Sugar Plum

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Sonic opens his eyes and finds himself lying on a blanket of snow. "That's strange.", he thinks. He stands up, finding snow is falling from overhead. He catches a snowflake in his hand, which melts upon contact.

A purple light floats in front of him and begins to speak, "Greetings. I'm a Pixie from the Kingdom of Noelle". "Hello there.", Sonic greets.

"I have come because you've been summoned to my realm to free our land."

"Woah, cool!"

"You're our hero of destiny. Come now."

"Okay." Sonic follows her, gaining speed. "What can I do to help?"

"There's a sword in the castle that 'will shatter the wicked heart', as an old tale says. You have to use it to destroy our oppressor."

"Cool, but I don't have to... actually destroy anybody, right?"

"No, don't worry. He does not have a heart of flesh."

"Okay, he's going down! You can count on me— um— What's your name?"


Sonic gives a thumbs-up to her, pledging to himself.

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