0.5[Where Things Fall Into Place, Or Crumble Into Pieces]THE PREVEIW

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Hello my Phaug's. Yeah that name is mad corny. Who made that up? Any way, this is a preview of a future chapter to come. Please note, some names will not be used, for the purpose of keeping mystery and suspense until the scene is revealed. Please note, this scene will not happen EXACTLY like how it is occurring now. Please note, the new Additions to the casts below and Please note, you are in for the time of your life with this Trilogy, please do not throw your phone and shatter you phone screen over this book and expect me to fix it.... Now with that being said, Roll camera.


The elevator dinged and I stepped out, looking around for the room. The hallway was long, and my heart, was beating so fast it was aching. Watching Grey's Anatomy ever since I had the baby never did me any good. I kept hearing him say.

You didn't love her, because you don't destroy people you love.

My anxiety soon turned to distress when I saw Brent standing in the hallway, guarding the door like he always did. I sped walked to the door, and I could feel my heart wave a white flag, screaming peace. Saying turn around and go back, but I didn't listen.

Stubborn Summer, never listened. My heels, and I stomped our way over there as I approached Brent.

"He's in here isn't he?" Is the first thing that slipped out of my mouth and Brent turned to me, caught off guard.

"What are you doing here Phoebe?" He said quickly suddenly guarding the door more restrictedly and I furrowed, feeling tears brim my eyes. No tears I said to myself, scuffing them away.

"Is he in there!" I shouted at him.

He sighed. "He's here but I can't let you go in there Phoebe."

I shrieked. "Brent, your my friend too. Wh--why didn't you call me, if you knew about this."

"I'm sorry Phoebe. I took a code."

"Open the fucking door Brent!" I thumped on the door behind him as he tried to pull me away.

"I can't do that Phoebe. I'm sorry." He said and my palms twitched.

I sniffed. "You can't do that? Open it right now! Right now!" I screamed and he held me by my waist dragging me away from the door towards the elevator as I kicked and screamed but I broke free, taking the room key out of my pocket and unlocking the door, pushing it back.

Running through the suite to where the chatter was coming from and then it happened, my world froze and deep inside my heart, there was an earthquake and everything he made me believe was a lie.

To be continued.......................


August Alsina-As a form of Himself

Phoebe Washington-Tae Heckard

Kayden Labranch-Kaitlyn Alsina

Angel Conwell-Heather

Idris Elba-Malcolm Huffington

Sade Adu- Averie Jones

Phoebe's Adopted Parents (Undecided)

Don Benjamin- Blake Stefans

Kamille Leai- Lola

Vashtie- Zoie King

Lola Monroe- Bambi Daniels

Chad David Young - Chad Alsina

Lloyd -Cameron Vontice

Add to your library and be ready for the first update. Also, don't be so quick to assume on this preview, you never know what this could mean. Keep an open mind. Who's ready? What are your thoughts? What do you think the new cast has to do with the book?

The Tried and The True(August Alsina) (WLAD) Trilogy The Third ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now