my fingers. My heart broke in two seeing her in so much pain. "You're safe with me, okay? " She nodded calmly. "Do you want to tell me what happened?" 

Avery looked at the ground, "I gave up, Justin.." She admitted ashamedly, her cries growing heavy. "I just gave up, I showed myself to him and told him to kill me. I just thought if he killed me, then all of this would end. He wouldn't be after you or even my family. I just thought giving him what he wanted was a right thing to do.. But when he pulled the trigger, he was shot. I don't know by who but he's dead, Justin.. I saw someone with a beating heart die right in front of my eyes." She sobbed.

She looked at up me with those big, tearful brown eyes. "I love you, Justin. I'm so sorry. . ." She cried and softly crawled into my arms. She winced slightly in pain but still held onto me tightly. 

"Baby," I whispered to her. "I want you to know how much I admire you. You're one of the strongest girls I know. You've been dealing with this shit for so long and you went strong. I know you were scared sometimes but you still faced him. I love you so damn much, I could never describe how much I do. I would do anything for you. I'm broken without you. When I found out he," I threw a disgusted look at the lifeless body, tightening my jaw. "Took you, I lost it. Avery, if anything had happened to you today, I -" My voice was becoming weak, cries wanting to take over. "I don't know what I would have done. I love you so fucking much, I don't know what to say. I just love you so much, baby. You're the only girl I've ever been in love with and that will never change." I managed to say lastly before hugging her gently in my arms.

"I couldn't be any more in love with you Justin Drew Bieber." She whispered in my neck, her cool breath hitting my skin. "Thank you, that means the world to me hearing it from you." She pulled alway slowly, not wanting to add pressure on her wounds. 

I held her neck softly in my palm, giving her a reassuring smile. "Everything will be okay."

"You're welcome." A violent voice hissed in front of us.

Avery and I shot our heads up at the figure in front of us. Feeling her body stiffen at the sight, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Y-you're. . . " Avery stuttered.

"Yeah, yeah, Lauren. Damian's girlfriend. Or you could say ex now." She laughed dryly.

Avery shook her head, "What do you want?" 

Lauren raised her eyebrows, obviously not appreciating Avery's sneer. "I just did you a favor, Avery." She said, pointing at Damian's body. "I killed him for you."

My eyes widened. "What?" I asked.

Lauren smiled. "Yeah," She shrugged. "I killed him. I could care less about this guy but it could have been you lying on your back right now, bleeding and shit. So you're welcome." She repeated, her demonic voice coming out again.

At this, Avery stood up slowly, going face to face with Lauren. "Thank you, Lauren."

Taken back, Lauren's expression softened. "I'm sorry for what we put you through." She apologized, turning on her heel to walk away.

"Wait," Ave called. "Where are you going?"

Lauren chuckled, looking back at us "There's no fucking way I'm getting caught by the police. I'll see you around. Maybe." And with that, she ran off into the black darkness of the park.

Hearing Avery laugh small, she looked back at me and shook her head. "This world is. . . crazy." She held onto her side, wincing.

I stood up in alarm. "It is," I stated bluntly. "Now we really need to go, you're hurt."

With a nod of hers, I grabbed her arm gently putting it around my shoulder for support, holding her waist carefully. "I hate seeing you like this." My jaw clenching at the thought of anyone laying a hand on her, abusing her. 

How could anyone hit her? She's perfect, she's innocent. She does no fucking wrong.

"Justin," She whimpered quietly. "I'll be fine, ok?"

I nodded, trying to fight off the negative thoughts flowing through my mind.

I couldn't help but relax, knowing Avery was safe and with me. If she had her like taken tonight, I would have beaten myself up for the rest of my life. It was my fault this happened. I should have taken her with me on tour, I should have made sure she was out of harm's way. Or if I didn't punch Damian the second time I met him, things could have been different. It was my fault a gun was pointed at her tonight. It was my fault she was hurt, bruised, damaged. 

It was all my fault.


 * * * * * 

Hey guys, it's Alexis! So it was my birthday yesterday haha, sweet sixteen <3 Seeing this story reach over 38,000 reads is so amazing. Seeing all of you say how you laughed or cried at certain parts of this story is a huge compliment. I know I'm not the best writer or the best at story lines but thank every one of you so much! I love you all. Please don't hesitate to tweet me @rauhlcrew. Seriously, thank you ALL. You guys are so special to me.

Don't forget to keep commenting on what you all think of what's going! This story is coming to an end soon but I have another thing on the way and I know you guys will L O V E it :) Especially if you read my other story Kidnapping Mistake *hint hint*

Thank you guys again and don't forget to COMMENT/VOTE/FAN <3 

-alexis <3


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