17. 3:30 AM

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I woke up around 3:30 in the morning... I don't know why I did because I was in a deep dream but something bothered me. I'm positively sure what is was but I assumed it was about how lonely I was going to be when Justin goes back on tour. I don't have Sam. I don't have my mother.. and I won't have Justin.

I pulled out of Justin's arms gently so I wouldn't awake him and went out to the hotel room's balcony. The view was beautiful up here.

My mind wondered about my dad. How could he do that to my mom when she has treated him so good? He was the last person (I thought) that would ever be unfaithful to my mother. When they're together I always imaged Justin and I in their position, when we get older. But now? That's the total opposite of what I see now. -- I sat down on the balcony chair, brought my hands to my face, and sobbed a little bit more loud than I intended. How could my life go downhill so fast? Just when it started getting better?

Just as I was in deep-thinking, I felt a familiar figure bend down in front of me.

"Avery." Justin whispered.

I brought my hands out of my face and let him continue.

His hand rested on my cheek and wiped my tears away with his thumb. "Don't cry, I know everything seems bad right now but I promise you, everything will get better. You have no idea how upset your dad probably is right now and I'm sure he regrets what he did. The only thing that got me upset was when he hurt you.. No father should ever lay his hands on his daughter like that. If I could, I would hold the tour and stay here with you. I hate leaving you here, Avery. You're the love of my life and care about you in a way that's literually impossible to describe."

My eyes teared up again. "I love you Justin. So much." I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight. I released and spoke again. "I really can't thank you enough for being here for me."

He smiled against the bright moonlight and kissed me ever-so-softly. "I love you too, I'll always be by your side."

I returned the smile and sat up. "Lets go to bed." I walked back inside the room, him following behind me.

* * * * *

I woke up the next morning by the sound of Justin's somewhat loud snoring. I turned my head to see him and saw he was out of it. I giggled and kissed his cheek before going to the bathroom to wash up and shower.

When I came back out, I noticed Justin was just getting out of bed. He beamed at me and I shook my head because he never sleeps in. He's the early bird in the family.

"Goodmorning sleepy head!" I joked.

He smiled and stretched. "Morning baby."

Even though he was smiling, I could tell something was bothering him. I decided to ask him later since we were already having a nice morning.

"You want to go to a little breakfast cafe down the street?"

"Yeah, I'm starving. Let me just go shower, I'll be quick!" With that he ran to the bathroom and did his thing.

After Justin was done getting ready, we headed out of the hotel. Even though people recognized Justin, he still wanted to walk to the cafe. With his hand in mine. The paparazzi followed us, asking questions like:

"Are you two in love?!"

"Avery, is it true you hate Justin's fans?!"

"Justin, does Selena know about you two?!"

The last question really stained my mind.. Either Selena and Justin had or have a thing.. or they were just rumours. This is what I hate about rumours. There's a 50% chance that their fake. And a 50% chance that their real. I focused on Justin expression when that question was popped out and he gave an "Oh no.." kind of look. He's hiding something and I'm determinded to get it out of him.

Once we were seated in the little cafe, Justin stared at me like he wanted to say something but he was too weak to do so.

"What's bothering you?" I questioned, raising a brow.

He shifted in his seat nervously. "Nothing, why?"

I gave him a look. "Please just tell me."

He thought for a moment. Probably deciding if he should tell me or not. "I...." He hesitated. "I don't want you thinking me and Selena have a thing, just because of the stupid questions paparazzi asks."

"Why did you kissed her?" I asked, reminding him of the memory. A pang of anger struck me at the thought of it but I made sure to keep my composure.

"I don't know, Avery." His tone was full of regret. "I guess I was just away from you so long and I needed someone."

"You shouldn't feel that way Justin. When you go back on tour, know that I'll always be with you in spirit." I smiled.

Justin leaned across the table for his lips to meet mine.

"Avery?" He asked. "What are you going to do when I leave?"

This is the question I've been dreading to decide on. I've thought about staying with my grandparents, who live 30 minutes away from my house. The thought really excited me. My grandparents were so sweet and caring. I'd be more than happy to stay with them, at least until my mother comes home.

"My grandparents!" I blurt out. "I'll stay with them."

Justin gave me a questioning look as to why my mood changed so suddenly. "Okay... As long as you don't go back to your dad."

"Hah. There is no way I'm going back there."

He chuckled, showing off his perfect, white teeth. "Good."

* * * * *

Justin and I chose to walk back to the hotel to contact my mom. Everytime I called her cell phone, it went straight to voicemail. I assumed she was too busy to charge her phone and left it at that. Next person I had to call: My grandmother.

"Hola?" She answered, in her Spanish accent with a raspy tone to it.

"Hola grandma. It's Avery." Even though she couldn't see me, I smiled, realizing how much I missed her voice. Justin must have noticed because he gave me a warm smile before walking into the bathroom.

"Oh, Avery! I miss you, how have you been?" Her voice was full of bliss now.

"Well, that's the reason I'm calling.. I haven't been too well so I was wondering if I could stay with you and Grandpa for a while?" I couldn't lie to my grandma, making up excuses to stay with her. As soon as I'd get there, they'll be the first to know what's going on.

Justin came back into the room and sat next to me, on the bed.

"Yes! Of course!" She cheered. "Come to stay with us."

"Thank you so much, grandma. I'll call you tomorrow, love you." I grinned.

"Adios my Avery, love you too."

With that, we both hung up.

"She's letting me stay!" I shouted.

* * * * * 3 days later

Today was the day I've been dreading to come. I've never wanted Justin to leave, but I know this is the right thing for him to do. I can't stop his world tour for my selfish reasons. And he wouldn't either. He knows they're fans dieing to meet him and he has to giveback to them, for supporting him through his amazing journey.

"Is that all the bags?" Pattie questioned.

Justin quickly counted all the suitcases surrounding them. "Yeah, that's all of them."

I fought back the urge to cry. For right now at least.

I walked into the freezing, cold airport. Justin's hand in mine. I still don't know how i'll survive without him. He has become my everything. My whole world. And I know for a fact; he's the love of my life. Sometimes, I wish I could fit in his luggage and go with him. -And knowing me, I would totally do something like that.

"Baby?" Justin spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry. I was thinking."

He squeezed my hand and walked towards security. "I'm going to miss you. A lot."

My lips formed into a smile and kissed his cheek. "I'll miss you to, I don't know what I'm going to do without you."

"I'll call you everyday." He smiled. "I love you."

Before I could speak he wrapped his arms around me tightly before sniffling into my neck. I was trying to hold back my tears but hearing him cry, hurt me. "Don't cry, Justin."

He pulled away, his arms still locked with mine. Tears sliding down both cheeks. "I don't want to leave you here alone, Avery, but I have no choice.."

"Don't worry about me, have fun, okay? I love you." With that assuring him, I kissed his lips while my hands tousled though his hair.

"I love you too baby." He whispered against my lips before kissing me once more.

His hand held mine while I walked one way and he walked the other, eventually causing our hands to let go as we walked our own ways. Tears fell down my cheeks as our hands parted. I'll miss him. Probably more than he'll miss me.


Author's Notes:

Hey guys, I'm really sorry for not posting in so long! Please comment, vote and fan - It means alot to me.

What do you think will happened with Avery while Justin is away? What will Justin be doing?

5 COMMENTS FOR NEXT CHAPTER. (I hate doing this but I need feedback) <3

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