30. We're getting away Together

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As the dark figured hovered over me, I gasped immediately and my body jumped in defence, off the bench. I slowly turned to see none other than my big brother, Drew. 

"Got you!" He laughed.

I sighed loudly in relief and hit him lightly on his stomach. "You scared the hell out of me. Don't do that." I said, adding a small laugh before pulling him into a big hug. 

He hugged me back and let go. "I'm sorry," He laughed. "I didn't know you'd get so scared."

I shook my head. "Lets just go home, I'm so tired."

As he picked up my heavy bag and threw it in the trunk, I slid into the passenger seat. "So how was the trip?" I heard him close the trunk and swiftly lide into the driver seat.

A smile spread across my lips at the thought of Justin. "Very fun." I answered vaguely.

He glanced over at me once, seeing my sly smile, then turned his gaze back to the road. "What's with the smile?"

"Nothing," I laughed. "I'm just remembering how good of a time I had. That's all."

He shook his head. "Right, well everything was boring. Besides, summer's coming to an end."

I closed my eyes in annoyance. "Don't remind me."

He laughed and nodded his head in agreement. We sat in silence for a while before our conversation sparked back up. I watched as we got on the highway, where I had a view of lit up, tall buildings. It looked amazing.

"Oh yeah, one of your friends kept calling the house while you were gone." Drew spoke up, wanting to interrupt the silence.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Who was it?"

He thought for a moment. "I forgot the name," He muttered a curse word under his breath as he tried to remember the name. 

Just then, As Long As You Love Me came onto the radio and I sang quietly as Drew was still in the process of thinking.

"Oh!" He started. "It was Damian."

My eyes widened within a second, my heart dropped, and my breathing became heavy. "What?" 


"Now," Oprah began. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

I was sitting at Ralph Lauren's restaurant, in Chicago with Oprah. Truthfully, I felt more comfortable talking about anything in this specific interview. Oprah had these comfortable, open arms that you don't have to hide anything from.

"You know," I stopped for a second. "I think it's just great to have someone in your life that totally understands you, or just is there to listen to.. everything you have to say." I answered, I didn't exactly know if it was appropriate to admit my relationship with Avery but if it came out, I wouldn't regret it.

Oprah nodded, smiling. "So, you do?"

I stayed quiet.

"I mean, we always see you with a beautiful, young girl by the name of," She looked down at her cue cards. "Avery Valantine."

I looked down quickly and back up at her. "Yeah." I blushed briefly.

"Tell us about her." She said, not with a demanding tone but more soft, patient tone.

"Avery? Uh, she's a special friend.. She's someone I met off the tour and we just started talking."

Oprah took a sip of water before continuing the interview. "So, you two are dating? I mean you've been see with her for over about a year now." She asked once more.

"Yeah," I finally answered. I thought about the reaction of my fans everywhere and I had no idea how they were going to take it. I wanted to be honest in this interview, to show my fans a side of me that they never see. "It's important to have someone, like I said, that just listens to you. I can talk to her about anything."

Oprah smiled wider. "Does it ever get.. hard to hide your relationship? Well especially for her, right, since she's not used to it."

"Yeah, you know, it gets hard to hide her from the everything.. But I do think we hide a lot of things and I like it that way, that way we have things to talk about that the world doesn't know. When we go to places or leave, I don't like to be separate from her. If, if we're getting away, we're getting away together." I slightly stuttered.

"That's sweet, a lot of guys in the industry make their girlfriends just ride in separate cars." She pointed out.

I nodded. "Exactly, I always want her to be with me. I don't want her to feel like I'm ashamed of her or anything."

"Good answer!" Oprah laughed. "That's honestly very sweet, Justin. She's a lucky girl and I hope everything continues to go strong. Now," She turned to the camera. "We'll be talking about the new tour, coming up next."

Just then, the cameras stopped recording and we took a small break. I made an excuse to go to the bathroom so I'd call my beautiful girlfriend.

"Justin!" Avery's sweet voice cheered.

 I smiled at the thought of her. "Hey baby, I just wanted to call you real quick and see how things were?"

"Oh," She laughed nervously. "Justin I have to be honest with you.."

My smiled faded at her new dejected tone. I couldn't help but feel that she was being unfaithful and cheating.. But I quickly mentally slapped myself to even consider that to be a possibility. "About what?"

Then, I heard sniffles. "It's.. It's Damian. He's back, Justin. He's back!" She suddenly cried. By her tone, she was shocked, sad, and what hurt me the most was that I knew she was scared.

My jaw clenched. This bastard again? No. He's not going to ruin everything I have with Avery, no, not now. Not when things are going the right fucking way and how they should be. "Listen, I have to go but I promise everything will be okay. I'll be down there soon, ok? I'll call you after the interview is done."

"Okay, I love you Justin."

"I love you too baby. Everything will be alright."


O K this is pretty short but I haven't updated in a long time (like I say at the end of every chapter lol) but I am really bad with timing and multi-tasking. ANYWAYS, I switched up Justin and Oprah's interview a little bit so I hope you all liked it and this short, some-what dramatic (I think) chapter lol. PLEASE COMMENT, VOTE AND FAN

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