Side Story: Hey There, Dahlia

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Sonic gently picks flowers with Cream. Shadow notices and decides to watch. Sonic notices a dahlia with darkened petals around its edges, thorns on its stem, and a soft, cherry red center. "Hey, Shadow. This one looks you.", he teases. Shadow cracks a smile, "So it does." "Mr. Shadow, do you want a flower crown?", Cream offers. "Sure.", he replies. "Be careful, Cream. Those have thorns on them.", Sonic notifies her, pointing to the branches the flowers are growing on. "Okay.", she takes his instructions, and cautiously chooses where to the pick the flowers from. She soon threads the stems together, making extra sure they have no thorns, forming a pure wreath of red and black. She crowns Shadow with it, "Here you go.", she says, in her soft voice. "Thank you.", Shadow says, accepting. "Here's one for you, Mr. Sonic.", Cream adds, handing a crown of blue daisies to him. "Oh, thanks!", he says, placing it on. The little princess crowns herself with a crown of yellow lilies, tulips and marigolds. She giggles in happiness. Shadow thinks, "It's amazing how something as simple as wild flowers and a few branches can spark such imagination and happiness in a child." He gently places the simple gesture of kindness onto his head.

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