26. Showtime

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- Justin -

I could hear the crowd roar from backstage. That's one thing i'll never get used to: how much I mean to my fans. It's crazy, everything happened so fast in such a short time. "Justin! Justin!" They chanted. 

I smiled, securing the supras on my feet. Crew members were scattered everywhere. One fixing the clothes rack, another checking the microphones and lights. "Justin, you ready?" Scooter cheered, walking into my dressing room. 

"Yeah, man! Crowd's wild tonight."

"They've been waiting for you to come visit for a while."

I nodded, knowing he's right. I've never had a concert here, at the Oslo Opera House, but i'm happy to be here now and give back to the fans. "Showtime." I breathed.

"You got this, Justin."

* * * * *

"I just want to thank everyone for coming out here and supporting. Without you guys, I wouldn't be here to perform for you guys. You all are amazing! I love you Oslo!" I screamed through the mic and ran off stage. 

I took the small rag, which is always on the side of stage, and wiped away the sweat off my forehead. The water bottle next to it was empty in a matter of seconds. Performing is definately a workout but it's worth every minute of it.

"Good show Justin! You killed it!" Kenny and Scooter congradulated.

"Great job, hunny." Mom chimed in.

I kissed her forehead and thanked all of them. 

If only my beautiful girlfriend was here it'd be perfect. 

After they left, I quickly changed into black sweats and a white v-neck. I could still hear the crowd cheering and I smiled to myself, Beliebers mean the world to me. Soon enough I was back on the tour bus and off to our new destination.

"Justin, you hav-" 

"Wait," I cut Scooter off. "I have to call my girlfriend." I said, walking past him to my room in the back of the bus.

 I dialed Avery's number. "Hey baby."

"Hey Justin." Avery answered. 

"How are you?"

"Sucky without you." She said quietly.

"I'll be there soon, ok? I miss and love you."

"I love you too Justin. How is it up there?"

"Great!" I beamed. "The support was incredbile tonight. I just wish you were here.."

"I know, I know. I wish I was too. But get some rest baby, you sound exhausted. I'm sorry I can't be there with you, I love you and I'm so proud of you."

I smiled to myself. "Ok, be safe. Call me if anything."

"Okay, bye Justin."

"Goodnight Sweetheart."

- Avery -

"Goodnight Sweetheart." Justin said.

My heart flip-flopped.. I don't know he always does that. It never gets old. 

It was the afternoon but for Justin it was night since Norway is a few hours ahead. Twitter was blowing up, talking about Justin's concert and how amazing it was. I wish I had been there to support him. 

"Hey hun." Mom opened my door causing me to jump in fright. I had been in silence..

"Woah," I laughed. "Knock next time, mom."

"I did.." She laughed too. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Anything will do." I smiled warmly, trying to cover up that I desperately wanted to see my boyfriend.

"Alright, well I heard Sam is going to her aunts for a few days? I didn't know she had family here in Atlanta."

"Oh right," I frowned. "Yeah, they just moved here, don't know why."

Mom shrugged. "She leaves tomorrow then, right?"

I nodded sadly. I don't want my bestfriend to leave, i'll be a loner. "She better visit sometimes." I muttered.

"She will." Mom said, leaving my room and calling back that dinner will be ready in an hour or so. 

I sighed, falling back onto the bed and closed my eyes.

This is going to be a slow, boring summer.

* * * * *

 "Just got off the plane." I told Pattie, holding my phone to my ear while the other hand through my bag over my shoulder.

I heard a familar muffled voice in the background. "We're by the luggage carousel." She said quitely, so Justin wouldn't catch on to my surprise visit.

"Ok," I sped walked. "I'm going down the escalator now." I practically ran to it since the baggage claim was right below it.

As soon as ran off the last step my eyes locked with sparkling, caramel eyes. Ones I've been longing to see. "Avery!" Justin cried out, not a worry about the papparazi and cameras peaking through the glass windows. 

I grinned and bolted towards him, flying into his warm arms. "I can't believe you're here." Justin spoke. I breathed in his scent and leaned up to kiss him. Who cares if cameras flashed us, I missed him. "I missed you." I whispered.

"I missed you more." 

I looked beside him to see Pattie smiling, I took my opportunity to embrace her in a big hug. "Thank you, Pattie."

"Anytime." She smiled.

Justin took my hand and headed over to the carousel. My luggage came around the corner and I reached over to grab it but a hand held me back and snatched it before I could. I turned to Justin as he walked to the exit while rolling my bag. This kid. "Justin!" I yelled after him.

He stopped and looked at me before errupting into laughter. "I'm kidding, I wouldn't leave you baby." He said, kissing my lips once more.

I rolled my eyes and playfully smacked his arm. "Better not." I joked and stuck out my tongue.

"Childish." Justin murmured jokingly.

I grabbed his hand in alarm as we walked through the pile of papparazi, shoving cameras in our faces. I took my free hand to cover my face as best as I could and hastily slid in the black SUV.

"I'm sorry." Justin apologized.

"No worries, as long as I'm with you I'm great." I gave him an assuring smile and rested my head on his shoulder. 

"I love you, Avery."

"I love you too."


Finally updated! (I'm sorry this chapter was boring) but Believe is AMAZING, if you haven't listened to it, GO DO IT NOW! It's just... I'm speechless. Anywho, please vote and comment what you think! (: Thank you all <3

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