34. Kill Me

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Brandon's POV.

Another bullet was shot but this time, it didn’t miss.


My body plummeted to my knees on the concrete sidewalk. The world seemed to be moving slower, I couldn't make out what just had happened. I looked down at the bullet that fired it's way through my thigh. My jaw dropped in horror I slowly covered the wound with both of my shaking hands to block anymore blood from pouring out.

I felt numb.

I looked to my right at the empty road and then straight ahead at Avery who was lowering herself in front of me. The tears in her eyes were shining bright. Her mouth was moving, it looked like she was just shouting at me. Avery's eyes looked past me, then directly into my eyes, and shook me out of the trance I was in.

"Brandon! Look at me, I promise you, you will be okay. We just have to go right now, we don't have much time!" She raced. I could almost hear her heart beating faster and faster.

I shook my head. "Go without me. He won't kill me, but he'll kill you." I said, tears pouring down her face while she sat still. "Go!"

She shook her head promptly. "I'm not leaving without you!"

"God damnit, go!" I looked behind, Damian was inching closer and closer. "Here," I dug in my pocket for her necklace I found in the warehouse. "Here. Now go!"

Avery looked down at the locket and back up at me sighing and nodded. Without a word, she ran as fast as she could. I knew she thanked me and appreciated everything I did to help her, but she had no time to get another word in. 

I looked back at Damian behind me, "What the hell was that?" He scowled, firing a bullet into the ground beside me. "Bad decision, Brandon." He shook his head in disappointment and ran on firing 10 more bullets ahead of him.

I started to break down, warm tears sliding down my face. 

Please,  Avery..

    run as fast as you can...

Avery's POV.

I held my necklace tightly in my hand, praying to god he wouldn't catch me. Tears continously spilled down my cheeks. 

My legs were almost giving it out, I was sprinting in panic. In fear. In fright.

I slowed down and made my way into a park. I looked around slowly, scanning the setting around me. My eyes squinted in search as I caught sight of a sign. It read "Lullwater Park". 

My heart dropped instantly. This was the same park Justin took me to a while back. Almost subconsiously, I let out a loud cry. I missed Justin and my family, I didn't know what to do. If I hid, he'd only find me.

I didn't have the phone Brandon had given me anymore, I had set it down beside him when he got wounded. I shook my head and cried even more thinking about how stupid that was. The only thing I had was my locket. I looked down at it, clasping it in my hand and holding it against my heart.

Instantaneously, my breathing became heavy and my heart pounded as I heard footsteps crunch the fallen leaves against the grass.

In silence, I hid myself behind a tree, one away from the illuminated light poles. It was almost pitch black but still light so I was able to indentify my surroundings. "Avery?" His demonic voice hissed.

Peeking slightly from behind the tree, his figure slowly walking down the path of the park. His gun was up and accessible in alarm as he scanned the area. "I know you're here." 

Damian walked on, he was beginning to become distant from where I was.

My world immediately slowed down, my heart only raced faster, and my body was sweating. I wandered from my position and stood in the pathway, Damian didn't hear me, his back was facing me.

"I'm right here." My soft voice stood firm.

He turned around slowly, a big grin on his face. His expression was so evil, so malicious, so violent yet so surprised. "Avery," He breathed.

I glared at him weakly, squeezing the locket in my hand. "If you're going to kill me just do it." I sneered. 

He exhaled emphatically. "You see-"

"Kill me," I cut him off. "I've been tortured enough from you. Kill me, Damian. Do it. You've been looking for me for months and now that I give up and surrender, you won't do it? Kill me." I said once more.

His head nodded slowly, raising the gun. "You're right." He smiled.


He pulled the trigger back. My eyes shut automatically and I held the locket to my heart again. "I love you Justin." I whispered. 


a loud, raucous gunshot filled my ears.

Justin's POV.

Tears never stopped running. I've never felt so broken. If anything happened to Avery, I would never be the same. I would never fall in love again. I would never be happy. I would be broken until the day I die.

"I'm praying she's okay," Drew said quietly.

 Drew was in the passenger as I drove to the warehouse Avery was reportedly at. On our way, I saw someone laying on the sidewalk. I furrowed my eyebrows quickly and pointed it out to Drew. "Look." 

I was hesitant to stop because God only knows what's happening to Avery but I couldn't live with the feeling that I could have saved this guy. He needed our help.

My white ferarri swerved to the side of the road and we both jumped out promptly. The guy was crying loudly, why didn't no one fucking help him? His hands shook uncontrollably as he held onto his thigh.

"I'll call 911!" Drew panicked, digging in his pocket for his phone.

I nodded and looked back at impotent guy. "Hey, hey! It's okay, you'll be alright," I cooed, sitting him up slowly. 

That's when he looked at me and did a double take. "J-Justin?" He stuttered, cringing once more in pain.

I nodded. "Listen, this guy is going to stay with you while I go help my girlfriend. Alright?" 

"No!" He yelled, "I helped her escape.." He cried.

My eyebrows shot up, "What?"

"She ran ahead. Damian has a gun! You need to go fast!" He raced. "You have to, I think she made a left at Lullwater!"

More tears ran down my face as I was looking at him with an open mouth. I nodded hestitantly, "Drew stay with him, I need to go save Avery! Call the police and tell them to go to Lullwater right now!"

"W-What?!" Drew bellowed, as I ran towards Lullwater Park. 

I heard Drew's cries behind me, questioning why I was going the opposite way of the warehouse. 

I wiped my tears and ran faster.

Lullwater Park was a place I could think of that could make me smile.. Avery and I had one of the best dates here. If something happened to her at this place, I would go fucking insane.

Reaching the shady park, my eyes studied everything around me, making sure not to overlook anything. It was night, so almost everything was dark except for a few dim yellow lit light poles.

Suddenly, there was a loud gunshot. 


OMG. I finally updated

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