21. Consumed in Black Darkness

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"Nice to see you, Avery." 

My head shook in disbelief, this boy cannot be in front of my eyes right now. After all he's done, he has the nerve to even think about talking to me. Everything literally started puzzling together again, I don't need a piece to fall out of place now. "What do you want, Damian?" I scowled. 

"Woah, no need to get nasty." His smirk remaining. "Just wanted to see how you're doing."

"Life couldn't be better." I smiled, turning on my heel and walking to the cash register.

"Hello, what would you like?" The woman asked.

"One chocolate shake, please. Wait.. make that two." I ordered. Since this is Justin's favorite place, why not bring him something. 

After the shakes were done, Damian tapped my shoulder. "Be careful." He said, sounding like it was a threat.

Without consideration, I stomped on his foot. I didn't say a word, I just left out the door and jumped into the SUV.

Who the hell does he think he is? The nerve of him to start talking to me and the nerve of him to threaten me. The way he said "Be careful." must of replayed in my mind so many times, it took 5 minutes to put the key in the ignition.

Many thoughts raced through my mind while driving to Justin's. He doesn't know I'm coming, thought it'd be cute to surprise him. He's done so much for me, it's crazy. Thankfully, he has a huge break from tour and I'm going to make the best of it. I'm so freaking excited to spend time with him. 

"Hey baby!" He beamed, hugging me tightly.

I breathed in his scent and rested my hand on his neck. "I love you so much, Justin." 

He pulled out of the hug, and scanned my eyes. "I love you too, Avery." He replied, hugging me once more.

"Oh crap," I laughed. "I forgot the shakes in the car!" I quickly ran into the passenger and grabbed the two cups. 

"Shakes?" Justin asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Were you sleeping?"

"Yeah.." He laughed. "But I'd much rather see my beautiful girlfriend than sleep."

I giggled, my cheeks reddening. "Well here, maybe if you drink this you'll be more awake."

"Thanks baby." He kissed my cheek and took a sip before pulling me inside.

"Justin, why don't you just go back to bed. You look exhuasted."

Justin yawned, putting his shake into the fridge. "Lets go."

He pulled me up to his room and plopped down on to his bed. The tour was so hectic, he'd be lucky if he got 4 hours of sleep. Interviews, rehearsals, concerts, meet and greets, I can only imagine how tiring it all gets. But he does it, he loves his fans. Being famous won't change who he is, he stays grounded.

I looked up to see Justin peacefully asleep and smiled at how cute he looked. I kissed his lips softly and went downstairs to see if Pattie was home. Just as I suspected, she was cooking in the kitchen. "Hey Pattie." I smiled.

Pattie's body jumped, startled at my voice. "Oh my god, you scared me!" She laughed. "Hey hun." She set down her knife and I ran up to hug her. 

"How is everything?" I asked.

"Great, Justin loves the tour. It's stressful but he pulls through."

"Yeah, he's knocked out upstairs." I chuckled, Pattie joining in.

She nodded. "You probably don't know this but, he never stopped talking about you."

"Really?" I looked at her, my eyes full of bliss. 

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